NC NC - Lumberton, WhtFem 15-20, UP1882, in cornfield near asphalt plant, Sz 6 sandals, clothes, Jun'78


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Dec 30, 2005
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Unidentified White Female

  • The victim was discovered on June 1, 1978 in west of Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina
  • Estimated Date of Death: 2 - 4 weeks (May 1978)
  • State of Remains: Partially Decomposed/mummified
Vital Statistics

  • Estimated age: 15-18 years old
  • Approximate Height and Weight: 5'3"; 95-110 lbs.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Light brown, medium length, hair. Finger and toe nails painted with red metallic polish.
  • Clothing: Jeans - slightly ragged cut-off bottoms; size 6 platform open toe wedge shoes with canvas straps and rubber soles and flower design on front straps; shirt or sweater with hood, very short sleeves, horizontal stripes with various shapes across front - the colors match the shoes.
  • Dentals:Teeth missing: 5, 12, 21, 28; restorations on: 3, 14, 18, 19, 30; missing post mortem: 4, 24, 25.
Case History
The victim was located by a farmer putting out fertilizer in corn field, about a mile west of the intersection of US 74 and I-95, west of Lumberton, North Carolina on June 1, 1978.

<MOD NOTE: Several original links throughout the thread were broken and have been edited to include the current link (when available) and images as of January 15, 2024>
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Unidentified White Female

  • The victim was discovered on June 1, 1978 in west of Lumberton, Robeson County, North Carolina
  • Estimated Date of Death: 2 - 4 weeks (May 1978)
  • State of Remains: Partially Decomposed/mummified

Vital Statistics

  • Estimated age: 15-18 years old
  • Approximate Height and Weight: 5'3"; 95-110 lbs.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Light brown, medium length, hair. Finger and toe nails painted with red metallic polish.
  • Clothing: Jeans - slightly ragged cut-off bottoms; size 6 platform open toe wedge shoes with canvas straps and rubber soles and flower design on front straps; shirt or sweater with hood, very short sleeves, horizontal stripes with various shapes across front - the colors match the shoes.
  • Dentals:Teeth missing: 5, 12, 21, 28; restorations on: 3, 14, 18, 19, 30; missing post mortem: 4, 24, 25.

Case History
The victim was located by a farmer putting out fertilizer in corn field, about a mile west of the intersection of US 74 and I-95, west of Lumberton, North Carolina on June 1, 1978.

If you have any information about this case please contact:
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

You may remain anonymous when submitting information. Agency Case Number: 78-396

Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Source Information:
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Doenetwork Case Files

Mary Frances Gregory
Missing since February 15, 1978 from Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada.
Classification: Endangered Missing

Vital Statistics

Date Of Birth: May 27, 1958
Age at Time of Disappearance: 19 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'3; 111 lbs.
Distinguishing Characteristics: White female. Dark blonde hair; hazel eyes. Gregory has a medium build and a fair complexion.
Marks, Scars: She has a mole on her waist. She is near sighted and wore contacts at the time of her disappearance.
Dentals: She previously had an overbite which was corrected by braces. Her teeth were in good condition at the time of her disappearance. Dental x-rays are not available.

Circumstances of Disappearance
Gregory was last seen leaving her home in Parry Sound, Ontario on February 15, 1978. She was headed to Palo Alto, California for a vacation at the time.

It is believed that Gregory departed Ontario by car with a male acquaintance.
The man claimed that he drove through Pennsylvania; New York; Ohio; Illinois; Colorado; Utah; Arizona; and Nevada during the trip. He informed authorities that he dropped Gregory off at a bus station in Las Vegas, Nevada approximately ten days after leaving Ontario (February 28, 1978). Gregory never arrived in California and has not been heard from since.

Gregory was carrying luggage at the time of her disappearance; the bags have never been recovered. Foul play is suspected.



  • Mary Frances Gregory.jpg
    Mary Frances Gregory.jpg
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I had not seen this before, I had been wishing for a long time that someone would do a recon of the 1978 Lumberton Jane Doe.


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She does have the same high vertical forehead as Mary Gregory


Just my own wacky theory, but I've always tended to look for Mary in Indiana, Kansas and Missouri. When they list the states her companion claims he drove through, he lists NY, PA, OH, then goes to IL (you would have to go through Indiana to get there), then goes from IL to Colorado (he would have had to go through probably Missouri and Kansas to get there). I just always felt like it might be some kind of almost Freudian slip to leave out the names of places he wouldn't want people looking into.
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Is there a dental chart available for Ms. Gregory? The UID has both 4s (1st premolars) extracted which is common in orthodontics to relieve crowding and the UID is clearly no stranger to a dentist in general. It says "corrected by braces" but I think it would really make or brake the match if we knew about any orthodontic extractions.
Updated Namus list includes the Lyons sisters:

ammy Akers 1962 Virginia
Eva DeBruhl 1962 South Carolina
Katherine Lyon 1964 Maryland
Sheila Lyon 1962 Maryland
Angela Rader 1962 Virginia

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This girl, Linette Marie Miller has been discussed on the Caledonia Jane Doe thread.

Linette is not listed on any of the missing persons sites.

I'm 100% certain that she is not Cali. But she seems to be a reasonable possible for this Lumberton NC Jane Doe:


Linette was last seen sometime around early 1978. She was hitchhiking to Idaho from the East Coast and was known to catch rides from truck drivers. Her sister says that she was about 5'1" when she was 16, and may have grown an inch or two thereafter. Her DOB is 30-Aug-1961, so she would have been about 16 at the time of her disappearance.
This girl, Linette Marie Miller has been discussed on the Caledonia Jane Doe thread.

Linette is not listed on any of the missing persons sites.

I'm 100% certain that she is not Cali. But she seems to be a reasonable possible for this Lumberton NC Jane Doe:

Linette was last seen sometime around early 1978. She was hitchhiking to Idaho from the East Coast and was known to catch rides from truck drivers. Her sister says that she was about 5'1" when she was 16, and may have grown an inch or two thereafter. Her DOB is 30-Aug-1961, so she would have been about 16 at the time of her disappearance.

What about making a post for her sister?
Think this will rule Linette out.

Changes to NamUs UP # 1882

The following fields have been changed:
Dental : Comments changed from "Occlusal amalgam restorations on teeth #3, 14, 18, 19, and 30. The antemortem extractions left diastemata between teeth numbers #4 and 6, 11 and 13, 20 and 22, and 27 and 29. Other teeth on radiographs and photographs appear missing postmortem, but postmortem examination records shows only teeth #4, 24, 25 as missing postmortem. Dental radiographs and postmortem dental examination records are available in Images. " to "Dental data is verified by radiographs and exam records which are available in the ImagesSection, along with the NCIC dental record and worksheet.. Dental age assessment from the development of the unerupted third molars is 16.5 to 18.5 years. Occlusal amalgam restorations on teeth #3, 14, 18, 19, and 30. The antemortem extractions left diastemata between teeth numbers #4 and 6, 11 and 13, 20 and 22, and 27 and 29. The extraction of #5,12,21 and 28 were to facilitate orthodontic treatment. Other teeth on radiographs and photographs appear missing postmortem, but postmortem examination records shows only teeth #4, 24, 25 as missing postmortem. RM Scanlon, DD NamUs RFO. "

Dental : Photographs Available changed from "Unchecked" to "Checked"
Image added

Linette Marie Miller

The DNA was held up because they wanted 2 sibling samples. Sister 1 gave a sample in early May; sister 2 in early June; they were then sent out together. Their DNA has not been processed.

Once it has been processed; they will get run through the system. If Linette is any of the UP's they will have an answer; if not; Linette will get listed as missing & the DNA samples will go with her NamUs profile.

Her sister is going through hell waiting. Had her sample been sent out when it was taken; it would be processed by now. Snuf recently made a match with Greg Devita; a relative sample was taken around the same time as Linette's sister; they had answers a few weeks ago. Hopefully; her sister will know something soon. I hope so because I hate knowing that she's in limbo.
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These dentals are amazingly close to Laurie Allison Smith's dentals, although I can't imagine how she would have ended up in North Carolina given the circumstances of her disappearance:


She was also missing her 5, 12, 21, and 28 in preparation for braces.

Allison's sister sent me Allison's dental chart, and from that, I constructed this NamUs style chart.

The only difference in the charts (not including the UID's postmortem losses, marked "P") is that LAS's 15 has a filling, and her 18 is unrestored, while Jane Doe's 15 is unrestored and her 18 has a filling. This would be a rule-out based on the filling in Allison's #15. (The difference at 18 wouldn't technically be a rule-out).

But the charts are pretty darn close.
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These dentals are amazingly close to Laurie Allison Smith's dentals, although I can't imagine how she would have ended up in North Carolina given the circumstances of her disappearance:

She was also missing her 5, 12, 21, and 28 in preparation for braces.

Allison's sister sent me Allison's dental chart, and from that, I constructed this NamUs style chart.

The only difference in the charts (not including the UID's postmortem losses, marked "P") is that LAS's 15 has a filling, and her 18 is unrestored, while Jane Doe's 15 is unrestored and her 18 has a filling. This would be a rule-out based on the filling in Allison's #15. (The difference at 18 wouldn't technically be a rule-out).

Can you let CP know the NamUs link on her profile is not working?
Why the lack of pictures on NamUs?
Is she the gal who's BF came to WS & posted?

But the charts are pretty darn close.

What if her dentist entered the filling into the wrong tooth?
Laurie has DNA on file; I guess she's already been ruled out anyway..
Can you let CP know the NamUs link on her profile is not working?

Sure, but that NamUs link on most of Charley casefiles is only a generic link anyway.

Why the lack of pictures on NamUs?
I think I sent them at some point, but nobody posted them.

Is she the gal who's BF came to WS & posted?

Yes. Her sister has also posted in the 1970's MBNF forum.

What if her dentist entered the filling into the wrong tooth?
Laurie has DNA on file; I guess she's already been ruled out anyway..

If the circumstances weren't so off, I would suspect that perhaps there was an error. But the circumstances are pretty clear regarding what happened to Allison, and the chances of her ending up in NC are pretty remote.
Sure, but that NamUs link on most of Charley casefiles is only a generic link anyway.

I didn't know that lol I must have been lucky with the ones that I clicked because they actually worked. I was pretty sure AMB's link worked but I'm wrong.

I think I sent them at some point, but nobody posted them.

It really irks me when we know there are a lot of pics of some MP's & NamUs only posts none or one that clicks to a tiny wallet size. It's really lacking for a lot of cases.

Yes. Her sister has also posted in the 1970's MBNF forum.
If the circumstances weren't so off, I would suspect that perhaps there was an error. But the circumstances are pretty clear regarding what happened to Allison, and the chances of her ending up in NC are pretty remote.

Thanks; I'm familiar with her story; I highly doubt she would be this far away.

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