State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-16-2012

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Maybe JY wore the Franklin shoes to kill MY. Then changed into the clean shoes. While he was in the closet, CY comes in and gets in the blood. He panicked because he hadn't planned on her waking and while retrieving CY he stepped in the blood with his clean shoes on.
Okay the fact that the size 10 shoe prints weren't made anywhere else but in the MBR leads me back to thinking it was only JY. Why? Because someone else wouldn't have the incentive to keep the rest of the house in pristine condition.

JY was intending to sell that house after the murder. A 2nd person tromping around in blood would have then needed a 2nd pair of shoes to change into after walking around in blood, or they would have left bloody footprints elsewhere, like on the stairs when leaving the crime scene.

Trying to imagine JY getting someone over to his house and then instructing them to "make sure you don't track blood anywhere but in the MBR and oh yeah, bring extra shoes so you can change into them. Then go throw those Franklins out in a dumpster somewhere." My mind cannot grasp this scenario.
Why exactly do you think Jason killed Michelle, if you don't mind me asking?
I know the state's theory is that he didn't like being married, and they may add a financial motive.

But, where does it say he hated her enough to kill her?

Sounds like he had it pretty good, he traveled a lot, was gone a lot of weekends, had MM on the side, nice house, beautiful little girl, and a son on the way to carry on the Young name.

Where do we make the quantum leap from having fights and arguments, to the point,
"I hate this person so much I am going to kill them"?

Do your research on "eraser killers". It happens with alarming frequency. Google it with the quotes.

An observation about JY's character, or personality, or whatever you want to call it. A word that keeps springing to mind is "impunity". JY did exactly what he wanted to do. Get a piece of something the night before the wife comes home from her business trip? Do it. Have your extra piece of tail sit at the table and eat your wife's food, laughing with the two of them? Do it. What to fly to FL for some wifes-good-friend tail on your anniversary? Do it. Want to stash a giant check in the drawer instead of fixing the heat for your wife and daughter? Have at it. Feel like peeing in the floor? Do it. Pee right there, buddy, you're untouchable. Come out naked, you believe people think you're golden, amusing, desireable.

Feel like impending adulthood is closing in on you and you can't swing it because you're a tiny little excuse for a man? You're used to getting away with pretty much every slimy endeavor you undertake? Fix your situation with impunity, get away with it all emboldened, because you've gotten away with everything else.
I would like to know how many of the hush puppy brand shoes were sold in 2005.

TIA for anyone that has this information as they are a poplular brand of shoe
Great witness. She is painting the violent side of JY, and she is really very good. This points to his temper and violent side.

And showing without a doubt that this man would kill again.
I have such a hard time with this because he supposedly did all these things before hand, but not do the simple things like,

1)Fill up a gas can

2)Not start an affair or calling or texting a girlfriend the day of / after the murder

3)Pick the weekend of the NC State Homecoming game when it is going to be the biggest party ever, and you have a legit reason to get majorly wasted. :biggrin:

4)Not positive if your Father in Law is coming to town or not

5)Not making some plan or better escape/rescue method for CY other than a stupid printout

(which was verified by MM today, btw)

Why that weekend would he choose to kill his wife?
You have made some very good points. Do you know if Jason knew, when he spoke with Meredith at the hotel, that Mr. Fisher was not coming down? Also, did Meredith testify, she spoke to Jayson while he was at the CB restaurant? I need to go back and listen to her testimony. Just so long and I don't know where to start.
I would like to know how many of the hush puppy brand shoes were sold in 2005.

TIA for anyone that has this information as they are a poplular brand of shoe

My understanding was that style was not very common which is why it took so long to identify the print.
Soft kill by strangulation is consistent with 'ischemia', one of the terms found on his pc (although I do wonder how he would know such a term to begin with.)

I agree about "shovel", but I think it goes to show (in a broad sense) the mindset of the person the state believes committed the crime. What reason would JY have for looking up any of those terms in the first place?

Is ischemia the only word search on his pc? Wasn't he a pharmaceuticals rep? He would know the medical term, imo.
I also had the opportunity to review the testimony regarding the number of profiles on the rock as testified to yesterday.

It was stated that there "multilple" profiles and could not state that they matched anyone. It will be in the trial testimony of SBI agent.
Maybe JY wore the Franklin shoes to kill MY. Then changed into the clean shoes. While he was in the closet, CY comes in and gets in the blood. He panicked because he hadn't planned on her waking and while retrieving CY he stepped in the blood with his clean shoes on.

I don't think he changed his shoes or clothes inside the house. I think he hosed off outside. Not sure if that's consistent with the state's theory or not, but I saw the garden hose and drew that conclusion immediately. (Hence, the lack of evidence in the car). He disposed of his clothes and the shoes somewhere between the house and the hotel.
It still is remarkable that whoever did it managed to leave the scene so cleanly after departing the 2nd floor. I think I understand there are no traceable prints below the 2nd floor.

I think it is so interesting how people can look at situations and come to different conclusions...with that said, the fact that the 2nd floor ONLY, aside from the blood on the door handle....had evidence of the murder....for me, says it was not a random crime. Whoever did this crime felt comfortable enough to do some clean up before heading downstairs. The lack of blood on JY and the double shoes prints is simple to me...he drops his clothes, shoes and bagged them before heading downstairs.
Soft kill by strangulation is consistent with 'ischemia', one of the terms found on his pc (although I do wonder how he would know such a term to begin with.)

I agree about "shovel", but I think it goes to show (in a broad sense) the mindset of the person the state believes committed the crime. What reason would JY have for looking up any of those terms in the first place?

Jason said he looked up those terms due to an accident he came upon.

I am not trying to be difficult but anyone knows if you want to kill someone by hitting them on the head, you don't need to research how to do it.

Now, if the word strangulation was found on his computer...:eek: maybe.

But, there are so many things in this case that have been taken out of context...........
Still at the office will have to try and catch up when I arrive home with respect to todays testimony.
I don't think he changed his shoes or clothes inside the house. I think he hosed off outside. Not sure if that's consistent with the state's theory or not, but I saw the garden hose and drew that conclusion immediately. (Hence, the lack of evidence in the car). He disposed of his clothes and the shoes somewhere between the house and the hotel.

He had to remove at least his shoes upstairs because there is no blood downstairs.
The fact those Franklin prints were made on a pillow makes me think they were intended to be made and found. I am not imagining a scenario in which a 2nd person had to step on a pillow and could not avoid it.

But where there is blood you can make a path of pillows to avoid getting your shoe prints on the carpet. Pillows are portable. But he probably forgot to grab the pillows to take out with the rest of the bloody evidence. The prints that were there weren't intended, but they happened, so what to do? Not portable.

That's my theory.
Did I miss anything big after 2:30?? Just a bit of advice, on a cold, rainy day, don't take your laptop, curl up in a big soft blankiie on your bed, and expect to remain *awake* for testimony. :(
I didn't know she had insurance. How much insurance did she have?

They each had a million dollar policy on each other, but no way, is any insurance company, even one with the dumbest agents, is going to pay out on a ongoing murder investigation.
Is ischemia the only word search on his pc? Wasn't he a pharmaceuticals rep? He would know the medical term, imo.


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(There were others, like searches for Michelle Money and real estate)
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