17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #28

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I think as far as him bleeding, we clearly see the officer not using gloves when handling him in the station. So, it's either one of two ways:

1 - He really was bleeding, in which case the officer is very much wrong for not wearing gloves.

2 - He really wasn't bleeding, in which case the police report is fabricated.

Either way, it looks bad on SPD.


I agree.
Look at the phone at his right ear?
If you Read the article associated with the pic this picture occurred "right after" the shooting and GZ yelled to the "person" taking the picture 'call my wife" as well

To be fair, he could have said that, then given the guy the number and then the guy handed him the phone, after the wife demanded to talk to him. Then, he snaps the picture.

IMO, if Zimmerman was going to doctor a photo, he'd probably do a better job than this. He would make the injuries over the top exaggerated, as most of the statements attributed to him have been, thus far.
But, I got my head beat repeatedly on a hard floor, massive wounds, open, cut, lumps on lumps. Very, very visible.

All injuries are different. IMO - George's are minimal, and there is something off about this picture. If LE did not take it, I am not buying it. Period.

It looks as if he had a hat on and the blood starts at the hat line????? jmo
The state didn't call any witnesses, so I'm not sure how they came to that conclusion?

Because that is what the investigator stated. SA tried to work areound it on cross, but it was clear as day to me.
The initial police report said clearly GZ was bleeding from his nose and back of his head.

The marks on the new picture line up with the marks some see on the police video.

There are medical records backing up the claim that GZ's nose was broken.

IMO its clear he was getting his arse whooped when he pulled that trigger.

I say GZ was acting in self defense and it is my opinion, as of now, there will be no 2nd degree murder conviction.
IMO there is no way 12 jurors will find him guilty.


I agree~ After today, I'm not so sure this case will go to a Jury. I think GZ has a good chance of being granted immunity.
Come on? He didn't work in construction or anything like that. He had no reason to be carrying those things on him if he was simply making a trip to the store for some milk.

He was not making a run to the store, IMO.
I never said he did, nor that the people I was talking about did. They carry them just to carry them.

Google image search

This is actually a big topic of discussion on various forums. Just because you don't do it doesn't mean others don't.
Well since you asked, I kinda do. I just do not have them attached to my hip. But there are at least 2 flashlights in the car and yes a gun. And sometimes a *dangerous breed* dog. But then I am not patrolling my neighborhood either.

BBM In the car. Not attached to your hip like you are going to go work a security job.

IMO, he was dressed to make his rounds.

Ok first i am going to state this is IMHO.....I do not believe GZ was going to Target.He had 2 Flashlights and a gun on him who does that??? He profiled TM as a no good and as luck would have it so did SPD....And i truly wish TM would have beat the stuufing out of GZ..Then i would know TM was fighting for his life...I am 100% convinced GZ murdered TM and was with a depraved mind...:moo::moo::moo::moo:
The judge allowed the prosecutor to ask the question, and get an answer, and when asked if he remembered an email to Martin's father, he said no he didn't recall it. At that point, the Pros basically sat back down, without pursuing it although I don't think there were any objections to that questioning.

Yes there was an objection.
Looks like GZ opened a couple of stage blood balloons or capsules. :moo: :couch:

Yes, it looks like stage blood. And I'll bet GZ had also targeted TM because he really wanted to shoot him dead. He probably lured TM out of the house that night by pumping a chemical into the A/C vents that would cause him to crave skittles... just so he could lie in wait to ambush TM on his way back through the neighborhood, after making sure to secure police officers, EMT's and neighbors who would all agree, with no benefit to themselves, to lie for him in a murder case -- Yep, I'll bet that's what he did. Stage blood, for sure. Oh yes, and then he quickly broke his own nose when no one was watching, just for good measure.</sarcasm>

Sorry, but do people really believe TM's death was premeditated in advance?
There are bizarre exceptions to every rule. I was a preschool teacher and daycare worker for years. I saw multiple head wounds over the years (fall off jungle gym, fall off trike, bump into underside of table, etc.) They bleed copiously and easily.

Hey, are you saying I have a hard head? I resemble that remark!

But seriously, it's apparently not so bizarre.

"Closed head injuries refer to injuries in which no lacerations exist."


"Head injury can be either closed or open (penetrating).

A closed head injury means you received a hard blow to the head from striking an object, but the object did not break the skull.
An open, or penetrating, head injury means you were hit with an object that broke the skull and entered the brain. This usually happens when you move at high speed, such as going through the windshield during a car accident. It can also happen from a gunshot to the head."
But, I got my head beat repeatedly on a hard floor, massive wounds, open, cut, lumps on lumps. Very, very visible.

All injuries are different. IMO - George's are minimal, and there is something off about this picture. If LE did not take it, I am not buying it. Period.

:grouphug: :blowkiss:
I think we may just have our first Webslueths experiment in this case??

So, who is going to go sit outside of Target and do a survey on how many people carry a gun and two flashlights on their waistband to go shopping?

This is just not true. I was the victim of assault and had my head repeatedly slammed into a hard floor. My head wounds did not bleed and, because of my long hair, the painful lumps were not visible to others.

:grouphug: :blowkiss:
They usually cuff behind the back to secure in an open area. For court they are cuffed in front. jmo

I have seen people cuffed in the front before. Not in court.

So I really don't think we can know for sure one way or the other if GZ was cuffed in that photo.

Not on looking at the photo alone.
It looks as if he had a hat on and the blood starts at the hat line????? jmo

Blood moves with gravity not uphill..and given that.george appears to never have been in a head low or head down position following that minor injury to his bean..Also the blood was partially clotted in area's which indicated he had dislogged the clot that had initially stopped the blood flow that stimulated some more trickling...Didnt I read one witness mention that he got up and rubbed his head when getting off of Trayvon???
I think that's the first time I've heard of an apology as an ambush.

Well, first of all, it is extremely self serving. And if he really felt bad and wanted to extend an apology, he could have done that while he was in hiding, in the form of a letter, with those sentences in it and mailed to their attorney.

The display was done for one reason and one reason only, to garner public sympathy. And honestly, I'm not sure what he told his attorney he was going to do because MO'M framed it as a statement to the court. That was definitely not to the court, but to the media.

Dang his waistline was crowded. 2 flashlights, a gun and possibly a phone. Yep sounds like a normal person to me. :floorlaugh:
I think we may just have our first Webslueths experiment in this case??

So, who is going to go sit outside of Target and do a survey on how many people carry a gun and two flashlights on their waistband to go shopping?

You'd never know.
Also, who goes to the store with a gun and two flashlights attached to their hip?? To go and get milk? Yeah! Another lie!


It may surprise you to know that some people carry a gun with them all the time (except in prohibited places).
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