ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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Off topic here, but look at your #1989 post... it has this on your thank you line at the bottom... It will probably fix itself soon so I copied and pasted it... LOL :floorlaugh:
The Following 4,294,967,295 Users Say Thank You to NavySubMom For This Useful Post:

Holy smokes. Looks like NavySubMom has set a world record for thanks on a post. LOL.
Off topic here, but look at your #1989 post... it has this on your thank you line at the bottom... It will probably fix itself soon so I copied and pasted it... LOL :floorlaugh:
The Following 4,294,967,295 Users Say Thank You to NavySubMom For This Useful Post:

LOL :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Sounds about right for that great post

Holy He//, I came to this thread and was quickly scrolling down looking for new posts, and caught a glance of my name in bright blue on several posts, thought I was in some kind of BIG TROUBLE or something :floorlaugh:

Whew, and to find out that the whole world has thanked my post :woohoo:

AWESOME!!! Wonder how that happened?? All I can say is at the time that posted I was having a huge problem trying to post, I kept getting double-posts and my computer was freezing, that is hilarious, I really wonder how that happened!!

THEY LIKE ME< THEY REALLY LIKE ME, ala Sally Field accepting her Academy Award or whatever that was ...... :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Off topic here, but look at your #1989 post... it has this on your thank you line at the bottom... It will probably fix itself soon so I copied and pasted it... LOL :floorlaugh:
The Following 4,294,967,295 Users Say Thank You to NavySubMom For This Useful Post:

should have "quoted" you for first noticing this whisperOFwings, saw the other post first, How did you even notice that???? THANKS for bring that over here, that is unusual indeed!!!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Momtective has posted good news in the Current News Thread tonight!

It's a start - the tides are turning!!


She COULD be compelled to answer only 2 questions


The judge did rule, however, that Anthony could be compelled to answer two "admissions":

Admit that you did not observe or hear George Anthony call 911 at any time to report that he or you had discovered that Caylee Marie Anthony had drowned in the swimming poll at your parents' house on or about June 16, 2008.

Admit that you were aware in September 2008 and October 2008 that EquuSearch was conducting searches for your daughter, Caylee.
She COULD be compelled to answer only 2 questions


The judge did rule, however, that Anthony could be compelled to answer two "admissions":

Admit that you did not observe or hear George Anthony call 911 at any time to report that he or you had discovered that Caylee Marie Anthony had drowned in the swimming poll at your parents' house on or about June 16, 2008.

Admit that you were aware in September 2008 and October 2008 that EquuSearch was conducting searches for your daughter, Caylee.

Judge may have determined that KC answering those two questions would not jeopardize her appeal in any way. Any questions that would not affect the appeal are fair game but she won't have to answer anything that touches on appeal issues. And since the appeal is for KC's convictions on lies that included the Zanny story but nothing related directly to TES, her 5th Amendment rights cover a lot of ZG ground but far less TES ground. JMO.
I'm so glad Judge Munyon has opened the door a crack. Once cracked, let's hope the flood starts.
From the article, "She has 10 days to provide answers to these admissions."

... or what ... ? what happens if she doesn't answer??
From the article, "She has 10 days to provide answers to these admissions."

... or what ... ? what happens if she doesn't answer??

I'm not a Lawyer but sometimes lay claim to being a rocket scientist :floorlaugh: Contempt of court perhaps?
From the article, "She has 10 days to provide answers to these admissions."

... or what ... ? what happens if she doesn't answer??

Jail? What is that called? Darn, can't remember the term! Remember when that woman went to jail because she wouldn't testify against Bill Clinton? Yes, that's it - thank you. Contempt.
She COULD be compelled to answer only 2 questions


The judge did rule, however, that Anthony could be compelled to answer two "admissions":

Admit that you did not observe or hear George Anthony call 911 at any time to report that he or you had discovered that Caylee Marie Anthony had drowned in the swimming poll at your parents' house on or about June 16, 2008.

Admit that you were aware in September 2008 and October 2008 that EquuSearch was conducting searches for your daughter, Caylee.

I don't understand what it helps for her to answer those questions, since the answers are already documented. We know she got on the phone on call #3 with Cindy and told them about Zenaida taking Caylee, and we know she was at the house with TM when he wanted to discuss appropriate search areas to start looking for Caylee ...
Am I missing something?
Jail? What is that called? Darn, can't remember the term! Remember when that woman went to jail because she wouldn't testify against Bill Clinton? Yes, that's it - thank you. Contempt.

Contempt of Court?
I don't understand what it helps for her to answer those questions, since the answers are already documented. We know she got on the phone on call #3 with Cindy and told them about Zenaida taking Caylee, and we know she was at the house with TM when he wanted to discuss appropriate search areas to start looking for Caylee ...
Am I missing something?

OCA, via Baez, told the criminal court judge and jury that Caylee had been dead since June 16th.

The question is: Was Caylee dead on June 16th or not?
should have "quoted" you for first noticing this whisperOFwings, saw the other post first, How did you even notice that???? THANKS for bring that over here, that is unusual indeed!!!! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Oh gosh, I was scrolling down and reading and somethin' looked a bit weeeeeird!!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Let's hope she does another 2 years for the lies she'll produce when answering those two questions. :D
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