GUILTY PA - Rebecca Stahl, 37, Hempfield, 18 February 2012

IMO, if she is in a shelter or hospital, LE would know by now, arrest him and go on............
I'm afraid she is gone........
so sad
she is to responsible to me to put her elderly dad through this and her sister
If they wanted to search a vehicle, even the husbands, would they need a seperate search warrant? With his employment, there could be several vehicles to search. IMO
the only meds I an hink of is long term, heart? blood pressure?
thyroid? anti seizure..something the family knows is important for everyday use.

I was also thinking of hormones. If she had a hysterectomy then wouldn't she be adjusting hormones levels and would need them every day.
I was also thinking of hormones. If she had a hysterectomy then wouldn't she be adjusting hormones levels and would need them every day.

I even though of anti staph drug, antibiotics? infection with or caused surgery?
something very important that family said 'she needed'.......
also I think family saw something in house for LE to get a search warrant.
Haskings got a new mattress, peterson put junk in the babies room.....
somethings amiss here.
It has been exceptionally warm here.
The ground is not hard or frozen.
We have alot of woods, hunting areas, streams, rivers....where is she???
I would like to know his where abouts all weekend!
Why didn't HE report her missing???
wish I had knowlege how to do a map, but allot of open grounds around the area.
Even a cemetary, golf course.

I was looking at map and saw an ad for a hospital (transplant surgery).
If we only knew what the meds are her dad was upset about.......anti rejection meds?
So many questions and no local updates.
Could be antibiotics for a post-surgery infection?
Or as someone suggested, something to do with thyroid, etc...
When I had a hysterectomy, I only had pain pills afterward...but I DID need them...maybe not as much after 4 weeks though...

I hardly think it matters that she left her meds as I just think he forgot to get rid of those...
oh.. also that video noted that the DA was the one who sealed the search warrants!

(isn't that a bit strange that the DA is already involved in the case???)
I am getting the impression, search is on, warrant sealed by DA..........DS not talking to her relatives........her sister saying she would always call if she could.
FOUL play IMO, and I see things going fast!
Plus no updates????
If he hurt or murdered her, I pray he was sloppy!
LE find her!
Courtney Brennan ‏ @WPXI_Courtney
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State police helicopters searching for missing woman Rebecca Stahl. Stahl's sister says her hope that she'll be found dwindles w/each hour
is this a recent tweet? are the helicopters up right now?
I agree passion about the SW seals... usually it is LE that will request the seal..not the DA...

Also, to echo what Surfie said upstream about multiple search warrants being issued a little over 24 hours into a mp case ... tells me something...

Other similar intimate partner crimes with similar DV backgrounds have never had such stuff happen so quickly.. (but it should!)..

at this point I completely applaud LE for their work and keeping everything very close to the vest.
I'm assuming we don't know what kind of surgery Rebecca had, right? Is it possible that she had surgery for an injury inflicted by her husband?
12 weeks of medical leave is a LOT imhoo.... I could see 2-3 weeks for abdominal surgery, etc.. and as a nurse I am trying to think what could = 12 weeks.. and I am thinking a knee replacement, etc? (just speculating) or some other type of surgery with therapy that follows...(cancer surgery and treatment? etc)

would be helpful if they put out a silver alert for her considering the fact that she has a current medical issue.

I further hope they are using tracking dogs from the home...


I'm thinking along the lines of some type of treatment for cancer or hepatitis C. That would fit the relatively long medical leave but also being well enough to plan on attending a girl's night out. If you're doing chemo, you can predict and make plans for when you are likely to be feeling well enough to go out and when you're likely to need to stay home.

Like you, I hope they have brought in SAR dogs and also HRD dogs.
BBM. I posted the same time you did. I found 12 weeks to be an unusually long time as well. Joint replacement, mastectomy, something with a long recovery. Though nothing was mentioned about physical therapy or chemo/XRT appointments.

Given the surgery/medical leave and the fact she did not take her car means to me she did not voluntarily take off by herself. Which means someone helped her disappear. Voluntarily or otherwise.


These days, there are some types of chemo treatment that patients administer at home, either by themselves or by a visiting nurse.

And that would fit with her father expressing concern that she didn't have her meds with her. People doing home chemo are taught that timing is very, very important and not to change the treatment schedule at all. If they feel they need to adjust their schedule, they have to call their doctor.
is this a recent tweet? are the helicopters up right now?

it was not recent, from this afternoon I believe.
t's dark here now so I would say they stopped about 6ish.????
I have my tweet open just in case.

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