If you could ask one question; What would it be and to whom?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2009
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It is possible, the great minds of fellow WS members could have settled this case long ago if only we had the answers to our questions.

What is the answer you seek, and from whom would you ask?
It is possible, the great minds of fellow WS members could have settled this case long ago if only we had the answers to our questions.

What is the answer you seek, and from whom would you ask?
There's no way I could pick just 1 question, but I guess I'd start with the dumpster hits...ask LE if they really believe it was a bandaid or pad. And assuming we would be told the truth, I'd ask Misty who picked Haleigh up from school. I'd like to know what evidence, if any, was found in the trailer and at St Johns, and I'd like to ask LC why she threw Tommy's and Timmy's work boots away. And I'm also real curious about the Haleigh tattoos. I guess I would just ask, 'Why?'.
It's not really a question, but I would love to go over the phone records with a fine toothed comb.
I'd like to ask how LE/FBI couldn't find Haleigh and if they tried 100%. There's no way the Cummings/Croslin clan should have been able to pull one over the experts. It's just frustrating, IHMO, that any child killer can get one over on LE/FBI.


Just one question?
I have many but IF you want ONLY one, my question would be for John Merchant and PCSO..Why did you assist helping the Cummings/Neves/Sykes Clan in totally derailing this investigation?
What are the hours that ronald l cummings worked the night haleigh was reported missing? I would like an answer from the fbi- if they dont have that answer, then i would ask pcso.
Misty, "Did you leave the mh after 6 p.m. on 2-FEB-2009?"
All the Cummings, especiallly TN -- where were you from noon on Monday until you showed up at the mh after HaLeigh was reported missing?
Just one question?
I have many but IF you want ONLY one, my question would be for John Merchant and PCSO..Why did you assist helping the Cummings/Neves/Sykes Clan in totally derailing this investigation?

VERY, VERY GOOD EM! I'd ask the same dam/ question!!!!
I would ask all of the following that are in prison, and the ones that are not, including JO, TN, GGMS, WBG, Orlando, TC, CC, LC the AC man, the grave digger, and whoever else I'm forgetting the following:

Would you be willing to take a Sodium Penethol test to reveal the whereabouts of Haleigh Cummings?

NOT how they know, NOT who killed her, NOT who was all involved, JUST WHERE IS HER BODY?

For this information, if it were one of the ones in prison, they would get a reduced sentence. Just a yes or no by any of the players would be very significant.

I realize this is not legal, but that's what I would like to ask.:worms:
I would ask all of the following that are in prison, and the ones that are not, including JO, TN, GGMS, WBG, Orlando, TC, CC, LC the AC man, the grave digger, and whoever else I'm forgetting the following:

Would you be willing to take a Sodium Penethol test to reveal the whereabouts of Haleigh Cummings?

NOT how they know, NOT who killed her, NOT who was all involved, JUST WHERE IS HER BODY?

For this information, if it were one of the ones in prison, they would get a reduced sentence. Just a yes or no by any of the players would be very significant.

I realize this is not legal, but that's what I would like to ask.:worms:

YAY!! Love your post! I've wished this from the 'get go' ....since none of these players can tell the truth!
VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Art Harris, why would Ron call Misty 90 times in one night, in particular on the night Haleigh disappeared, in particular before the child was reported missing while he was still at work?

HARRIS: Jane, I reported that from -- from sources very close to the investigation about a month or so ago, and it was 98 times I was told.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ninety-eight times over how many hours?

HARRIS: Over a very few -- well, he was -- it was about an hour or two.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Before the child was reported missing...

HARRIS: Correct.


If Ronald was at work at PDM for his entire shift, how did he call Misty 90+ times and result in only 2 pings from the cell tower covering that area?

“We had two phone pings that show he never left the plant,” a lead law enforcement investigator on the case tells me in an exclusive interview. “There’s a cell tower that covers the plant and it hits when he gets there

Misty, "Did you leave the mh after 6 p.m. on 9-FEB-2009?" - Date corrected

Previous post had a typo - I meant to say after 6 p.m. on the night HaLeigh vanished. (9-FEB-2009):banghead:
If Ronald was at work at PDM for his entire shift, how did he call Misty 90+ times and result in only 2 pings from the cell tower covering that area?

That sounds just about like GMS saying she was at the mh that evening which proves she was there all night.
Awhile back, Art reported that Tommy took the call from Ron, while he was at his parent's house. Tommy, himself, said he went by and banged on the trailer door. He later told the story of him and JO. Ok, if nothing else, Tommy, in bits and pieces, has admitted to being a very busy man...not exactly sitting at home, cooking dinner, babysitting, and sleeping beside LC. I'd like LC to answer, why she said he was home, with her. Tommy's own admissions, blew her whole story out of the water...so??? What does she have to say for herself, now?
Awhile back, Art reported that Tommy took the call from Ron, while he was at his parent's house. Tommy, himself, said he went by and banged on the trailer door. He later told the story of him and JO. Ok, if nothing else, Tommy, in bits and pieces, has admitted to being a very busy man...not exactly sitting at home, cooking dinner, babysitting, and sleeping beside LC. I'd like LC to answer, why she said he was home, with her. Tommy's own admissions, blew her whole story out of the water...so??? What does she have to say for herself, now?

Don't forget, Lindsey has also said she was at a nursing school gig and didn't even get home until around 10:00 pm. IIRC, the calls from RC to Tommy as well as his alleged visit to the trailer were all BEFORE 10:00.

As you've said, it's being alleged Tommy was with Misty at Green Lane around 5:00, at his parent's house on Magnolia, back to the trailer on Green to check up on Misty for RC, and back home by 10:00 for an evening of domestic bliss and tranquility with the wifey once she got home. He is even supposed to have found time to prepare a lavish dinner for his hard studying wife's return!

Indeed, Tommy was a busy little beaver by all accounts.

Quick question, however. It's too far to walk from Tyler to Magnolia and back, especially if he's dragging the kids along. What was he driving?
I would ask RC where is HaLeigh .
He knows where she is . MOO
Don't forget, Lindsey has also said she was at a nursing school gig and didn't even get home until around 10:00 pm. IIRC, the calls from RC to Tommy as well as his alleged visit to the trailer were all BEFORE 10:00.

As you've said, it's being alleged Tommy was with Misty at Green Lane around 5:00, at his parent's house on Magnolia, back to the trailer on Green to check up on Misty for RC, and back home by 10:00 for an evening of domestic bliss and tranquility with the wifey once she got home. He is even supposed to have found time to prepare a lavish dinner for his hard studying wife's return!

Indeed, Tommy was a busy little beaver by all accounts.

Quick question, however. It's too far to walk from Tyler to Magnolia and back, especially if he's dragging the kids along. What was he driving?

Didn't Tommy drive a truck? IIRC, it was a red truck and he sold it not long after Haleigh was reported missing.

ETA: Steph Watts talks about it here:


Tommy drove a red truck that he sold after Haleigh disappeared. The day after the interviews, Miller asked Misty if she knew where the truck was. She had mentioned to us she knew who had bought it and Miller wanted to see the location. Ronald and Misty took Miller to the guy’s house who had bought the truck. Although it wasn’t there at the time, Miller returned to the location with me right after and we recorded the address and went to the police with the info. The title was never transferred to the new owner so the truck is still listed in Misty and Tommy’s mother’s name. The police were going to get the truck and process it. Hopefully it’s not too late.
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