17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #28

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Then he most certainly is a convicted murderer.

And not a victim.

As of right now, he has been charged with murder. He will go through the proper channels in order to come to the reasonable conclusion of what happened that night. Until then... Trayvon is the only victim in this case.

I believe he was shot in the chest. Which leads to many other quesitons about why he was face down on the ground and a witness says he saw gun shot residue. That simply is not possible unless Travon was turned over. The gunshot residue would not have been on his back.

Now if the witness was still in the area instead of being removed from a crime scene upon police arrival, something is horribly wrong with this investigation. In order to try to work CPR or to assess the patient yes they would have to be turned over on their back and then you might see the residue. So who is this person and why with a shooting has this crime scene not been cleared? How would LEO know whether there was one, two or more guns involved at that time?
Against popular opinion, I have to say I agree with you (no tomatoes please). The relatively low bond (IMHO) is also another reason I feel this way. He'll need what, 15K to get out? I'm sure he'll have some supporters, or his family, put that up.

Boy, I'd hate to be one of the 12 jurors. If they come back with a NG verdict - can you imagine the outcry? Their lives would never be the same - no thank you! I just don't see how Zimmerman is going to get a fair trial with 12 impartial jurors...but who knows.




I was told bail was dependent on the ability to pay, not on the seriousness of the crime. I find that absurd but who knows.
Has this been posted? It's supposedly taken the night Trayvon was killed.

A new photograph obtained exclusively by ABC News shows a bloodied George Zimmerman with injuries on the back of his head on the night he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. (ABC)


Actually the smart phone GPS gave the location and time stamp.
The info is in the abc article.

It appears to be GZ.
Phone GPS gave exact location where it was taken.
I'm sure an expert could tell if the photo was altered. I guess we don't know that yet.

But the photo was taken that night, 3 minutes after the shot.

It is VERY easy to change the creation date and time!
Thanks! I thought I missed something important or needed to pay more attention to my clothing after I left the range, lol.

Maybe, whoever said that about the GSR really meant blood spatter?

Then I'd have even more questions since, unless I'm badly mistaken, we've been told the bullet didn't exit the body.
And if this was self defense, GZ is a victim.
He has not been convicted.

We can't forget about that either.

But he's been arrested so in the eyes of the law he is the "alleged murderer" (2nd degree!) and Trayvon is the victim
But why wasn't George handcuffed? Police say they held George at gunpoint and handcuffed him. He is not handcuffed in this photograph?

I can't see his hands. Maybe they were cuffed in the front? I'm guessing this photo was taken right before or as LE arrived on the scene. (Just a guess.)
My cat did more damage to me yesterday when he attacked my arm, gouged it in two spots and put a two inch scratch on my elbow! The scratch on my elbow was much more evident than any damage in that picture of GZ's head and it bled more. (I've got a semi-feral cat who regularly attacks me, but I love him anyway.)

Both times I've had my head bashed against something (by horses), the injury was low on my skull, under the big "bump" at the back of the head, above the nape of the neck. They certainly were not on the top of the head where the picture shows GZ bleeding. I have had cuts up in that area, from hitting my head when I didn't duck low enough or raised my head too soon when walking under a low branch or opening.

Just saying, so IMO, JMO, etc.

Then you can understand what I am speaking to..repeated head bashing causes alot of surrounding tissue damages..and they bleed like stink and require pressure bandages..Dont know why, but I keep getting the image of georgie the wanna be cop on a mission running thru the grass, wet slippery grass with phone to his ear..and running into something or slipping and going head over heels knocking his head on local landscaping materials..LOL Which only served to fuel his rage even more!! :laugh:

And of course we know how well George deals with rage :rocker:
I don't think anyone has really said they didn't believe George had injuries, but I think people are really shocked that they are not as bad as they had claimed to be. Nothing near what we have heard from his friends and family.

Anywho -- My stance has always been I wished that Trayvon would have slammed his head so hard against the concrete that it knocked him unconscious. But he didn't! And he is dead! There is very little doubt in my mind that both George and Trayvon were wrestling over the gun that George brought into this and George's head was not slammed against the cement, but his head was scraping against the cement as the two struggled.


True, but if the injuries are true it means there really was a struggle. I don't know if everyone has acknowledged that yet.

Although I agree there was a struggle, how do we know that during GZ's chase of Trayvon, GZ didn't trip and fall and smash his own head on the pavement?

There is always an alternative for every "fact" that one wants to portray as fact. (Not directed at you, just in general)
I can't see his hands. Maybe they were cuffed in the front? I'm guessing this photo was taken right before or as LE arrived on the scene. (Just a guess.)

You are not allowed to cuff people in the front --- but then again, we're talking about SPD here and they don't even use gloves when searching people?

I believe he was shot in the chest. Which leads to many other quesitons about why he was face down on the ground and a witness says he saw gun shot residue. That simply is not possible unless Travon was turned over. The gunshot residue would not have been on his back.

Now if the witness was still in the area instead of being removed from a crime scene upon police arrival, something is horribly wrong with this investigation. In order to try to work CPR or to assess the patient yes they would have to be turned over on their back and then you might see the residue. So who is this person and why with a shooting has this crime scene not been cleared? How would LEO know whether there was one, two or more guns involved at that time?

It could have been like it's been theorized, that they were both rolling around on the ground, gun goes off, GZ gets up and TM rolls to his final position.

I question seeing the powder on his back at this time.
How is anybody 'seeing' gunshot residue anyway?
When I go to the range I don't 'see' residue on my hands even after going through 6 boxes of ammo. I sure DO smell the GSR for a while, no matter how may times I wash my hands, but geez, I don't remember ever 'seeing' any GSR on my hands or clothes.

Anybody else?

I was thinking this same thing!
For those who shoot all the time and do not know how anyone can see residue......google images will help ya out.
And not a victim.

As of right now, he has been charged with murder. He will go through the proper channels in order to come to the reasonable conclusion of what happened that night. Until then... Trayvon is the only victim in this case.


Exactly why I never said he IS a victim.
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