17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #13

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And how would I or anyone know that unless my son's locker was searched?

And if his locker was searched, and they found there the same jewelry my son had hanging in his room for several years, we are going to make the leap that he must be HIDING them? What if he kept them there because he gave them out a piece at a time to his girl friends? What if he simply didn't want them anymore and slowly was selling them to his friends a piece at a time for spare change? Are either of these criminal? Is the fact that this jewelry was in his locker a CRIME? No, of course not. But treating it as though it WAS a crime would be ENORMOUSLY biased.

And frankly, people of color and people in poverty have ALWAYS been treated in this country with that bias. I believe it is time to make THAT a crime.

He told the police it belonged to a friend. he would not tell them who.
So there are no what ifs...
If I had anything in my locker that I can say, Oh yes I got this at that store,
or from so and so. HIDING IS HIDNG and often because the truth will get you in deep water.

I am not a good enabler.
The real question is why did GZ find TM suspicious? GZ didn't see TM commit a crime. Nor did he see TM carrying a crowbar, or testing doors to see if they were locked or any other behavior associated with burglars. All he saw was a pedestrian walking slow, something people often do while talking on the phone. The kicker for GZ appears to be that the person walking was young, male and black. In GZ's view, anyone matching that description was a criminal.

Yes, young black male in a hoodie, walking slowly in an area where GZ didn't expect to see him (in the rain at night), put him on the alert. But it seems that it went further than that for GZ. He wasn't just on the alert, he was *sure* this guy was "up to no good" and was angry at the prospect that he would "get away". JMO
I was replying to someone who said, based upon the fact that the Martins were not visited that night, that it must mean they never canvassed. And I am saying that we do not know if that is true or not, just given that fact. They may well have canvassed. And there were a lot of witnesses from the immediate area who they interviewed, so they didn't just walk away without speaking to the neighbors.

The Martin's were a block away. The police may have only talked to neighbors that were closer.
As I've said before, I don't see a gash and I don't see how anyone can see gash unless they're desperately wanting to.

I see a possible birthmark but, more likely, a random balding pattern. It seems his head is shaved and that makes those patterns more noticeable.


In the police station video, one of the cops takes a look at the back of GZ's head, as if inspecting a possible wound. What do you make of that?
As I've said before, I don't see a gash and I don't see how anyone can see gash unless they're desperately wanting to.

I see a possible birthmark but, more likely, a random balding pattern. It seems his head is shaved and that makes those patterns more noticeable.


Some do see a bruise, and say it is not a gash it is a bruise.
see whatever you see.
He had the jewelry in his backpack ,TM said it was not his and his mom said she knew nothing about it.If it was his why would he say it was a friend who he refused to identify?If it was his from his room his mom would know.,she would have seen it.IMO

The only way you know anything about that jewelry is because some despicable person decided on their own to steal that report from a locked cabinet and give it to someone to release.

They broke the law, committed a worse crime then anything having to do with Trayvon's alleged jewelry and that is fact.

The reason I believe they broke this law was to try and paint Trayvon as anything but innocent on that walk home. There has been no evidence at all that Trayvon broke any law that night.

The only thing he did wrong was walking while black. ALL ABOVE IMO.
Originally Posted by Footwarrior<br />
The real question is why did GZ find TM suspicious? GZ didn't see TM commit a crime. Nor did he see TM carrying a crowbar, or testing doors to see if they were locked or any other behavior associated with burglars. All he saw was a pedestrian walking slow, something people often do while talking on the phone. The kicker for GZ appears to be that the person walking was young, male and black. In GZ's view, anyone matching that description was a criminal.
<br />
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Yes, young black male in a hoodie, walking slowly in an area where GZ didn't expect to see him (in the rain at night), put him on the alert. But it seems that it went further than that for GZ. He wasn't just on the alert, he was *sure* this guy was "up to no good" and was angry at the prospect that he would "get away". JMO

ONELOVE: I believe these two posts pretty much sum up the case. Everything else is deflection and bird walking designed to cover up people's biases. IMO
The real question is why did GZ find TM suspicious? GZ didn't see TM commit a crime. Nor did he see TM carrying a crowbar, or testing doors to see if they were locked or any other behavior associated with burglars. All he saw was a pedestrian walking slow, something people often do while talking on the phone. The kicker for GZ appears to be that the person walking was young, male and black. In GZ's view, anyone matching that description was a criminal.

I don't see that and IMO it's not backed up by the transcript.

However, huge speculation, there is a very important piece of the puzzle that we are missing. Either this was a terribly tragic "perfect storm" of coincidences that led to the shooting and death of an unarmed teenager, or something else happened whether it was words, a gesture, or even just a look, something piqued GZ to get out of his car and follow TM, or vice versa. And I'm not sure we'll ever know the "why." We're all grasping for that "why" but I don't think we'll ever get our hands on it.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
So maybe his friend had Trayvon hold the jewelry for him so he didn't get in trouble with a girlfriend for having other girls' jewelry as 'tokens of affection' so to speak. I don't know. You don't know. Maybe girls "traded" their jewelry for some commodity. Maybe boys collected it as 'totems'. Having girl's jewelry in your backpack is not a crime. it was also Trayvon's right to protect a friend. He was questioned. He was let go.

I do not know. You do not know. It is a non issue in Trayvon's murder. That it is immediately ASSUMED by anyone that he must be a criminal because he had girls jewelry is egregious BIAS, imo.

Trayvon could be my son. If we go back far enough in time, we realize we truly are ALL one family. Some just have their barriers up too high to feel it.

I am thinking not on all the maybe's. Jmo
In the police station video, one of the cops takes a look at the back of GZ's head, as if inspecting a possible wound. What do you make of that?

It's possible he took a look for the purpose of gaining visual evidence to either refute or support GZ's claims? I 'think' that is what they are supposed to do. I hope he took a really good look and made notes, better yet, took pictures.
So maybe his friend had Trayvon hold the jewelry for him so he didn't get in trouble with a girlfriend for having other girls' jewelry as 'tokens of affection' so to speak. I don't know. You don't know. Maybe girls "traded" their jewelry for some commodity. Maybe boys collected it as 'totems'. Having girl's jewelry in your backpack is not a crime. it was also Trayvon's right to protect a friend. He was questioned. He was let go.

I do not know. You do not know. It is a non issue in Trayvon's murder. That it is immediately ASSUMED by anyone that he must be a criminal because he had girls jewelry is egregious BIAS, imo.

Trayvon could be my son. If we go back far enough in time, we realize we truly are ALL one family. Some just have their barriers up too high to feel it.

Pictures were sent to police so it appears they believed it to be stolen.As a parent I do know children can and do many things we are not made aware of.My own DS has told me many things he did that I never had a clue of even though I watched him like a hawk. I do believe we all are connected but I do not feel it is with bias if we want all the facts on both TM and GZ.
So maybe his friend had Trayvon hold the jewelry for him so he didn't get in trouble with a girlfriend for having other girls' jewelry as 'tokens of affection' so to speak. I don't know. You don't know. Maybe girls "traded" their jewelry for some commodity. Maybe boys collected it as 'totems'. Having girl's jewelry in your backpack is not a crime. it was also Trayvon's right to protect a friend. He was questioned. He was let go.

I do not know. You do not know. It is a non issue in Trayvon's murder. That it is immediately ASSUMED by anyone that he must be a criminal because he had girls jewelry is egregious BIAS, imo.

Trayvon could be my son. If we go back far enough in time, we realize we truly are ALL one family. Some just have their barriers up too high to feel it.

I am thinking not on all the maybe's. Jmo

You certainly are entitled to your personal bias.

For me, I have no problem admitting we just do not know. I am not saying he is innocent, I'm not saying he is guilty. What we DO know is that the professional call made was no crime was committed.

To "have a hunch" or a "feeling" that he is guilty is bias plain and simple. IMO
Pictures were sent to police so it appears they believed it to be stolen.As a parent I do know children can and do many things we are not made aware of.My own DS has told me many things he did that I never had a clue of even though I watched him like a hawk. I do believe we all are connected but I do not feel it is with bias if we want all the facts on both TM and GZ.

GREAT POST :clap: :clap:
Trayvon Martin's Parents Seek Federal Review Of Prosecutor
Family Wants To Know Whether Prosecutor Interfered With Police....

CNN) -- Trayvon Martin's parents will ask the U.S. Justice Department to review a local Florida prosecutor's interactions with police investigating the teen's shooting death, the family's lawyer said.
The Justice Department launched an investigation into Martin's death on March 19, but the family is now asking it to look for possible interference by State's Attorney Norm Wolfinger's office with Sanford, Florida, Police Detective Chris Serino, attorney Ben Crump said.
The Martin family will send a formal request to the Justice Department Monday, Crump told CNN Sunday.


To Trayvon's family - keep it going, keep demanding answers. Your dedication to Trayvon and his memory has gotten you this far, just keep it up. You have millions of people behind you supporting you. Trayvon will not be just another statistic. He will not have died in vain. God bless you!!

I would think LE would be going door to door asking if they saw anything and also going door to door with a picture or pictures of TM in the morgue asking who's son was this.

and Tracy Martin got home between 10:15 to 10:45. PM, and the shooting happened around 7ish.

I do not believe that the Police just up and left so very quickly. I would think they would be there for hours and not just minutes. So IMO, they were still there when Tracy Martin and his Fiancee got home. i find it very odd that plenty of police cars and possibly sirens going off at the complex did not pip his curiosity about what was going on.

Something about the whole story the family is telling is not right.
The real question is why did GZ find TM suspicious? GZ didn't see TM commit a crime. Nor did he see TM carrying a crowbar, or testing doors to see if they were locked or any other behavior associated with burglars. All he saw was a pedestrian walking slow, something people often do while talking on the phone. The kicker for GZ appears to be that the person walking was young, male and black. In GZ's view, anyone matching that description was a criminal.

IMO, he wasn't sure of TM race, so that was not the root cause of suspicion. I believe it was because there were problems with crime in the area, therefore he was suspicious of any stranger, alone , under a certain age. Am I condoning that, no. But fear and the threat of break-ins makes many people extemely tense and watchful.

I was once stopped by police driving away from a neighborhood where numerous complaints had come in about an individual religiously proselytizing door to door. People were irate that nothing was being done. I was dressed up..and had been seen at one door...so he followed me amd pulled me over onthe main road and interrogated me. Is that profiling? Or just someone a little too alert because of problems?

We don't know. But speculation can go many ways...but it's just that: SPECULATION.
You certainly are entitled to your personal bias.

For me, I have no problem admitting we just do not know. I am not saying he is innocent, I'm not saying he is guilty. What we DO know is that the professional call made was no crime was committed.

To "have a hunch" or a "feeling" that he is guilty is bias plain and simple. IMO

So what you are saying is those who are not bias, would not say that either one is guilty.
I agree if you are saying that.
I think we can have judgments on behavior,
but not pretend that we KNOW the facts.
It was mentioned on Dr. Drew? Frank Taffe, after releasing a voicemail left to him by George Zimmerman thanking him for his support and expressing his condolences for Mr. Taffe losing his son, Mr. Taffe told Dr. Drew that his son had died of a drug overdose.

I feel awful for anyone who loses a child. Drug addiction is horrible, but if the son lived in that complex, or came to visit, what's to say he didn't commit burglaries to feed his drug habit?
BEM: The same could be said about anyone visiting the complex. He said, on that same show, his son's battle was with prescription drug addiction and never said where his son lived. Huge stretch, IMO.

I feel if Mrs. Zimmerman didn't see with her own eyes these burglaries take place, she did a horrible thing by giving any kind of description of a suspect to LE or fellow neighbors. It makes me sick that Mrs. Zimmerman and Mr. Zimmerman were creating hysteria in their neighborhood. Putting everyone on edge by saying that these "suspects" were "black teens" if they didn't actually witness the crime taking place.
The Zimmermans didn't create "hysteria" in their neighborhood, criminals, some young black males, some white, were creating FEAR in the neighborhood. The Zimmermans were being good neighbors, thus the organization name, "Neighborhood Watch".

The burglary reports, document the fact that an AA homeless man, Brian Bookard, was taken into custody because there was an eyewitness - a woman whose house Bookard had been come to several times, giving a fake name.

In fact, one of the homes that was robbed belonged to a woman whose jewelry was taken, including earrings, rings, bracelets, etc., over $6,000 worth. Most of the homes were being broken into through the patio doors.
In the police station video, one of the cops takes a look at the back of GZ's head, as if inspecting a possible wound. What do you make of that?

They were checking him for injuries. That does not mean there were any to be seen but they were doing their job and looking.

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I wonder if LE took the stuff from his school record (jewelry) and took that into acount the possibiliity that he was looking to steal stuff, just trying to make sense of why gz is seen to be believable jmo
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