17-yo Teen Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #6

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In every bit of muckraking that I have read thus far, if there were crimes and I use that term loosely, in TM's past, there might have been crimes of property, and the dread graffiti (what teen doesn't occasionally do that) and maybe he smoked some grass....Not one single thing about any type of violent offense

Not so Zimmerman though

I know what that tells me IMO JMHO and stuff

Yet GZ was the one getting beaten in a fight by TM.
I too have listened to the tapes, and imo, the scream of help were those made by an adult who was getting beat up, knowing he could end it because he was armed, and was screaming for some one to rescue him before he had to resort to using his weapon with deadly force. I know I would scream like a baby for help before I decided to kill an attacker.

She could tell it was the voice of a young man!!! She said she heard a kid screaming. I heard the tape too, it was horrifying to hear! I could only think OMG what if that was my Son!!!!! It was screaming for help! Did you not hear that tape?
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Thread #4

Thread #5

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And, is there a link that Trayvon's parents holding rallies and what-not is not helping, but only inciting violence?
So what is the point other than to blame the victim? To play devils advocate? This is not a game.

No it is not a game.IMO Not blaming the victim just trying to get a complete picture of what may have happened that night.Why is it ok to say GZ is violent because of his past but TM being found in possession of woman's jewelry that was sent to police isn't?
here. I'll keep following other cases where the victim is treated with respect and the killer is not supported. But this one has gone too far IMO.

This one is very murky, who is the victim.

Just because Trayvon is dead, it doesn't make him the clear cut victim. IMHO.

God rest his soul. As a mother of teenage boys, this is wrenching. I do have teenage boys who have dabbled in marijuana. But I don't have teenage boys with the laundry list of offenses Trayvon has, without even actually being charged with a crime. And I'm suspicious about whatever else his parents are hiding in his past.

I wish for peace for the community, peace for his family, peace.
I've not seen anyone high-five George Zimmerman here. Would I want my 27 year old daughter to shoot someone who jumped and attacked her, even if she was following them while police were on their way, heck yes I would. I'm entitled to feel that way.

TM was 6' 3" to GZ's 5'9" - GZ was yelling for help and people ran into their houses. GZ must have been terrified. Ridiculous to blame this on GZ as far as I'm concerned. You don't beat a person for following you - you call 911 with the phone in your ear or go home. Trayvon did neither.
The call was not recorded. If I am wrong, please, post a link verifying that. What they do have is proof the two werre in a phone call based on phone log records, and a transcript of what the girl, via her attorney, told ABC NEWS in an exclusive interview ( APROX 21 days AFTER Martin's death). And we all know how ABC gets inclusives (see Casey Anthony/Caylee Anthony pics).

He was talking to his girlfriend throughout the whole walk. They have the whole phone call on record, so I don't know why everyone is so adamant that TM was doing something wrong. Normal kid, drinking ice tea and eating skiddles while talking to his girlfriend only to come across the big bully wanna be cop carrying a weapon. In California you can only shoot someone if they are inside your home, if they are in your yard you will go to jail no matter what their intention was. RIP Trayvon....
How do we know he was not in a gang?A few days ago we did not know he was suspended from school due to having empty pot bag.JMO

How do we know he wasn't a member of a satanic cult while we're at it? Or a cross-dresser? Let's just speculate about all sorts of things about the victim because that's what we do on a victim-friendly site, apparently.
What has been reported about there being a fight is coming from a police department who has been extremely shady through all of this ordeal. I am taking it with a grain of salt about the fight. Just like Nancy said on her show right now....Zimmerman was the aggressor because he got out his car and started following Trayvon who then acted out in self defense. If you feel threatened you don't go after the person you feel threatened by. It just doesn't work that way. He cannot claim self defense for that reason.

I don't see what they've done that's has been so shady. I know that's the template for this story, but if they didn't have anything to arrest him on what could they do?
Exactly! Yet he is still profiled as "the self appointed neighborhood watch capitan" - which is a irrelevant as much as why Martin was suspended (unless the autopsy does show drugs in Martin's system).

I read here on this board that TM was drug tested and it came up negative. it still would not have made a difference, people can't just go shooting people because they are high on drugs
TM IS the victim but people are trying to paint him as this "innocent" kid who could do no wrong and GZ as the big bad guy who had a gun and killed TM for no reason at all.

If GZ feared for his life and if it played out like how GZ and several witnesses said it played out with TM on top of GZ and slamming/hitting him, breaking his nose then imo, it was self defense.
I too have listened to the tapes, and imo, the scream of help were those made by an adult who was getting beat up, knowing he could end it because he was armed, and was screaming for some one to rescue him before he had to resort to using his weapon with deadly force. I know I would scream like a baby for help before I decided to kill an attacker.

I don't know how one is able to discern all of that from a few muffled screams.

IMO, I don't think anyone except the FBI could credibly state who was on the tapes. While Sybrina has said it's her son, and I respect her statement, I think an independent expert is necessary to say for certain.
Is the biggest fear for those who carry concealed weapons right now that because of this case new laws will be forced upon us if an investigation reveals that it was not a matter of self defense when GZ shot TM?
Link? I've only seen them say they know where he is.

JVM interviewed the lady who is heading up the investigation and she clearly said we don't know where George Zimmerman is.
Is the biggest fear for those who carry concealed weapons right now that because of this case new laws will be forced upon us if an investigation reveals that it was not a matter of self defense when GZ shot TM?

I am all for tougher gun laws.
JVM interviewed the lady who is heading up the investigation and she clearly said we don't know where George Zimmerman is.

Since they haven't charged him with anything I presume he can be anywhere he wants.
I think that there are a lot of despicable issues with this case, but the one that sickens me the most is how this is being used for political reasons. I know this is not the political forum, so I won't post more about it, but this is being blown WAY out of proportion by the powers that be. That's all I will say about that.
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