17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #9

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I believe that he addressed it because a reporter asked him about it. And are we on a political forum right now? Can we agree to disagree about this and move on. pretty please?! :please:

Yep. Politics are kind of OT here. We can talk about what the president said and how it affects him personally but once it gets political....we're OT. jmo
How could Zimmerman possibly know Martin wasn't a threat at any point prior to the shooting? Screaming does not eliminate you as a threat.

In my mind the whole debate here is whether Zimmerman acted in self defense versus Zimmerman being a cold blood killer.

It is my opinion that Trayvon was never a threat to Zimmerman or anyone else for that matter. Therefore, if it is indeed Trayvon pleading for his life when Zimmerman shot him dead, then that is cold blooded, and possibly first degree murder.

If Zimmerman is found to be guilty of gunning down an innocent 17 year old boy, you wouldn’t want him going free to hurt someone else would you?

And I’ll anticipate your next question to me. No, I wouldn’t want to see an innocent man go to prison just because the public is hungry for it.

I want justice. I want the truth to come out, whatever that may be.

It's like saying that President George W. Bush had no right to comment on the Laci Peterson case? :banghead:

When you are the President of the United States and a case as big as this one and as the Laci Peterson case was, you expect the President to at least say something. As a country, we look to our President during these times.

The Laci Peterson's case was also political because they wanted Scott Peterson to be charged with the murder of Connor, even though he was not born yet. It sparked heated conversations.
I do not see an ice pack for the swelling of his broken nose in the video............
IMO, it seems that some people on here want GZ to be guilty of what he supposedly did.

because an AA 17 year old can never instigate anything and never stir up trouble.


GZ is guilty of what he supposedly did. IMO

And this AA 17 year old did not instigate anything. He ran away from the situation.
Why bring it up again? Just what do gold teeth prove? Nothing.

It proves you could have been targeted by someone loaded with a pair of pliers. Gold is expensive, $1,700 an ounce. jmo
Here's a FACT for ya:

According to the Herald, Zimmerman would often go door-to-door in the neighborhood, warning residents to be careful of young black males. The news organization also reports Zimmerman was energetic in his efforts to protect the neighborhood, and that he contacted police 46 times since Jan. 1, 2011, to report disturbances, break-ins and other incidents.


It sources The Herald. Wonder who the Heralds sources are?

Yes, it's a fact this article states things about GZ.
You do not see him carrying a weapon either, but based on statements made by the Snford Police Department, the same people whoi say he was bleeding from his nose and the back of his head, you believe he had one.

I do not see an ice pack for the swelling of his broken nose in the video............
It proves you could have been targeted by someone loaded with a pair of pliers. Gold is expensive, $1,700 an ounce. jmo
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Thanks for the laugh, I needed that!
And since he's the sole victim, and wasn't doing anything wrong that night, his past is irrelevant!


Mod note:

LinasK, I am jumping off of your post because it was convenient, but it is by no means directed toward you specifically. I have seen this comment made several times so I want to take the opportunity to clairfy WS stance on the "victim friendly" issue.

I had a discussion with the owners about how we were to deal with this. This is what I was advised:

At this point in the investigation we don't KNOW exactly who ALL the victims are now. We KNOW that Trayvon is a victim, because he is dead. :( However, news breaks and new leaks come forth everyday and it is still unclear whether Zimmerman was a victim of any violence. Until more verifiable FACTS are available, WS has chosen to err on the side of treating both the confirmed (Trayvon) AND potential (Zimmerman) victim, both as victims.

Like I said, that may change after we have more verifiable information.
GZ is guilty of what he supposedly did. IMO

And this AA 17 year old did not instigate anything. He ran away from the situation.

Which is purposefully hunting down and killing TM?

That we know of....... as of now both TM and GZ are victims.

I'm done I'm waiting until all the facts come out and if he acted in self defense, he acted in self defense and if he did not he did not.
:waitasec: Why would Trayvon's facebook and twitter accounts vanish :waitasec:
Seems that his friends were just posting condolences.
Who is afraid of what? Articles have also vanished.
I did see it, and I did ask but no one answered.
In the twitter photo TM looks as if he has gold teeth
on the bottom IS that correct????

Another link not twitter.
Middle picture. are those gold teeth? (not really clear) but on twitter it was clear. cant find that one.

Yes, there is a picture of Trayvon with what appears to be gold teeth:

However, some are trying to pretend this:


is the same as this:


That effort has failed. :moo:
I believe a common opinion is that Martin ran away soi he could circle up behind Zimmerman, and attack him. IMO, had he "running away" been to completely avoid Zimmerman, he had ample time, and opportunity.

How often do "threats" run away...
:waitasec: Why would Trayvon's facebook and twitter accounts vanish :waitasec:
Seems that his friends were just posting condolences.
Who is afraid of what? Articles have also vanished.

The Facebook/Twitter probably vanished because people were going there getting info to demonize him. We all know that. :moo:

It is sad that he can't be left alone so his friends can post their condolences. SMH
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