State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-8-12

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I don't think that a men's size 10 would fit Meredith ... isn't she somewhere around 5'3" or 5'5"?

I was referring to Meredith's shoe, could it be a woman's size 10? I don't know that I've ever read it anywhere. I was just trying to think in terms of his wearing her shoe or shoes to throw off investigators.
Otto, I am curious what you think of the amount of footprints in the bathroom, and how long it looks like Cassidy was in there.

It doesn't look like someone just picked her up and plopped her down in there and then cleaned her up and took her right back out.

And, the step stool had blood on it, is it possible she cleaned herself?

That's a lot of blood for a child that stepped in the blood only once, especially if the theory is that she didn't know how to turn on the tap. It's too much blood without the water and/or several trips.

I put the photo into photoshop and selected only the blue channel. The photo appears to have had some setting changed already ... you can see something on the bench, but is it blood?

I wasn't listening, but the gist I got is that, through Meredith, the prosecution elicited testimony that the child mentioned her father and later mentioned "he" when describing what she saw to Meredith immediately after the body was discovered. We know from the 911 tape that Meredith reported the child stating that "someone was in the house".

It is only going to count on what made it into the transcript anyway.

They can argue in the deliberation room as to what they heard, maybe,
but the transcript will over rule.

In the last trial, the Jurors asked for the 911 call and got the transcript as well.

The fact is CY said someone was in the house, she didn't say Daddy was here.
When would he have gone in to get her from the bathroom? Certainly not after he showered and changed because he would risk getting blood on his clothes.

The smear marks below the white towel give me the impression some water was added. It also looks like there are prints on the step stool.


Wow, now follow those prints and tell me how someone else was in there cleaning her up.
Plus, what else could he do with the child? If he thought he could get away with it (which he would have with all the planning involved) he would get her back at some point. Didn't want to kill her, couldn't take her with him, probably she didn't actually see him hurt her mother, clean her up some and put her to bed.

Am I missing something??? Were the dark clothing/jacket/top seen on the hotel video ever found/produced?

He was wearing jeans when he left the hotel. I suppose he put on a suit in the morning for the meeting, probably changed into his jeans after the meeting. Did he still have a pair of jeans when his luggage was seized? Can the jeans be shown to be different? He could have two pair the same, even though he's a completely disorganized, non-planner, fly by seat of his pants, guy. It's like the two sets of shoe prints. Mr Non-Planner plans two sets of shoe prints, two pair of jeans, everything timed perfectly, luck beyond description at not being seen along the route, so on?

Is it only the shirt that is missing? ... he was photographed wearing a similar one months later.
Yes I would agree, except they would probably take it out on him not his spouse. Not sure of the element JY was involved with but given the brutality of the crime its hard to imagine transfering your anger from one individual to another to that degree.

The rage aspect doesn't make a lot of sense, but if the attacker is someone who had been watching Michelle and was planning to rape her but then she put up a fight, the attacker could have gotten angry and flew into a rage.

I don't think her clothing was tattered so that could be why the ME didn't do a rape kit...but that doesn't mean there wasn't an attempted rape.
I believe that Kercher had upwards of 40 injuries including bruising, strangulation and stab wounds. There was no rape. In this case, Young had upwards of 30 injuries, including bruising and strangulation, no sexual assualt examination.

Two women, small items stolen, one single, one married. In the case of the single woman, it appears to have been an acquaintance that had met her once or twice. In the case of the married woman, many focus solely on the husband.

Otto once again I must agree with you.

As I go through various threads it seems I continue to see a pattern with posts where if you side with statistics you will be right that percentage of time.

Statistics though is not evidence.

ETA Like you pointed out in a previous post which I as well agreed with, 3 alleles of LCN DNA was laughed out of the Amanda Knox trial.

I will be interested to see if it is testified once again that of the 3 alleles one was considered to be "noise" commonly referred to as a stutter thus there were not 3 alleles only 2 alleles.

It was also stated in the first trial that based on probability percentages it was more apt to be a person of hispanic heritage.
I had to leave and couldn't watch the very end of her testimony(or did she even finish?) - did she mention feeling watched as she went out to her car?

SS said she felt like someone was watching them, kind of a creepy feeling, but she was so unnerved she asked MY to walk her outside to her car, which was right in the driveway.

Weird.....then she testifed about the trailer park in the back.
The Youngs had purchased their home in spring/summer and all the trees were in bloom, and they did not notice it....
But, when fall came and the leaves started falling, the trailer park became visible and MY was not happy.
I was referring to Meredith's shoe, could it be a woman's size 10? I don't know that I've ever read it anywhere. I was just trying to think in terms of his wearing her shoe or shoes to throw off investigators.

My understanding is that there were two sets of men's shoe prints, size 10 and size 12. Jason is a size 12. The size 10 may be similar to shoes that Michelle once purchased, they didn't fit, but may be similar to shoes once used when the deck was stained. That can't be tied to Jason unless the deck staining can be tied to him and even then, what layer of the stain in the print on ... and who left that print ... and, without the shoes, especially shoe wear patterns, not too much can be said to connect the prints with anyone.

It's possible that Michelle bought Jason a size 10 pair of shoes that he used to stain the deck. It's possible that he kept those shoes in the garage and put them on shortly before the murder. It's possible that after the murder, he changed shoes and then accidentally stepped in the blood while getting something from his closet - like the wallet with the $500. That would explain both pair of shoes in favor of the prosecution.
It is only going to count on what made it into the transcript anyway.

They can argue in the deliberation room as to what they heard, maybe,
but the transcript will over rule.

In the last trial, the Jurors asked for the 911 call and got the transcript as well.

The fact that CY said someone was in the house, she didn't say Daddy was here.

My understanding was that child did not directly say that her dad did anything. She mentioned her dad soon after her aunt arrived ... I don't find that unusual for a 2 year old that wants to help her mom. The transcript has Meredith quoting the child saying that "someone was in the house". Later, the child said something about "he".
That's a lot of blood for a child that stepped in the blood only once, especially if the theory is that she didn't know how to turn on the tap. It's too much blood without the water and/or several trips.

I put the photo into photoshop and selected only the blue channel. The photo appears to have had some setting changed already ... you can see something on the bench, but is it blood?


Omg, if you follow the prints to the top of the stool, they prints match perfectly.

She did stand on that stool , but then what?

On another note, I can see why LE came back years later to measure all those prints.
My understanding is that there were two sets of men's shoe prints, size 10 and size 12. Jason is a size 12. The size 10 may be similar to shoes that Michelle once purchased, they didn't fit, but may be similar to shoes once used when the deck was stained. That can't be tied to Jason unless the deck staining can be tied to him and even then, what layer of the stain in the print on ... and who left that print ... and, without the shoes, especially shoe wear patterns, not too much can be said to connect the prints with anyone.

It's possible that Michelle bought Jason a size 10 pair of shoes that he used to stain the deck. It's possible that he kept those shoes in the garage and put them on shortly before the murder. It's possible that after the murder, he changed shoes and then accidentally stepped in the blood while getting something from his closet - like the wallet with the $500. That would explain both pair of shoes in favor of the prosecution.

The deck planks came up empty.
Much speculation that there would be prints to match the Size 10 Franklins, they did not.
Something new to come out of this trial , was there was a rifle kept in the closet.
Was MY trying to get to it?
They never said if it was found......

ETA/ There has been speculation that Jason needed to get in his closet to get clothes,
but there was a laundry basket of clean clothes in the living room , and he may have
kept some old work clothes in the garage.
Testimony from MF stating there were bags of clothes in the garage ready to go to Goodwill.

One thing about the laundry, we always wanted to know if she had folded that when SS
was there, or after, we were trying to get a better timeframe.

Oh, and it was trash day the next am, so it is also possible MY took some out to the road,
or let Mr. G out, and did not lock the door right away.
That is a big house, someone could have come in and waited in the bonus room or crawl space.

Wow, now follow those prints and tell me how someone else was in there cleaning her up.

Whomever cleaned her up should have left some sort of prints mixed with what is there. Where are the other person's prints ... or did someone clean her up while standing in the hallway. Is the theory that she got blood on her feet while stepping in the blood once, was carried to the bathroom where she had her socks removed ... and then all the blood on the floor came from her feet while another person stood outside the bathroom washing her feet .. I can't picture what is suposed to have happened here.
Most every non-smoker I know (and I also smoke BTW) don't like cigars from time to time either. Smoke is smoke to them. I bet he did stipulate that... after the fact.

Why didn't he keep her to make sure it didn't happen around her?

I have to disagree. I know many non-smokers who will indeed have a cigar.
Whomever cleaned her up should have left some sort of prints mixed with what is there. Where are the other person's prints ... or did someone clean her up while standing in the hallway. Is the theory that she got blood on her feet while stepping in the blood once, was carried to the bathroom where she had her socks removed ... and then all the blood on the floor came from her feet while another person stood outside the bathroom washing her feet .. I can't picture what is suposed to have happened here.

They would have had to stand out in the hallway, because as you say, there is not a mixture of prints....

But, if they did that, how could they reach her to clean her?

Those prints on the stool mean she stood up on that and was at the sink.

What happened next, I don't know.

And, how do the marks get on the wall?
My understanding was that child did not directly say that her dad did anything. She mentioned her dad soon after her aunt arrived ... I don't find that unusual for a 2 year old that wants to help her mom. The transcript has Meredith quoting the child saying that "someone was in the house". Later, the child said something about "he".

Trying to catch up on todays testimony. As there has been much said with respect to what was actually on the 911 call and if anything had been redacted did CY state that "daddy did it"?

Alot of meetings this week so have not had a chance to listen to the testimony yet.

Nite !

I am looking forward to the defense in the am.....they need to step it up with this witness.

Nite !

I am looking forward to the defense in the am.....they need to step it up with this witness.

Defense will prob have a late night tonight sifting through what happened today to prepare for their cross. I should go to bed too...thinking about this case keeps me up!
Not really, but that is not what she said originally.

She said it was a reguar customer drinking coffee.

Then at a later date, she added the newspaper man.

Then we learned the newspaper man died.

She is telling a different story now. :confused:


How many versions will this be now?

Sorry this witness has testified to the man being within 12 inches of her even though she was behind a counter which are normally 24 inches in width.

She testified previously that he was slightly taller than her, had very little hair, never mentioned that she had heard of the murder, and that there was a regular customer there that actually spoke to the individual that promted LE to set up a camera for 60 days to try and find this individual which LE never had her review at that time.

Now she is stating that the regular customer was the newspaper guy?
DNA is not a big factor in this case.

The biggest 'gotchas' are:

1. the weird happenings at the hotel that night with the exit door, the camera being first unplugged and then later pushed up to point at the ceiling, which had never happened before,

2. combined with the video of JY walking out at midnight wearing a completely different pullover sweater (a sweater that was never found...not even when police seized his luggage immediately upon his arrival back in Raleigh).

3. The witness ID of JY and his SUV at the gas station at 5:25am where his behavior was so bizarre/angry that the clerk remembered him--he made a strong impression and she got a face to face look at him, corroborated with a cash receipt that shows the purchase of gas at 5:27am

4. No sign of breakin, no robbery of items in the house, MY's purse in plain sight not touched. Only her wedding ring was taken off her finger.

5. A toddler who is not only left alive, but cleaned up and put back to bed, given adult meds to make her sleepy (toddler's DNA is on the dropper that was left on the shelf in her room).

6. The personal type of attack (first strangulation then a beating of over 30 hits) which can only be classified as overkill.

7. Victim was fully clothed in sweat clothes.

8. Shoe prints in the size and type of shoe the husband wore, with an exact sole print ID'd by the FBI. These shoes conveniently went missing. JY claims his wife donated them to charity, but the shoes were only 15 months old. A couple days after the murder JY purchases another pair of shoes, similar, but not exact to the ones he discarded.

9. A water hose outside was left running. Blood of victim found on doorknob leading out to that side door in garage.

10. JY admitted he propped open the emergency exit door at the hotel, but claims he used a twig, not a rock. A landscaping rock was found keeping the door open the next morning. According to the HI personnel this was extremely unusual.

11. JY's hand print found on wall next to his closet, 18 - 20" up from the floor, with his wife's blood splattered around that print, but none of the blood getting on the print (he had his hand on the wall, balancing himself while he beat her to death, as she was on the floor at this point).

12. JY never inquired as to how his wife died, the welfare of his toddler daughter, he refused to speak or listen (the police just asked him to listen at one point and he wouldn't come out of the back bedroom at his sister in law's house). He wouldn't help in any way, never inquired about the progress of the investigation, blocked his daughter from seeing her maternal relatives unless they were closely supervised. Then, access was taken away altogether unless the family would agree to "come out publicly in support of Jason."

13. He defaulted on a civil wrongful death lawsuit, in which he was declared the "slayer" of his wife and a judgement of $15.5 million against him was entered.

14. The Fisher family asked for visitation and a formal schedule. He instead transferred full custody to Meredith. He would not sit for a deposition, answer any questions, or allow himself to be evaluated by a psychologist, so he handed his daughter off.

Those are just 14 items on the list, but that is not a complete list.
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