compare the parent's statements to media here

But your missing the point. According to that statement by DB, they didn't look around for 15mins. They didn't realize she was even missing (read:know to start looking for her) until around 4am. What was JI doing that whole time?

I see what you mean. JI had his version of what they were doing - and we know the 911 call was made about 3:58 - so they had to know to start looking prior to 4 a.m., she is mistaken about the time - she has a problem with time lines.
I see what you mean. JI had his version of what they were doing - and we know the 911 call was made about 3:58 - so they had to know to start looking prior to 4 a.m., she is mistaken about the time - she has a problem with time lines.

Oh, that could be. I'm not sure who I believe though. I think JI had some time to do some things before he woke DB. . . .MOO
Oh, that could be. I'm not sure who I believe though. I think JI had some time to do some things before he woke DB. . . .MOO

I think he had plenty of time to plan things, days, maybe weeks, in advance.
But your missing the point. According to that statement by DB, they didn't look around for 15mins. They didn't realize she was even missing (read:know to start looking for her) until around 4am. What was JI doing that whole time?

Maybe turning off lights, having a smoke, a glass of water, going to the bathroom, moving Debs son?? He didn't immediately realize something was seriously wrong so rushing in and waking Deb wouldn't have been a priority.
Maybe turning off lights, having a smoke, a glass of water, going to the bathroom, moving Debs son?? He didn't immediately realize something was seriously wrong so rushing in and waking Deb wouldn't have been a priority.

He moved Deb's son? He didn't mention smoking a cigarette, turning out lights. It does make sense that he would do at least some of this. The front door being unlocked is what prompted him to check on the boys and then go in and yell at DB - so, it's hard to believe he would be concerned and still have a smoke.
He moved Deb's son? He didn't mention smoking a cigarette, turning out lights. It does make sense that he would do at least some of this. The front door being unlocked is what prompted him to check on the boys and then go in and yell at DB - so, it's hard to believe he would be concerned and still have a smoke.
He might have walked through the kitchen and saw the empty box of wine and tried to figure out how he missed the family function. :floorlaugh:
Maybe turning off lights, having a smoke, a glass of water, going to the bathroom, moving Debs son?? He didn't immediately realize something was seriously wrong so rushing in and waking Deb wouldn't have been a priority.

He never says that's what he did. He's pretty specific about what he did when he came home. If he made himself something to eat, used the bathroom, had a smoke, etc. . .why would he not say that? Why lie about normal mundane things?
He might have walked through the kitchen and saw the empty box of wine and tried to figure out how he missed the family function. :floorlaugh:

You know, you may have something there Doc. It can't be pleasant to work a double shift only to come home and find the gf has been drinking (and he would be able to see how much), and is passed out with a cat, all the lights on and the front door unlocked, potentially putting his kids in danger.

How, how, howwwwwwwwww, could they be "close than ever" now? How does he not want to throttle her for not being able to tell anyone anything about the night his baby went missing?

It does not add up. I think you may be right Doc, and the wine box may have set him off - but to what end?
If JI moved Deb's son I would have expected him to have remembered where he found him instead of telling that the boys(plural) didn't hear anything because their bedroom is on the other side of the house.
If JI moved Deb's son I would have expected him to have remembered where he found him instead of telling that the boys(plural) didn't hear anything because their bedroom is on the other side of the house.

And the master bedroom is even further away, stands to reason if the boys' room was too far away to hear it, the one in the parents' room wouldn't hear it either.
I didn't say JI DID any of those things, but actually, I think it would make more sense that he wasn't in much of hurry to be concerned about the lights or the door if he DID see the wine box partially drank. No doubt figuring Deb did what she always does and up and went to bed without turning anything off. And seriously, I don't think he gave a second by second account of what he did.
"took two breaths, laid down my car keys" 'took five steps into the kitchen' 'went pee' 'brushed my teeth'...really I wouldn't expect some of those details as they would have nothing to do with anything regarding Lisa - except the time line, which is still in fairly close proximity to his arrival home as we know it
And the master bedroom is even further away, stands to reason if the boys' room was too far away to hear it, the one in the parents' room wouldn't hear it either.

Lisa's bedroom is between the boys room and the master bedroom. The computer room is right next to the boys room. The only bedroom they would have difficulty hearing noise coming from would be the master.
vl's post above made me think of something... about not hearing the "intruder"... if she was out from heavy drinking with the fan on on high and didn't hear the "intruder", how on earth would she have heard lisa cry if she started crying in the middle of the night? how would she know if her sick daughter needed her?... is there a 6th sense with motherhood that would've awoken her from an intoxicated state and with a fan on high to hear her baby's cry? would she have heard the baby monitor under these two conditions even so close to her bed? b/c i don't think she could have it both ways... !!
vl's post above made me think of something... about not hearing the "intruder"... if she was out from heavy drinking with the fan on on high and didn't hear the "intruder", how on earth would she have heard lisa cry if she started crying in the middle of the night? how would she know if her sick daughter needed her?... is there a 6th sense with motherhood that would've awoken her from an intoxicated state and with a fan on high to hear her baby's cry? would she have heard the baby monitor under these two conditions even so close to her bed? b/c i don't think she could have it both ways... !!

I don't think that by the time DB pretended to go to bed, that she would need to hear anything ever again on the monitor...
I don't think that by the time DB pretended to go to bed, that she would need to hear anything ever again on the monitor...

oh i agree... but just say normal night no baby stealer... how would a mommy hear her baby under those conditions? she wouldn't, right?!
vl's post above made me think of something... about not hearing the "intruder"... if she was out from heavy drinking with the fan on on high and didn't hear the "intruder", how on earth would she have heard lisa cry if she started crying in the middle of the night? how would she know if her sick daughter needed her?... is there a 6th sense with motherhood that would've awoken her from an intoxicated state and with a fan on high to hear her baby's cry? would she have heard the baby monitor under these two conditions even so close to her bed? b/c i don't think she could have it both ways... !!

I can only speak from experience, but I could sleep through my alarm blaring beside me, the phone ringing off the hook on the bedside table...but if my baby cried or called out ~ I was awake. My mom use to tease that I would have slept my life away if I hadn't had children :)
I promised my self I would not post on this forum again but- I have to say-Deb told MK in her interview something about the monitor being turned off and the static would be heard on the other end-and Deb said she would have heard it----REALLY--she can hear static-but not her own baby-I call that BS!!!!And that don't stand for Bill Stanton!!
1) i would imagine that an alcohol or drug induced sleep/stupor would definitely impair a mommy's hearing even if she heard her baby usually...

2) JI said DB sleeps with the fan on high... just read some comments on RR fb page... considering it was not hot out that night (50s), would she really have the fan on, on high? or was this said merely as another reason she didn't hear "the intruder"? of course, it's possible it was used as white noise... but you'd think JI would have a problem with this too... he turns out all the lights to save money so why allow a fan to run all night when it was not required for comfort reasons (heat)? plus, if you were as drunk as she says she was, would you really bother to turn on the fan on a not so hot night? i think i'd just flop into bed...
1) i would imagine that an alcohol or drug induced sleep/stupor would definitely impair a mommy's hearing even if she heard her baby usually...

2) JI said DB sleeps with the fan on high... just read some comments on RR fb page... considering it was not hot out that night (50s), would she really have the fan on, on high? or was this said merely as another reason she didn't hear "the intruder"? of course, it's possible it was used as white noise... but you'd think JI would have a problem with this too... he turns out all the lights to save money so why allow a fan to run all night when it was not required for comfort reasons (heat)? plus, if you were as drunk as she says she was, would you really bother to turn on the fan on a not so hot night? i think i'd just flop into bed...

I actually have a friend whose husband can't sleep w/o a fan. When they came to visit us, they bought a fan to put in the room they were staying in. A ceiling fan wasn't loud enough, he needed one that he could point straight on him. No matter the temperature he always has it on when he sleeps.

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