IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #4

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I am really trying to figure this out. If this guy is a serial killer why did he mess up so bad in this case? It is like there was no thought or planning. Any ideas?

A few thoughts (worth nothing obviously) in no particular order...

1. He might not actually be a serial killer in the sense that he goes around slaughtering people or has any motivation to do so. The dismembered corpse, despite the psycho analysis suggesting deep meaning, does serve a functional purpose.

2. He might have believed that the girl's family would provide him with more than surface cover, but the story broke before he was finished disposing of the remains.

I am leaning this way myself. In my OPINION this crime is only the tip of the iceberg, not as the conclusion of a murder spree, but a child *advertiser censored* and perhaps prostitution. Further I suspect this family knew all about it. (((EDIT MY ME)
Ok. I don't get it. Melissa S. who claims she is Godmother to Aliahna just recently posted on Lyle M. Facebook and wrote on his wall as if she was introducing herself to him the 1st time by saying Hello she is Aliahna Godmother. But I aave seen conversation and tags of a young teenage girl Tagged Lyle M. sept 28th. Melissa is in Iowa and Lyle is in Fort Wayne.Both of them had Michael Plumadore on friend list before it was taken down.

Correction: It appears Melissa is telling Lyle that she was Aliahna's Godmother for the 1st time not introducing herself to him.Sorry for confusion.
I am really trying to figure this out. If this guy is a serial killer why did he mess up so bad in this case? It is like there was no thought or planning. Any ideas?

An earlier post had a theory that went something like this...

Something happened during assault that caused alot of damage to this baby that would require medical attention..... This would cause panic, I think....

another theory that I read made a lot of sense to me too and perhaps was by the same poster.... perhaps she fought and caused way too much comotion and triggered anger or in an effort to quiet her she was smothered.

Both of these theories really make sense to me. There would not have been a plan... lots of panic.... lots of mistakes.

I don't think he was keeping the identifiying parts as trophys. He just did not have a chance to dispose of them in a safer location because of the tight quarters and so many LE watching. Another day and he would have taken them far away, IMO. He had time to clean house though and wash clothes. A few more hours and he might have had a chance to run too!
according to the pics, he considers himself a Juggalo and he listens to ICP so much that he has their name tattooed on his arm. that explains a lot.


Just like MW in the Lisa Irwin case.
John Gardner a CA murderer was a juggalo........I remember looking that up.
He raped and mudered 2 girls (runners, hiking) parents were into odd
running sex group HARES? I'm so upset I can't even remember names.
Amber Dubois and Chelsea

also Juggalo was mentioned with Hailey Dunn and shawn adkins
And the flaming hair one from the Lisa Irwin case.
ITA not my kids. He may be a serial - but this victim was too high risk. His others could have been transient, latch key kids or even runaways (or at least once missing LE chalked them up to a runaway - KWIM?)

The taking of the whole trailer is just so bizarre. I'm wondering what else was in that freezer.................................................................................


Good point. I have some really gruesome questions, but here goes. If MP beat this child on the front porch why didn't the dogs pick up on that at the beginning of the search. Did the dogs even go to this house? Has it been released as to where he was when he dismembered her body? Was it also in the MH? I can't imagine how he could of hidden it from the other children.

Did the officers ever go to or go inside MP's home? tia
I think we would all agree he's always been a nobody, time was running out and he had no place to go. I get the impression from his fb that he's very proud of himself and expects others to respect him and what he wanted. (ie domestic battery charges, battery on the bus driver for not allowing him a free ride, assuming the 13 yr old would want to be impregnated by him) Perhaps he was tired of being disrespected, not appreciated. Maybe he decided he was going to be famous, as sick as that sounds it's possible.
I want to add that IMO the dismemberment was an attempt to hide what REALLY was happening with this child. I too believe there is a much bigger story here.

Where has that been verified? Address from white pages search? If so, is there anything else?

I also wonder if A. Story is a "snowbird", only lives in Fla. during the winter. Lots of them around here.
(Snippedapanski) My goal for 2012 is to question the media every time I read something that just doesn't make sense. I am just so tired of stuff being put into articles and they have nothing to back up their statements, especially in this particular situation.

Great! Consider taking that a step further and starting a blog pointing out ALL THE MANY inconsistencies and blatant untruths, and other unvetted info. I am sure we would all join, and contribute!
John Gardner a CA murderer was a juggalo........I remember looking that up.
He raped and mudered 2 girls (runners, hiking) parents were into odd
running sex group HARES? I'm so upset I can't even remember names.
Amber Dubois and Chelsea

also Juggalo was mentioned with Hailey Dunn and shawn adkins
music moves us and can sometimes be a trigger to our actions. if you check out ICP lyrics you will see how they could set off an already unhealthy brain.
Something is not right. I'm sure melissa and Lyle were married. Google Melissa Moser and you will find her. WTH is going on???

I couldnt find that link between the two of them. Not that it isn't there, but my Googling skills are not that great. However, I did note that MS also has the Ft. Wayne/Centerville, IA connection. Ok, she lives in Moravia, but that is right next to Centerville. Yet another in this group of people. Of course if she WAS married to LM I guess that would explain it.

ETA: Oh, I also noticed when I was looking around, that I found yet another man who says he was Aliahna's "godfather" and another guy who said he dated TS and he was Aliahna's "daddy" for the first 3 years of her life. Yeah, where were all these godparents and father figures? They weren't protecting this little girl, that's for sure. Geez.
Thank you God!!!

RE: The article you posted about the other girls being in CPCustody... YIPPEE~ THANK YOU GOD!!!!! I wonder when that happened?

The other thing is, and perhaps I am just way behind, is that the article said that the man was charged with multiple [sick] crimes, tho up to now in my reading here, I thought y'all said his hearing was postponed. Oh well. I will keep reading.

The other thing is, that during the Lisa Irwin disappearance, there was huge hoopaloo about the brothers being interviewed by forensic child psychologists. I haven't seen anyone discussing these two lil girls...and their role as witnesses. I guarantee they have something to contribute, and I hope that they are being interviewed and counseled by professionals. And kept far away from the devil's den.

I am sorry that I feel no empathy for the parents. I just don't. I'm just shaking my head.

On another note, someone posted about the IA sheriff giving money to bio dad -I thought that civil servants -in roles such as LE, social work, etc. are really not allowed to go giving handouts to the people they serve. After all, if they did every time their hearts got a tickle, then they would be homeless by now. I always thought that there was an either spoken or unspoken rule about "donating" to the people they serve. Anyone know?

Thanks to MsFacetius and Kimb103 for setting me straight on bio dad's pics on FB. I got it wrong. I swear -fury will cloud my judgment -and also the blond hair on Ali, and the fact that they were old pictures really thru me off. What a lovely wedding picture they had tho.
Great! Consider taking that a step further and starting a blog pointing out ALL THE MANY inconsistencies and blatant untruths, and other unvetted info. I am sure we would all join, and contribute!

My New Year's resolution would be to make sure our children are safe. However that can happen. Our children are the most important part of our future. Not defending parents who have failed on every single plausible level. There is ZERO defense for Ali's mother. ZERO. I think the mere fact that they can get some solace from the public is part of the problem. JMO.

We all have choices. We all came from some place. I really don't see how anyone can defend TS. JMO. Not calling them out...but I think defending her is a mistake.
My New Year's resolution would be to make sure our children are safe. However that can happen. Our children are the most important part of our future. Not defending parents who have failed on every single plausible level. There is ZERO defense for Ali's mother. ZERO. I think the mere fact that they can get some solace from the public is part of the problem. JMO.

We all have choices. We all came from some place. I really don't see how anyone can defend TS. JMO. Not calling them out...but I think defending her is a mistake.

I think keeping children safe should be every parents top priority. It is becoming harder and harder though. I heard today about a child that was being groped by a man in Wal-Mart and she was standing in line with her parents. He had been stalking her all over the store and she was with mom and dad. It is unbelievable what these perps will do. jmo
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