General theory thread and motives rehashed #6

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IMO we need to figure out why RC wants to put himself at that bus stop after school, when it is clear by the witnesses that it was Misty. As far as I am concerned, those same witnesses are the last believable persons to see Haleigh alive.

Eye witness testimony is notoriously inaccurate.
That is the case here, IMO.
Hank was in the hopsital.... Just saying... simply for the fact Tommy is the only named suspect.
Unless you think Timmy dumped her? Chelsea said he was passed out that night though.. however... we do know she embellishes.. <shrug>

I'm thinking Orbison may have been referring to "Rooster" or Unka Donald..JMHO
Eye witness testimony is notoriously inaccurate.
That is the case here, IMO.

I don't think everyone is wrong about Ronald Cummings. I just don't. Everything that is presented about the shortcomings of his parenting and criminal behavior and record is dismissed without rational thinking in large part here.

If this were my neighbor, son, acquaintance or relative, I would at some point have to look at the evidence as a whole. I am not calling you out. I am just saying that after nearly 3 years of events and episodes that time and again show that Mr. Cummings, his mother and grandmother, and his paternal relatives have stalled this case is evident to anyone who chooses to be objective and open to the possiblity.

Mr. Cummings and his family have lied, denied, avoided, commited crimes, and now as their last effort to forever bury this matter, and nowthey have disappeared.

In reference to the Santos statement. If I take anything away from that interview, it is his observations that (1) Misty was a loving caregiver to Haleigh. That makes her way down on my list of likely suspects. (2) Ronald knew he was the son of the CPS worker that apparently was working with Ron and the kids at the time the child disappeared.

I don't mean to be argumentative but I wonder at your steadfast and stauch support of a man and a family who have done everything in their power to thwart the efforts of LE to solve this case, abused the generosity of the public thru their fund raising, used people like they are paper towels for their own gain and hidden facts that might bring closure to this case. It isn't enough that their records show clearly that there is reason in any case (be it a missing child or a murder case) for LE to give them a good once over. Yet they do not take polygraphs, give interviews or give more than one statement in almost 3 years. "I was at werk." Well if that were my little girl. I would be screaming for LE to tear my house, my family and my world down til they found her. That is NOT what this bunch have done. They have hidden behind attorneys and hidden facts from the beginning, even going so far as to take Misty out of the station from being questioned.

I ask you Mkay, doesn't that make your hinky meter just a little active?

I applaud your tenancity and strength in coming here day after day and carrying the banner. I just wonder if you don't have to hold your nose while doing so most of the time.

All in love and in the spirit of debate.

All the above is MOO
I don't think everyone is wrong about Ronald Cummings. I just don't. Everything that is presented about the shortcomings of his parenting and criminal behavior and record is dismissed without rational thinking in large part here.

If this were my neighbor, son, acquaintance or relative, I would at some point have to look at the evidence as a whole. I am not calling you out. I am just saying that after nearly 3 years of events and episodes that time and again show that Mr. Cummings, his mother and grandmother, and his paternal relatives have stalled this case is evident to anyone who chooses to be objective and open to the possiblity.

Mr. Cummings and his family have lied, denied, avoided, commited crimes, and now as their last effort to forever bury this matter, and nowthey have disappeared.

In reference to the Santos statement. If I take anything away from that interview, it is his observations that (1) Misty was a loving caregiver to Haleigh. That makes her way down on my list of likely suspects. (2) Ronald knew he was the son of the CPS worker that apparently was working with Ron and the kids at the time the child disappeared.

I don't mean to be argumentative but I wonder at your steadfast and stauch support of a man and a family who have done everything in their power to thwart the efforts of LE to solve this case, abused the generosity of the public thru their fund raising, used people like they are paper towels for their own gain and hidden facts that might bring closure to this case. It isn't enough that their records show clearly that there is reason in any case (be it a missing child or a murder case) for LE to give them a good once over. Yet they do not take polygraphs, give interviews or give more than one statement in almost 3 years. "I was at werk." Well if that were my little girl. I would be screaming for LE to tear my house, my family and my world down til they found her. That is NOT what this bunch have done. They have hidden behind attorneys and hidden facts from the beginning, even going so far as to take Misty out of the station from being questioned.

I ask you Mkay, doesn't that make your hinky meter just a little active?

I applaud your tenancity and strength in coming here day after day and carrying the banner. I just wonder if you don't have to hold your nose while doing so most of the time.

All in love and in the spirit of debate.

All the above is MOO
I soooooo totally agree with every bit of your post Gwen, every word, especially the part I bolded. There's no doubt HaLeigh's family has lied and continues to lie about what happened to her and where she is now. And I have no doubt her FATHER is responsible...absolutely NONE. His responsibility included protecting HaLeigh from ANYONE who might harm her. And if the people he asked to help care for HaLeigh were involved in whatever caused her to disappear, that was also Ron's responsibility.
The truth is not complicated no matter how hard those who defend Ron try to make it so.

As always this is JMO.
Eye witness testimony is notoriously inaccurate.
That is the case here, IMO.

You're absolutely right -- any eye witness testimony of who saw HaLeigh alive after Ron left for work would fit in that category, especially since nobody other than family has said a word.
I don't think everyone is wrong about Ronald Cummings. I just don't. Everything that is presented about the shortcomings of his parenting and criminal behavior and record is dismissed without rational thinking in large part here.

If this were my neighbor, son, acquaintance or relative, I would at some point have to look at the evidence as a whole. I am not calling you out. I am just saying that after nearly 3 years of events and episodes that time and again show that Mr. Cummings, his mother and grandmother, and his paternal relatives have stalled this case is evident to anyone who chooses to be objective and open to the possiblity.

Mr. Cummings and his family have lied, denied, avoided, commited crimes, and now as their last effort to forever bury this matter, and nowthey have disappeared.

In reference to the Santos statement. If I take anything away from that interview, it is his observations that (1) Misty was a loving caregiver to Haleigh. That makes her way down on my list of likely suspects. (2) Ronald knew he was the son of the CPS worker that apparently was working with Ron and the kids at the time the child disappeared.

I don't mean to be argumentative but I wonder at your steadfast and stauch support of a man and a family who have done everything in their power to thwart the efforts of LE to solve this case, abused the generosity of the public thru their fund raising, used people like they are paper towels for their own gain and hidden facts that might bring closure to this case. It isn't enough that their records show clearly that there is reason in any case (be it a missing child or a murder case) for LE to give them a good once over. Yet they do not take polygraphs, give interviews or give more than one statement in almost 3 years. "I was at werk." Well if that were my little girl. I would be screaming for LE to tear my house, my family and my world down til they found her. That is NOT what this bunch have done. They have hidden behind attorneys and hidden facts from the beginning, even going so far as to take Misty out of the station from being questioned.

I ask you Mkay, doesn't that make your hinky meter just a little active?

I applaud your tenancity and strength in coming here day after day and carrying the banner. I just wonder if you don't have to hold your nose while doing so most of the time.

All in love and in the spirit of debate.

All the above is MOO

I realize this is at someone else's post, but I want to respond, anyway, just speaking for myself.

Red Bolded: This is two very good examples of the difficulty in posting here. This, at least for me, and I suspect for quite a few of the people who feel as I do, is a faulty foundation to base the rest of the arguments on. I don't always do it, but I never fail to feel the need, whenever I post about my thoughts Ron DIDN'T do it, to include a huge disclaimer stating:
I am not in love with Ron. I don't like Ron. I'm not a member, much less the president or originator, of the Ron fan club. I don't feel Ron is a good parent. I don't feel Ron is a good person. ETC, ETC, ETC.

I have not dismissed any of Ron's 'shortcomings'. (Really, 'shortcomings'? How about horrible behavior as a human being?) I also do not 'support' Ron in any way, shape, or form. Ron's in prison for 15 years. Too bad, so sad, couldn't care less. Wouldn't bother me a bit if he never saw the light of day again, as IMO, society would probably benefit.

As far as rational thinking, my rational thought processes are telling me LE believes Haleigh was alive and well at least up to the time the A/C guy left, and they believe Ron was not there but at work, and that they believe Misty was there. I also believe these three things. This is, in fact, the foundation I am basing my thoughts on, which is what puts Ron way down on my list of suspects, not any "Awww, poor sweet widdle Wonnie couldn't have possibly done such a thing..."
I don't think everyone is wrong about Ronald Cummings. I just don't. Everything that is presented about the shortcomings of his parenting and criminal behavior and record is dismissed without rational thinking in large part here.

Well if that were my little girl. I would be screaming for LE to tear my house, my family and my world down til they found her. That is NOT what this bunch have done.

Respectfully snipped for space.

While I'm here, I also wanted to address this. I don't get why anyone would expect someone as described in the bolded and blue to act as described in the bolded and red.

Think about it. We have a man who allegedly does and deals drugs around his children, allegedly beats the mothers of his children, allegedly even leaves them in his car while he's at work, and on and on. Remember the drug video, the one where he was going to be late to pick up Jr. because he was too busy dealing drugs, and this is after he has already LOST ONE CHILD to God knows what?

IMO, his past acts more than spell out what kind of man he is, and that is not the kind of man who is going to do the things that are bolded in red, guilty or not.
I realize this is at someone else's post, but I want to respond, anyway, just speaking for myself.

Red Bolded: This is two very good examples of the difficulty in posting here. This, at least for me, and I suspect for quite a few of the people who feel as I do, is a faulty foundation to base the rest of the arguments on. I don't always do it, but I never fail to feel the need, whenever I post about my thoughts Ron DIDN'T do it, to include a huge disclaimer stating:
I am not in love with Ron. I don't like Ron. I'm not a member, much less the president or originator, of the Ron fan club. I don't feel Ron is a good parent. I don't feel Ron is a good person. ETC, ETC, ETC.

I have not dismissed any of Ron's 'shortcomings'. (Really, 'shortcomings'? How about horrible behavior as a human being?) I also do not 'support' Ron in any way, shape, or form. Ron's in prison for 15 years. Too bad, so sad, couldn't care less. Wouldn't bother me a bit if he never saw the light of day again, as IMO, society would probably benefit.

As far as rational thinking, my rational thought processes are telling me LE believes Haleigh was alive and well at least up to the time the A/C guy left, and they believe Ron was not there but at work, and that they believe Misty was there. I also believe these three things. This is, in fact, the foundation I am basing my thoughts on, which is what puts Ron way down on my list of suspects, not any "Awww, poor sweet widdle Wonnie couldn't have possibly done such a thing..."

Exactly what I mean things whenever I post here.
Also the fact LE seems to be looking at Croslin(s), not Cummings', for this crime.
You however said it far better than I ever could have. Thanks!
Problem as I see it for those who believe the Croslins are GUILTY because LE was/is looking at the Croslins instead of the Cummings/Neves/Sykes Clan is.....Thats exactly WHY Haleigh's case has not been solved....Looking at the Croslins and putting ALL the pressure on the Croslins instead of anyone in the Cummings/Neves/Sykes Clan is the reason Crystal S and her family do not have any closure after almost three years...JMHO
I realize this is at someone else's post, but I want to respond, anyway, just speaking for myself.

Red Bolded: This is two very good examples of the difficulty in posting here. This, at least for me, and I suspect for quite a few of the people who feel as I do, is a faulty foundation to base the rest of the arguments on. I don't always do it, but I never fail to feel the need, whenever I post about my thoughts Ron DIDN'T do it, to include a huge disclaimer stating:
I am not in love with Ron. I don't like Ron. I'm not a member, much less the president or originator, of the Ron fan club. I don't feel Ron is a good parent. I don't feel Ron is a good person. ETC, ETC, ETC.

I have not dismissed any of Ron's 'shortcomings'. (Really, 'shortcomings'? How about horrible behavior as a human being?) I also do not 'support' Ron in any way, shape, or form. Ron's in prison for 15 years. Too bad, so sad, couldn't care less. Wouldn't bother me a bit if he never saw the light of day again, as IMO, society would probably benefit.

As far as rational thinking, my rational thought processes are telling me LE believes Haleigh was alive and well at least up to the time the A/C guy left, and they believe Ron was not there but at work, and that they believe Misty was there. I also believe these three things. This is, in fact, the foundation I am basing my thoughts on, which is what puts Ron way down on my list of suspects, not any "Awww, poor sweet widdle Wonnie couldn't have possibly done such a thing..."

But the FACT of the matter, is the cops say Ron is witholding the truth about that night. The cops also made sure to target him and get him locked up, so I think that says hes INVOLVED. jmo
Respectfully snipped for space.

While I'm here, I also wanted to address this. I don't get why anyone would expect someone as described in the bolded and blue to act as described in the bolded and red.

Think about it. We have a man who allegedly does and deals drugs around his children, allegedly beats the mothers of his children, allegedly even leaves them in his car while he's at work, and on and on. Remember the drug video, the one where he was going to be late to pick up Jr. because he was too busy dealing drugs, and this is after he has already LOST ONE CHILD to God knows what?

IMO, his past acts more than spell out what kind of man he is, and that is not the kind of man who is going to do the things that are bolded in red, guilty or not.

You won't find me arguing that the language I chose was probably not strong enough in describing the 'shortcomings' of Ron. I try very hard to walk the line here as I respect this forum and try my best to not cross lines by name calling and being outright disrepectful to those that have to moderate these threads. I am an adult. In posting my thoughts I try to keep that in mind and not resort to being childish and downright offensive. I can think of many terms I would like to use when describing Ron and his whole family. I simply don't use them as I fear it would only bring the hand of mods down on me here.

As to my foundation being weak. If I didn't make it clear about what I feel my foundation is for my thoughts are, there are many posts that I have made in the past 3 years that will enlighten you. I try not to repeat the same thing over and over and over as it gets old and makes light of the intelligence of those that read here. I only post when I think I have something to add and not just to pick on anyone. EVER.

As to LE looking at the Croslins. I am sure they are and well they should. As well any and everybody who was part of the circle of this family. Ideally, LE prefer to be able to start with the parents and work their way out to eliminate suspects. As I understand and admittedly I am not expert, that would entail the cooperation of the parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. In this case, it appears to me and many many others that was not what happened when LE tried to eliminate their suspects in order. Mr. Cummings talked to the police I am sure. Between breaking down in crocodile tears and whining like a child he blurted out from time to time "I was at werk.". That one statement is not alot of help to anyone except his self serving self. All that anyone and especially LE gleaned from that statement was essentially was Mr. Cummings alibi. When pressed to continue to converse with LE and submit to further questions, Ronald lawyered up. What parent with a missing daughter does that? Who refuses to talk to those trying to help find your child refuses to cooperate? I have a very clear opinion on the kind of man that would do that. I just don't think I need to say it for readers to understand my stance on that.

The other members of Cummings and Sykes familes were offered polygraphs and didn't take them. That is not what I would call cooperation. All they did the whole time we were being kept updated and privy to their shananigans was deflect, accuse, and protect Ronald. Protected Ron even to the point of keeping his young girlfriend in their homes and singing her praises.

As to how I would behave and how Ron and his family behaved in this mess is a head scratcher for all of us. Of course, I would scream until someone said something. You say that I was naive to think that Ronald would behave that way. I was never naive. I was being open to explanations for why he didn't demand the things the rest of us would have in the situation he was in. If you want to know what I think of his reaction and actions in the days after she was taken, here they are. He was hiding behind his mom, dad, grandma and MISTY. Yes, Misty. He put a teenager out in front to cover his sorry @ss. That is what he did. Plain enough for you now? He quickly got an attorney to handle his end as soon as the cops got tired of his lack of cooperation and his families smoke screen.

Despite all the posts and there are dozens of them saying that Ron is not a suspect. The last statement from LE says that members of Haleighs family have not given them interviews and information they need to further their investigation in this case.

Some here insist that Tommy is a suspect. I take that with a grain of salt. The DA used that at sentencing just to inflame the judge and enhance the DA's chances for harsher sentencing. IF TOMMY IS A SUSPECT, then why no indictment? People are called 'persons of interest' until the state is sure they have evidence to convict else they are open to liable and slander suits.

Finally, I regret you seem to be so quick to tear me down when all I did was state my opinion in a clear and respectful manner. I didn't note anywhere you disagreed with my thoughts, only that I was not mean enough in saying them.

Ron needs to come clean on his work hours, despite what others say here. I have not heard the police say he was at work from 4-3. His own attorney said otherwise as did the minister.

The only time Ron had time to talk to police at all was during his plea agreement on his drug charges. That was maybe the second most self serving act I am aware of him committing.

Sorry for the long post. I hope I have not offended another whom I didn't intend.
How can anyone logically justify saying Ron isnt a suspect, when the cops have said, there are numerous POI's, and 4 people known to be around Haleigh are in prison for over a decade? Like seriously, connect the dots already, jmo.
Eye witness testimony is notoriously inaccurate.
That is the case here, IMO.

ITA it is. And IMO we need to remember that only Santos and his friend and some un named gentleman have stated Misty picked HaLeigh up. Everyone else that has spoken up has said Ronald did, including LE. JMO
ITA it is. And IMO we need to remember that only Santos and his friend and some un named gentleman have stated Misty picked HaLeigh up. Everyone else that has spoken up has said Ronald did, including LE. JMO

Who from LE was at the bus stop?
But the FACT of the matter, is the cops say Ron is witholding the truth about that night. The cops also made sure to target him and get him locked up, so I think that says hes INVOLVED. jmo

The cops made a plea deal with Ron to knock off some of his charges for him to tell what he knows and agree to testify. The FACT is the cops did drop some of his charges, didn't they?

Is this how you think that plea deal conversation went?:

Cops: Ron, we think you killed Haleigh, and we think Misty (and Tommy) are covering for you, so here's what we're going to do. We will drop two of your more serious drug charges, and we will offer you immunity from murder charges, and in return, we want you to confess, and we also want you to testify against Misty (and Tommy) so we can prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law for covering up your crime.

Ron: Ummmm, okie dokie.
The cops made a plea deal with Ron to knock off some of his charges for him to tell what he knows and agree to testify. The FACT is the cops did drop some of his charges, didn't they?

Is this how you think that plea deal conversation went?:

Cops: Ron, we think you killed Haleigh, and we think Misty (and Tommy) are covering for you, so here's what we're going to do. We will drop two of your more serious drug charges, and we will offer you immunity from murder charges, and in return, we want you to confess, and we also want you to testify against Misty (and Tommy) so we can prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law for covering up your crime.

Ron: Ummmm, okie dokie.

I have no idea how the negotiations went. I am most interested in future negotiations where he tries to get a deal to get out of prison to reveal where Haleighs body is, thats all I care about. The FACT is, the cops say Ron is not telling all he knows about that night, their words not mine. I am not going to turn a blind eye because he is despicable, and now a Nazi in prison. Lets say he gets out, is he going to make pleas for her return with his swastika front and center? Yes, lets bring her home to the Nazi druggie who envisioned her burrowing with gators!!!! One thing Ron has never had is hope, he has been defeated from day one because he knows shes dead and hes rotting in prison (thank god) , all while his mama is all proud of him, its pathetic, talk about blowing something out of proportion. I wish everyone would just be honest and admit Ron is brain damaged, because he is so far from the high IQ BS his mother who gave him away tries to spin. jmo
You won't find me arguing that the language I chose was probably not strong enough in describing the 'shortcomings' of Ron. I try very hard to walk the line here as I respect this forum and try my best to not cross lines by name calling and being outright disrepectful to those that have to moderate these threads. I am an adult. In posting my thoughts I try to keep that in mind and not resort to being childish and downright offensive. I can think of many terms I would like to use when describing Ron and his whole family. I simply don't use them as I fear it would only bring the hand of mods down on me here.

As to my foundation being weak. If I didn't make it clear about what I feel my foundation is for my thoughts are, there are many posts that I have made in the past 3 years that will enlighten you. I try not to repeat the same thing over and over and over as it gets old and makes light of the intelligence of those that read here. I only post when I think I have something to add and not just to pick on anyone. EVER.

As to LE looking at the Croslins. I am sure they are and well they should. As well any and everybody who was part of the circle of this family. Ideally, LE prefer to be able to start with the parents and work their way out to eliminate suspects. As I understand and admittedly I am not expert, that would entail the cooperation of the parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. In this case, it appears to me and many many others that was not what happened when LE tried to eliminate their suspects in order. Mr. Cummings talked to the police I am sure. Between breaking down in crocodile tears and whining like a child he blurted out from time to time "I was at werk.". That one statement is not alot of help to anyone except his self serving self. All that anyone and especially LE gleaned from that statement was essentially was Mr. Cummings alibi. When pressed to continue to converse with LE and submit to further questions, Ronald lawyered up. What parent with a missing daughter does that? Who refuses to talk to those trying to help find your child refuses to cooperate? I have a very clear opinion on the kind of man that would do that. I just don't think I need to say it for readers to understand my stance on that.

The other members of Cummings and Sykes familes were offered polygraphs and didn't take them. That is not what I would call cooperation. All they did the whole time we were being kept updated and privy to their shananigans was deflect, accuse, and protect Ronald. Protected Ron even to the point of keeping his young girlfriend in their homes and singing her praises.

As to how I would behave and how Ron and his family behaved in this mess is a head scratcher for all of us. Of course, I would scream until someone said something. You say that I was naive to think that Ronald would behave that way. I was never naive. I was being open to explanations for why he didn't demand the things the rest of us would have in the situation he was in. If you want to know what I think of his reaction and actions in the days after she was taken, here they are. He was hiding behind his mom, dad, grandma and MISTY. Yes, Misty. He put a teenager out in front to cover his sorry @ss. That is what he did. Plain enough for you now? He quickly got an attorney to handle his end as soon as the cops got tired of his lack of cooperation and his families smoke screen.

Despite all the posts and there are dozens of them saying that Ron is not a suspect. The last statement from LE says that members of Haleighs family have not given them interviews and information they need to further their investigation in this case.

Some here insist that Tommy is a suspect. I take that with a grain of salt. The DA used that at sentencing just to inflame the judge and enhance the DA's chances for harsher sentencing. IF TOMMY IS A SUSPECT, then why no indictment? People are called 'persons of interest' until the state is sure they have evidence to convict else they are open to liable and slander suits.

Finally, I regret you seem to be so quick to tear me down when all I did was state my opinion in a clear and respectful manner. I didn't note anywhere you disagreed with my thoughts, only that I was not mean enough in saying them.

Ron needs to come clean on his work hours, despite what others say here. I have not heard the police say he was at work from 4-3. His own attorney said otherwise as did the minister.

The only time Ron had time to talk to police at all was during his plea agreement on his drug charges. That was maybe the second most self serving act I am aware of him committing.

Sorry for the long post. I hope I have not offended another whom I didn't intend.

Dear Gwen,
I was not in any way trying to tear you down, or insinuate 'you were not mean enough'. In using your 'shortcomings' term, I was trying to illustrate, yet again, though it seems to fall on deaf ears, my distaste for RC. Following is your original post, and I have bolded in red your thoughts I disagree with.

I don't think everyone is wrong about Ronald Cummings. I just don't. Everything that is presented about the shortcomings of his parenting and criminal behavior and record is dismissed without rational thinking in large part here.

If this were my neighbor, son, acquaintance or relative, I would at some point have to look at the evidence as a whole. I am not calling you out. I am just saying that after nearly 3 years of events and episodes that time and again show that Mr. Cummings, his mother and grandmother, and his paternal relatives have stalled this case is evident to anyone who chooses to be objective and open to the possiblity.

Mr. Cummings and his family have lied, denied, avoided, commited crimes, and now as their last effort to forever bury this matter, and nowthey have disappeared.

In reference to the Santos statement. If I take anything away from that interview, it is his observations that (1) Misty was a loving caregiver to Haleigh. That makes her way down on my list of likely suspects. (2) Ronald knew he was the son of the CPS worker that apparently was working with Ron and the kids at the time the child disappeared.

I don't mean to be argumentative but I wonder at your steadfast and stauch support of a man and a family who have done everything in their power to thwart the efforts of LE to solve this case, abused the generosity of the public thru their fund raising, used people like they are paper towels for their own gain and hidden facts that might bring closure to this case. It isn't enough that their records show clearly that there is reason in any case (be it a missing child or a murder case) for LE to give them a good once over. Yet they do not take polygraphs, give interviews or give more than one statement in almost 3 years. "I was at werk." Well if that were my little girl. I would be screaming for LE to tear my house, my family and my world down til they found her. That is NOT what this bunch have done. They have hidden behind attorneys and hidden facts from the beginning, even going so far as to take Misty out of the station from being questioned.

I ask you Mkay, doesn't that make your hinky meter just a little active?

I applaud your tenancity and strength in coming here day after day and carrying the banner. I just wonder if you don't have to hold your nose while doing so most of the time.

All in love and in the spirit of debate.
How can anyone logically justify saying Ron isnt a suspect, when the cops have said, there are numerous POI's, and 4 people known to be around Haleigh are in prison for over a decade? Like seriously, connect the dots already, jmo.

How can anyone logically justify saying Misty is not a suspect after everything that has come out of Misty's mouth?
I have no idea how the negotiations went. I am most interested in future negotiations where he tries to get a deal to get out of prison to reveal where Haleighs body is, thats all I care about. The FACT is, the cops say Ron is not telling all he knows about that night, their words not mine. I am not going to turn a blind eye because he is despicable, and now a Nazi in prison. Lets say he gets out, is he going to make pleas for her return with his swastika front and center? Yes, lets bring her home to the Nazi druggie who envisioned her burrowing with gators!!!! One thing Ron has never had is hope, he has been defeated from day one because he knows shes dead and hes rotting in prison (thank god) , all while his mama is all proud of him, its pathetic, talk about blowing something out of proportion. I wish everyone would just be honest and admit Ron is brain damaged, because he is so far from the high IQ BS his mother who gave him away tries to spin. jmo

Have the cops said Ron is not telling all he knows since the plea deal went down? Why would they let him out of prison for giving up her body? To me, that makes no sense at all.

Chablis, try to hear what I'm saying here. I'm not LE, but if I were and I were involved in this case, because Ron is what he is, the first thing I would do is to pick his alibi apart with a fine tooth comb, because coming in at the very beginning, I would look at him as the number one suspect. IMO, there were way too many different agencies of LE involved for at least ten, if not more, officers to do exactly the same thing. If there were just a few local LE investigating this, I would be all over the LE corruption bandwagon, because really, I do get where you and a lot of other people are coming from, how, HOW can he NOT be involved???

This is where we differ. From my point of view, I see LE as looking very hard at Ron, and like it or not, having to put him aside. I now see LE looking very hard at Misty and Tommy. Sometimes, I'll be honest, I wonder how you and others don't see this, but the thing is, I'm okay with it. You don't HAVE to see it. I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm just asking for you to respect that my opinions have nothing to do with me WANTING Ron to not be guilty, because it's just not true.
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