17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #24

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The link didn't take me to that second call unless I missed it (possible, I'm getting tired) but....after the shooting wasn't there a witness who went outside and said GZ got up off Trayvon, put his hands on his head and said "call 911". Or am I mistaken? So, from this second 911 call, GZ then made it himself...I wish it could be released.

U are referring to the two witnesses who came forward stating they witnessed Zimmerman straddling Trayvon while he was face down.

IMO, i think that's when Zimmerman decided his only way out of this mess is to fabricate an innitial attack by Martin.
So you think he got out of his car, went between the buildings where there are plenty of windows (where he can be seen to start a fight) and put his hands on Trayvon? I can’t see him doing that.
I can see that Travon was either afraid of the man who followed him and was going to SHOW him, or was Already Pizzed that he was not in Miami with his GF but up there with Dad, and now this guy is on his behind and he said to himself I am going to stop the MF.... he did not care if there are windows up there.

THE GF - she signed a report with LE then the media got on it.
Somewhere between the third week and the first day a lot did happen.
and the first person to discover her was Mr. Martin.

I once was an office manager for a law firm 5 floors of lawyers.
they wanted to pay to send me to law school I was in my 20"s.

The only proof we have is that GZ was aggressively chasing down TM because we know he was running. You can hear him on the 911 tape. GZ has already admitted to LE he feels this guy is suspicious and could be dangerous "has his hand in his waistband" where ironically GZ kept his gun. It's not impossible to believe that GZ just did not want TM to get away as the evidence points to this directly. jmo
Would that phone record show calls that were unanswered?

That snippet doesn't contain any call attempts from his parents either, trying to reach him.

I don't believe any one news source these days, I want to see the logs after LE has released them. I am not buying into anything from msm anymore, just sayin
they have an agenda and I want the facts and truth not someones twisted version of what happened.
With Trayvon still being on the phone at the time with his girlfriend I don't think that he hid from him either. I would think that Trayvon would not have been talking on the phone if he was hiding. I honestly think that Trayvon was walking fast to get away from Zimmerman and his truck, rounded the corner, slowed down and then noticed that Zimmerman was behind him again. I think at that point that Trayvon again walked fast but heard Zimmerman right up behind him, turned around and questioned why Zimmerman was following him and then all heck broke loose. I do not think that Trayvon hit Zimmerman at all. I do think that Zimmerman refused to let Trayvon get away and tried to restrain him, possibly even showed him the gun. From what I heard on the neighbor's 911 call Trayvon (yes, I think it was Trayvon begging for help) was scared for his life.


Good morning all...

I do not believe GZ was in his vehicle when he was following TM, (hunting him down is how I see it). I'm glad TM didn't run or he'd have been shot in his back..It appears GZ was adamant to not let anther *advertiser censored**hole get away...He 'profiled' TM whether it be his clothing or color but he was determined to stop this alleged burglar in his tracks and did just that..

SFulton identifed TM horrific wail for help moments before the gunshot is heard, the wail abruptly stopped...had this been GZ (which it's not for I believe that blood curdling scream to be a young voice) the screams would have continued...and of course the Zimmerman's say it's George..GZ never tried to render aid, he just sat on his back probably until TM's last breath was taken...

I also have this strange feeling (that I can't shake that GZ played this over and over in his head) how he would use the SYG defense when another person he deemed to be 'suspicous' got away from him...if he started the confrontation, which he did by continually following TM even after told not to..I believe GZ felt he knew exactly the right words to say to make it appear his actions were the right actions in an altercation he started...

At trial the prosecutor will show their evidence to support this murder 2 charge or not...that's why we have trials by juries...
The only proof we have is that GZ was aggressively chasing down TM because we know he was running. You can hear him on the 911 tape. GZ has already admitted to LE he feels this guy is suspicious and could be dangerous "has his hand in his waistband" where ironically GZ kept his gun. It's not impossible to believe that GZ just did not want TM to get away as the evidence points to this directly. jmo

ITA LambChop...

I believe GZ is an incredible person..it's hard to believe that TM was staring at him, running towards him not knowing he was only yards from the home, so GZ saying this has the appearance of his use of SYG as a defense...I feel GZ ran smack into TM since he felt TM was evading him, he cut through the walkways to get to TM..that's when all hell broke loose..Question would be, did GZ have his weapon out and ready to use? I'd like to know what GZ was doing right before he made the decision to go out and run an errand, yet got sidetracked by some 'kid' walking through 'his' neighborhood..who he immediately put his sights on as being suspicious, up to something, on drugs or something...

In his own delusional world GZ is the gatekeeper of Twin Lakes..he's the big, bad sheriff on the prowl..if he says you're up to no good, then you're up to no good..then he can pursue and confront anyone? He doesn't have that right, which is also where the Feds will see if TM civil rights were violated...along with the alleged racial slur...that in itself shows GZ's state of mind...

He's that wannabe cop, so he prowls around looking for his 'trophy' to be hailed a hero by his own community..

I await this trial...Justice for Trayvon Martin
Good morning, Mr. Zimmerman...


Rest in peace, Trayvon...

Thanks Suzi...that photo of GZ is awesome...do you see any indication of a broken nose?

That's the first thing I tried to focus on...I dont' see any...

I believe GZ's account of things have fallen apart..his actions do not support his theory which is why he's sitting in jail...:maddening:
There are different parts to Miami just like there are different parts to NYC? I'm more scared of Hicksville than I am of Miami. Just sayin'.

ETA: And unless you have lived in Miami or anywhere near Miami... how would you know what the children there are aware of? Just asking?
I lived there and I do know. But someone said she is only 15 to me saying if she heard a man is following him she knew that is NOT at all good.
You can be 15 or 12 when you hear such things.
George Zimmerman May Apologize to Trayvon Martin's Family, Lawyer Says
By MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) , SENI TIENABESO (@senijr_abc) and CANDACE SMITH
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 12, 2012
The lawyer for George Zimmerman, charged with murder in the death of unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin, said that the teenager's death "weighs on" Zimmerman and suggested his client might apologize to Martin's family.

"Understand that George fully well realizes that he was involved in some way in the death of another young man," lawyer Mark O'Mara told ABC News.

"He does not take the result of that altercation lightly at all. That weighed on him, I would imagine, more than the isolation, more than the last six weeks, more probably than the threat of what is to come in the system," O'Mara said.

Zimmerman spent his first night in prison in protective custody, where he could be watched at all times. Law enforcement sources told ABC News, the 28 year old "wept quite a bit" at night.


GZ's weeping because his account of things do not match the evidence of where TM was shot dead...that's my belief. I believe he knows where he'll be heading for quite some time...too bad he didn't think about the consequences first before rushing to judgment as he did...he played judge, jury and executioner all in one shot to TM's chest...
I don't believe it will be just the GF's testimony that is important here.

If my calculations are correct there would seem to be 2 witnesses whom have not spoken to the press that I believe have been asked not to and probably for good reason.

I will be very curious to hear what these 2 witnesses I believe have not been heard from have to say.

Since it is my calculation I will state JMO MOO
I am eager to hear more on this when the time comes. :)
IIRC we don't know when she reported the incident, we only HEARD about it three weeks later.

I know my fellow WSers will promptly provide links to prove me wrong if I don't recall correctly.

And with a case his monumental, You think they held back the information for weeks???
I do not.
I think they ran with information faster then lightening.
The only proof we have is that GZ was aggressively chasing down TM because we know he was running. You can hear him on the 911 tape. GZ has already admitted to LE he feels this guy is suspicious and could be dangerous "has his hand in his waistband" where ironically GZ kept his gun. It's not impossible to believe that GZ just did not want TM to get away as the evidence points to this directly. jmo
I can believe that GZ did not want TM to get away.
But that would be a very far stretch that he followed him and just shot him.
WHAT IF? GZ did just followed him, and TM got away, then GZ walked back
and TM Said I'ma stop the Bleep once and for all. Is that not possible?
George Zimmerman May Apologize to Trayvon Martin's Family, Lawyer Says
By MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) , SENI TIENABESO (@senijr_abc) and CANDACE SMITH
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 12, 2012
The lawyer for George Zimmerman, charged with murder in the death of unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin, said that the teenager's death "weighs on" Zimmerman and suggested his client might apologize to Martin's family.

"Understand that George fully well realizes that he was involved in some way in the death of another young man," lawyer Mark O'Mara told ABC News.

"He does not take the result of that altercation lightly at all. That weighed on him, I would imagine, more than the isolation, more than the last six weeks, more probably than the threat of what is to come in the system," O'Mara said.

Zimmerman spent his first night in prison in protective custody, where he could be watched at all times. Law enforcement sources told ABC News, the 28 year old "wept quite a bit" at night.


GZ's weeping because his account of things do not match the evidence of where TM was shot dead...that's my belief. I believe he knows where he'll be heading for quite some time...too bad he didn't think about the consequences first before rushing to judgment as he did...he played judge, jury and executioner all in one shot to TM's chest...

That is some lawyerspeak right there... Very understated imo.
If GZ truly thinks that he "was involved in some way in the death of another young man" then it hasn't fully sank in that he in fact killed a teenager.
What do you think of the 911 call from Trayvon's phone on 3/2/2012? The media/family didn't release statements about the girlfriend and him being on the phone until 3/20/2012.

I hope LE has the physical phone! Why wouldn't they? Didn't they process the scene correctly? Oh, never mind. We will have to wait and see.


That's what I don't get, how could LE not have had the phone from the beginning? Trayvon's family wasn't there at the time, they couldn't have taken the phone, Trayvon couldn't have ditched his phone after he died. So that leaves police and GZ. His phone would have been in the same area where he died.

I don't have a link, going off memory so this is JMHO, but hadn't it been reported in the media that police said Trayvon's father refused to allow them to search phone/records, Trayvon's father denied that, saying that it was the first he heard of it, that they didn't even know that they had the phone, and had they asked him in the very beginning he never would have denied the request?

George Zimmerman May Apologize to Trayvon Martin's Family, Lawyer Says
By MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) , SENI TIENABESO (@senijr_abc) and CANDACE SMITH
JACKSONVILLE, Fla., April 12, 2012
The lawyer for George Zimmerman, charged with murder in the death of unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin, said that the teenager's death "weighs on" Zimmerman and suggested his client might apologize to Martin's family.

"Understand that George fully well realizes that he was involved in some way in the death of another young man," lawyer Mark O'Mara told ABC News.

"He does not take the result of that altercation lightly at all. That weighed on him, I would imagine, more than the isolation, more than the last six weeks, more probably than the threat of what is to come in the system," O'Mara said.

Zimmerman spent his first night in prison in protective custody, where he could be watched at all times. Law enforcement sources told ABC News, the 28 year old "wept quite a bit" at night.


GZ's weeping because his account of things do not match the evidence of where TM was shot dead...that's my belief. I believe he knows where he'll be heading for quite some time...too bad he didn't think about the consequences first before rushing to judgment as he did...he played judge, jury and executioner all in one shot to TM's chest...

If I were the Martin family, I'd let Zimmerman's attorney know under no circumstances would I accept an apology from the man who hunted my child down and murdered him. That is something you do the next day or the day after IF you are truly REMORSEFUL for what you did. First off, he's not going to apologize because apologizing means that he's guilty and no way is he going to put himself in that position. I only wish that I could be as classy, eloquent, and humble as the Martin family is. I pray for the day he is told he is 100% responsible for the murder of Trayvon Martin.

and no LLL, there is not a single injury on his face other than a scar on his cheek which has been there obviously prior to 2005. I still maintain if the injuries he described existed, we would have already seen proof of that and if the injuries his brother described existed, he would have been in the hospital. These people make me physically ill.

This is the reason I'm here and this is the reason I will be here until the day I hear the jury say, Mr. Zimmerman, you are guilty of the murder of Trayvon Benjamin Martin.


The initial police reports

Sanford police have released initial reports from the officers who first responded to the shooting scene on February 26. The reports detail what the officers saw when they arrived, officers’ attempts to resuscitate Martin, and a very brief account from Zimmerman. They do not include statements from other witnesses or any investigative information beyond the officers’ initial observations.

The initial police reports describe the case as "homicide/negligent" and "manslaughter/unnecessary killing to prevent unlawful act." City officials have said that all reports need descriptions to help track types of incidents

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