The Kitten

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Cadaver dogs are trained to hit only on human decomposition.

Next we're going to hear that the kitten/dog rolled around on a dead person coincidentally and brought the smell in the house... :innocent:
Next we're going to hear that the kitten/dog rolled around on a dead person coincidentally and brought the smell in the house... :innocent:

Tacopina said something to that effect on Judge Jeanine Pirro's program last night.
I am not buying there was a stray kitten unless the neighbor or the kids say it. I wonder if in the one interview LE had with the children although I am doubtful, this question was asked? I don't believe anything this woman says, but I do believe she says everything for a reason. It makes me wonder if she didn't roll over on Lisa accidentally smothering her and if she was found while they can determine cause of death, blame it on the cat and that she feared the boys would be taken away because she was intoxicated, you get the idea. :ziplip:
I am not buying there was a stray kitten unless the neighbor or the kids say it. I wonder if in the one interview LE had with the children although I am doubtful, this question was asked? I don't believe anything this woman says, but I do believe she says everything for a reason. It makes me wonder if she didn't roll over on Lisa accidentally smothering her and if she was found while they can determine cause of death, blame it on the cat and that she feared the boys would be taken away because she was intoxicated, you get the idea. :ziplip:

Also, inserting a stray kitten (although not determining how old or how large this kitten is/was) into the equation could very well lead to someone blaming the kitten for getting into Lisa's crib and smothering her with DB's inebriated state allowing this to occur. I sincerely hope this won't be the case as I don't believe, even if the kitten exists, this is what happened.

My questions exactly WOO. And were there no provisions made for this kitten? No litter, no food? And if there were these things, where the heck did they come from if Debbie never left the house that night?

All Debbie tells us is that she was drinking on the stoop with the neighbor. So did this kitten just come strolling up to Debbie's stoop carrying a little hobo sack on a stick full of it's own food and litter? "Hey lady...spare a dime?"

WTH? :waitasec:
Well the "kitten" has been verified one way or the other as LE would have seen it when they got there that night. I'm sure one of the boys was probably holding it. Oe maybe it didn't exist at all and LE is sitting back shaking their heads over this "kitten story" out in the media. We don't know - but LE does.

We all have our stray kitten stories and own personal experiences surrounding them. About 5 - 6 months ago a stray orange mackeral tabby, looked to be about maybe 2 -3 months old, just "showed up" underneath my vehicle in the carport one night. DD saw him, came in and recruited us to help "rescue him" from under the vehicle and then begged, cried, screamed, to keep him. (Now my DD is 17 - so kinda hard to tell her no).
She did keep him, he's hers, she kept him in her room that night - but AFTER a nice long hot bath in Dawn (which kills fleas, esp on kittens). She's since taken him to the vet, he's had his shots, been neutered - all that. But what I always found strange was it was just him that showed up. We had never seen any pregnant strays around (and we do have strays) nor did we ever seen "any more" kittens or any sign of a litter - KWIM?

I guess I'm saying that stray kittens do just kinda show up - but I wouldn't put one in MY bed the first night without at least a good scrub down and NEVER WITH a smaller child in that bed.

And another thing - a NEW stray kitty in the house will keep small children occupied for quite a while - playing, petting, watching, etc. Maybe the kids were so enthralled with the new kitty - they didn't really notice much else of what went on that night? KWIM?
The kitten bugs me too.

JI didn't know about it, so it had to have been found after 5:20pm right? From 5:30 til 6:40 presumably, DB is making fried chicken for neighbor and family.

She puts LI to bed at 6:40 (allegedly) and then proceeds to get 'black out' drunk on the front porch, while the boys and 4 year old watch a movie.

Where did she find this cat and when? And did the boys know about the kitten before they went to sleep, or they woke up and there it was?????
Tacopina said something to that effect on Judge Jeanine Pirro's program last night.

He needs to find a good media consultant because all he did last night was come across as a really seedy ambulance chaser.

Also, inserting a stray kitten (although not determining how old or how large this kitten is/was) into the equation could very well lead to someone blaming the kitten for getting into Lisa's crib and smothering her with DB's inebriated state allowing this to occur. I sincerely hope this won't be the case as I don't believe, even if the kitten exists, this is what happened.


A 10 mo. old is perfectly capable of hurling a kitten off of their head.
A 10 mo. old is perfectly capable of hurling a kitten off of their head.

And also capable of hurting the kitten as much as the kitten would be able to hurt her. Again, I don't believe the kitten even approached the crib especially if it was getting attention from the boys.

I just don't understand the significance of the kitten. Some people just adopt strays. Some may disagree with this practice given diseases that they can carry, however, if drinking she obviously wasn't making sound decisions. IMO the kitten is insignificant.
Also, inserting a stray kitten (although not determining how old or how large this kitten is/was) into the equation could very well lead to someone blaming the kitten for getting into Lisa's crib and smothering her with DB's inebriated state allowing this to occur. I sincerely hope this won't be the case as I don't believe, even if the kitten exists, this is what happened.

Oh Lord. I remember WAY BACK, well over 21 years ago. My first born. I had a cat. My grammy was so worried about that cat being in the nursery around the baby. "Cats have been known to steal a baby's breath" she would say. So I did my research.

That is an old wives' tale. And yes, they called it "stealing a baby's breath". There were cases of cats smothering a newborn or very young infant but it wasn't on purpose.
From my research, I found that some cats would just lie on a baby's chest and being so little would also cover their face. It was always full grown cats too - never a kitten - they're little anyway. And that's how a cat would "smother" the child. But a cat will not intentionally kill a baby that way. Make sense?

I watched that cat of mine. He loved my son - dearly. And while I would catch him sleeping in the baby's crib BEFORE the baby was born - once I brought my son home, that cat NEVER got in his crib again.

So, if they start trying to spin something about this "kitten" somehow smothering Lisa - I ain't buyin' that EVER! No way.
Oh Lord. I remember WAY BACK, well over 21 years ago. My first born. I had a cat. My grammy was so worried about that cat being in the nursery around the baby. "Cats have been known to steal a baby's breath" she would say. So I did my research.

That is an old wives' tale. And yes, they called it "stealing a baby's breath". There were cases of cats smothering a newborn or very young infant but it wasn't on purpose.
From my research, I found that some cats would just lie on a baby's chest and being so little would also cover their face. It was always full grown cats too - never a kitten - they're little anyway. And that's how a cat would "smother" the child. But a cat will not intentionally kill a baby that way. Make sense?

I watched that cat of mine. He loved my son - dearly. And while I would catch him sleeping in the baby's crib BEFORE the baby was born - once I brought my son home, that cat NEVER got in his crib again.

So, if they start trying to spin something about this "kitten" somehow smothering Lisa - I ain't buyin' that EVER! No way.
It is an old wives tail. And I agree, there is no way a kitten is going to be able to smother a large 10 months old child.
I guess I am missing something here. I don't think that there is anything damning about the kitten. I mean, we don't know anything really about DB regarding what she had done earlier in the day. We know that at 5:00 pm we see her on video at the grocery story buying wine, but what about from the time she got up until 5:00. It's not as if her world started at 5:00 pm. We don't have to think something is suspicous about every single aspect of a case. I think that often times people read too much into innocent details. So what if she had brought a stray kitten in? I personally would never do that because I am OCD about germs, etc. But, that doesn't mean she was. Also, maybe the neighbor (her friend) had her own cat and gave DB some food.

The neighbor being there isn't suspicious to me either. No one said that they were on the porch all night did they? If so, I missed it. Perhaps they went back and forth from the porch when they were smoking, to inside when they weren't. Maybe they were watching a movie themselves and went outside for periods of time. As far as I know, no one has verified that they sat there from 6:40 to 10:30. People have even mentioned them having to go to the bathroom. Of course they would have gone in to do that. I just think that Lisa either wasn't in her room during this OR she WAS in her room but died there. I just think that DB didn't check on her because she was enjoying her "adult time" and didn't want to jinx it by opening the door.

I personally feel that the kitten is a non-issue.
I just don't understand the significance of the kitten. Some people just adopt strays. Some may disagree with this practice given diseases that they can carry, however, if drinking she obviously wasn't making sound decisions. IMO the kitten is insignificant.

It is only significant to me because of the timeline. She can't be three places at once, so if she was on the front porch, the kids are inside watching a movie, and the kitten wasn't around before dad went to work - it had to have been found that evening. First she said son found it, then she said "they" found it. When and where...that's where the question (at least to me) comes in. Yes, people adopt strays all the time, I don't think that is weird at all.

Its all about timing IMO.
It is only significant to me because of the timeline. She can't be three places at once, so if she was on the front porch, the kids are inside watching a movie, and the kitten wasn't around before dad went to work - it had to have been found that evening. First she said son found it, then she said "they" found it. When and where...that's where the question (at least to me) comes in. Yes, people adopt strays all the time, I don't think that is weird at all.

Its all about timing IMO.

Timing and more inconsistent statements; then add in the possibility of the poor kitten somehow becoming part of a defense strategy, without admitting of course that the kidnapping scenario is bogus.

Okay then...DB just allowed this kitten to go around the house pooping at will? A cat will not use an empty dish pan as a toilet. You must include litter of some type.
Obviously, you've never met my cat, Zora. She poops and pees anywhere and everywhere, and prefers no littler. :( Just the sad way she was raised before I wound up with her.
If the *stray kitten* is so insignificant, then why have the parents brought it up repeatedly?

I think that's why there are so many questions regarding this kitten. If the parents hadn't mentioned it, none of us would even know about it.

In the middle of the tragedy of their baby daughter being "missing", the parents are interjecting a *stray kitten* into the kidnapping scenario, without providing a single detail regarding where, when, & by whom this kitten was found.

The kitten is suddenly there, while Baby Lisa is suddenly not.
If the *stray kitten* is so insignificant, then why have the parents brought it up repeatedly?

I think that's why there are so many questions regarding this kitten. If the parents hadn't mentioned it, none of us would even know about it.

In the middle of the tragedy of their baby daughter being "missing", the parents are interjecting a *stray kitten* into the kidnapping scenario, without providing a single detail regarding where, when, & by whom this kitten was found.

The kitten is suddenly there, while Baby Lisa is suddenly not.

How often is the kitten mentioned? I only heard it in one interview. I admit though...I haven't watched all interviews. TIA
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