17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #28

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Work called this morning and I'm just now home.. Is he still in jail or has bond been posted? How much has to be put up for him to get out? TYIA
It may be clear to you but it's not fact. But yes, we are all entitled to our opinions and assumptions.

Trayvon had no evidence of scrapes to his knuckles that would indicate he was hitting someone, according to the mortician. The wounds do not look like he was getting "whooped" to me. But then I work a lot of DV cases (and I fought a lot as a child), so I know what it looks like when someone gets "whooped".

IMO, it appears he was in a scuffle. I wish I could show you photos of some of my clients who got "whooped."

Everything I say is opinion or assumption unless I provide a link.
I clearly said it's in my opinion. I never said it was fact.

I take what that funeral director says with a big ole lump of salt.
That's just me.

GZ's nose was also broken.

I believe it was self defense. I believe a jury of 12 will never convict on 2nd degree murder.

Are you allowed to walk into a Target with your gun?? I would think it would be okay?? But I know the club I worked at --- you were not allowed to bring guns into the building. The only people who were allowed to have guns were people who worked there.
I think as far as him bleeding, we clearly see the officer not using gloves when handling him in the station. So, it's either one of two ways:

1 - He really was bleeding, in which case the officer is very much wrong for not wearing gloves.

2 - He really wasn't bleeding, in which case the police report is fabricated.

Either way, it looks bad on SPD.

Do we know that GZ or LE even knew GZ was bleeding prior to the picture being taken? Maybe the photographer saw the blood & took the pic?
I just want one question answered.

If George Zimmerman intended to stop following Trayvon, why didn't he agree to meet police at his home or at the mailboxes. Why did he need a phone call to "see where he's at"?? Keeping an eye on Trayvon is the same thing as following him; you can't keep an eye on someone without moving where they move---which is following.


Someone, please, answer that logically.
I think we may just have our first Webslueths experiment in this case??

So, who is going to go sit outside of Target and do a survey on how many people carry a gun and two flashlights on their waistband to go shopping?

You are it. :what:

You forgot in the rain, at night

Seriously folks. I grew up with guns, have no problem with concealed carry, even lived with and fostered Dobbies. My problem is with a man who chose to be irresponsible. He chose this. Trayvon didn't. The GZ's in this world make me afraid. Not people who carry, people who own big dogs. Attitude is what made this a tragedy. GZ chose. He did.
Only problem for me is there is only one source (the GF) who is saying this and although I don't have any reason to believe she's lying, I haven't heard her full story either, the context of the entire conversation, what the voice who said 'do you have a problem' sounded like, etc.
That, in a nutshell, is my problem with GZ's whole story. He is the only source, and he has a tremendous motive to lie. When I add in the obvious (to me) inconsistencies in his story, changing facts, distance of the body from where he says the fight happened, hinkiness in how the body was found, etc. etc. etc...
I just cannot find him credible.
A picture of GZ's face would be worth more!

Until it comes out. Then it too will be doubted.


We have heard people screaming about the lack of injury shown in the police video. Now we have a picture. But that's not good.

So now we need a face shot.

Mark my words, we will see one. And it will be doubted.
You don't think there are people in a Target right this minute who happen to have an CCP and are not carrying a gun? How would you know, not everyone has them out in the open?

I missed on how big these flashlights were. I think one was on a keychain, no?

Am I mistaken, I thought Target Stores had signs advising NO Firearms are allowed on their premises? Is that a regional thing?
Well, you do have Daddy Zimmerman saying that Trayvon asked George "What's your *advertiser censored**ing problem?"

Also, didn't Tracy tell the media that LE told him that Trayvon had confronted George while he was in his vehicle and now we see that George said that Trayvon circled his truck three times??

This is going to be messy! The truth doesn't change!

Well, we have multiple stories but I don't think they are all coming from the same source. GZ may wind up getting off in part of the actions of the SPD that night and what they thought and told the victims family. And that is injustice. If he is aquitted due to a jury of his peers, so be it but SPD muddying up the water with not doing proper things that night may wind up costing the state in this case.
Yes - I've had tiny nicks on the face and head bleed all over the place. One was a nick over one eye from a metal fragment. I had to finish a fence repair and in that five minutes, I had blood running down my face and dripping onto my T-shirt and my jeans. When I got back to the barn, people freaked out because of all the blood. Oh, and I am not normally a bleeder - I've got great clotting factors.

That was from a cut less than a quarter of an inch long!

IMO, JMO, etc.

You also have to remember that if he was on his back, the blood would have followed gravity and not necessarily gone down his head until after he got up. I had a laceration on my forehead that required stitches, but because I kept my head down, there was a nice trail of blood leading to the bathroom, but nothing on my clothing.

They also admitted they do not have evidence that GZ was actually following TM. When the investigator was asked what evidence they had he said a witness saw shadows, but declined to say which witness.

I think if you are going to bring 2nd degree murder charges that you need proof of who started the physical fight and proof that the shooter was following him.
I would vote guilty right now for involuntary manslaughter, but 2nd degree, I have reasonable doubt.

Wait what??? GZ had to have followed Trayvon to meet up with him and shoot him. We KNOW where the vehicle was and where Trayvon was shot and killed. The gun did not go up a sidewalk and around a building then shoot all by itself.
I just want one question answered.

If George Zimmerman intended to stop following Trayvon, why didn't he agree to meet police at his home or at the mailboxes. Why did he need a phone call to "see where he's at"?? Keeping an eye on Trayvon is the same thing as following him; you can't keep an eye on someone without moving where they move---which is following.


Someone, please, answer that logically.


Can't be done.......
Only problem for me is there is only one source (the GF) who is saying this and although I don't have any reason to believe she's lying, I haven't heard her full story either, the context of the entire conversation, what the voice who said 'do you have a problem' sounded like, etc.

The girlfriend said that Travyon asked the unknown-to-her other person why he was following him and that that person asked why he was there. If that's true, then Zimmerman missed his second opportunity (the first being when he told the operator that Trayvon had walked up to check him out) to just say, "I am a Neighborhood watch volunteer, do you belong in this neighbor?" That's significant to me.
I'd like to know who GZ was on the cell phone with when that picture was taken.
You don't think there are people in a Target right this minute who happen to have an CCP and are not carrying a gun? How would you know, not everyone has them out in the open?

I missed on how big these flashlights were. I think one was on a keychain, no?

An experiment would mean you'd ask people nicely as you are doing a research study. I'm sure people do carry guns into Target... I have no idea WHY -- but I am sure they do? Flashlights and a gun? It looks like someone going to work at a security job. Not someone going to Target to get milk.

Am I mistaken, I thought Target Stores had signs advising NO Firearms are allowed on their premises? Is that a regional thing?
I don't believe Target has a policy against firearms for one (I carry in there all time, sometimes more sloppily than others; no one's ever said anything to me about it). Two, posted signs don't carry legal weight in most states. You can carry in a store with a no-weapons sign all day long in most parts, and the most they can do is ask you to leave. If you don't leave, it becomes trespassing. Nothing to do with the actual firearm itself. :)
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