It's All About Hailey

Dear, Sweet Hailey,

You are so loved. Tons of us spend countless hours and sleepless nights trying to bring you justice. I believe in miracles and I would give everything I have for the miracle of you coming home safe. You are on my mind more than you can imagine! My hope is to someday meet you, but WHEN you come home I understand your need for family and privacy. But I will be sendin you mental hugs :D please stay safe. Girl, fight like a maniac and get away from whoever has you! We are waiting as patiently as possible for your return. <3 we lobe you, Hailey. You are as much a part of my life as eating flamin hot cheetos! Come home, sweetheart. You should be hangin with your BFFs, playing Xbox and getting ready to start high school!

All my prayers and thoughts,
KTOTR, aka Kara
Dear Hailey,

Sweetie, where are you? I don't think I will sleep again until I know where you are. You have consumed my life. Even though we have never met I miss you so much. Hailey, you are so loved. I can't say it enough. My days consist of trying to figure out where you could be. Your smile and obvious joy that shines in your photos break my heart. I so hope you are aware of how many people care about you. I pray you are well. Hailey, we will save you.

Hailey, I keep the candle lit for you, I have gone through so many! I will keep it lit no matter how long it takes.It does me good to reflect on you, your situation and the people who care. I hope you are at peace sweet girl, it is hard for my heart to accept what head seems to know. I will keep you in my prayers always. <3
Checking in for news of you Hailey. So sad that you aren't with those you love spending your last days of vacation shopping, sunning, and having fun with friends. If you were up here I would put you to work in the garden with me and my daughter (same age as you, just about), picking and prepping to put in some cooler weather seeds. Then when done we'd go for a dip in the pool before it comes down for the fall (my husband swears hes going to take it down early every year because my older kids always forget to clean the filter and check the choosing levels :innocent: )

Where are you dear girl? So sorry it is taking so long to bring you home. :(
Happy birthday, Hailey! There is a special event planned for you tonigh, it will be beautil. I hope soewher, someone is hugging you and wishing you a beautiful day.
Hey Hailey its Jay :) Happy Bithday :) ! I'm going to get you a ballon tomarrow and send it off :) i know u will get it :) i think about you every day ! :) happy birthday hailey dunn :)
<3 HAPPPPYYYY BIRTTTHHHDAYYYYY <3 talk to you later dunn :)
<3 love,
jay <3
Leaves are already turning here, Hailey. Sure wish you'd have been home long before now. :( I'm still thinking of you with hope, though. We won't forget you.
Sweet Hailey, it's been 10 months since your mother reported you missing. It breaks my heart that you haven't been found. I won't forget about you, though. I'm in this for the duration.
Me too Hailey,
I wish they would find you and find out who did this to you. You must have been a really neat girl, it shows in your photos. We will not forget you Hailey. God bless you sweet baby. I'm so sorry for whatever happened to you.
Dear Hailey,

It has been almost a year since you disappeared, and I am a little late "meeting" you. It's getting chilly in my area, so I've been thinking a lot about you and hoping that you are not out there somewhere cold and alone. I am sending good thoughts to you tonight, wherever you may be.

Best wishes,
Thinking about you Hailey, and your loved ones, as it nears a year that you've been gone. Wherever you are, I hope you know that you are remembered and loved. :rose:
Hey Hailey,

Well A whole year has gone by, and no one has said goodbye. Everyone is holding onto a hope that somehow you will find your way home. Whereever you are Hailey I hope things are good for you.
Jay still checks in on you ,to see what is new . She just cant believe your not home yet and no one knows what happen to you.
She saw your friends on TV and it made her cry. She felt awful they hurt so much
. I hope you know how many people love you.
Still here Hailey.....we're in for the long haul.
From a former cheerleader to you:
*\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/* *\o/*
Keep your chin up, back straight and a smile on your face! :)
Hi Hailey,

Sweetie, so many of us think of you every day and will not be satisfied until you are found. Your mom is going to talk to us tomorrow on the radio. I have a feeling that like most (all?) kids, you probably had your differences with your mom from time to time, but you still loved her because she was your mom. I'm really happy that she's going to speak publicly again about you and your case. I don't ever want you to be forgotten by anyone.
Thinking of you, Hailey. I wish you were home to enjoy the springtime with everyone who loves you. :rose:

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