17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #28

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If that is the case, then it begs the question how this "witness" saw powder burns on TM, when TM was found on his back, yet shot in the chest. :waitasec:
Did you mean to say "found on his back?" It has been established that TM was indeed shot in the chest, and we learned today that it was at close range.

The word "prostrate" (meaning lying face down) was used by the reporter writing a story, IMO mis-used for dramatic effect, and not necessarily by the witness who saw the gunpowder residue. The police report states that TM was found face-down. It states he was turned over onto his back once the responders arrived at the scene, which is IMO the point when a witness could have observed the chest wound.

P.S. FYI, the phrase "Begs the question" describes an error in logic, when an assertion is held as proven, but the only proof given assumes the assertion to be true. A closed loop, IOW. But the term is often misused. http://begthequestion.info/ HTH.
A closed head injury can exist with a laceration. Closed head indicated brain involvement with the skull intact.

And without. One can have their head slammed into the floor and not have open wounds. I know this because it happened to me.

I've never said that all head trauma doesn't bleed. I've said that sometimes it doesn't. It's other folks who are trying to claim that all head trauma bleeds which just isn't true.

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
Ok. I will try to explain this again.

I said IF.
I never said he IS a victim.

If this was self defense... if the evidence shows (future) that it was self defense... GZ would be a victim.

That's all I said.

I'm not understanding why this is an issue.

It's an issue for ME because I'm tired of people making it seem like Trayvon was somehow asking for it and that GZ is some poor soul. VERY tired of the victims (in this case and others) being on trial when they ... or their loved ones have been MURDERED.
I have no compassion for GZ and I don't believe his story and apparently the law thinks they have enough evidence to try and convict him of second degree murder.
I can't speak for anyone else but that is why it is an "issue" with me...
Well, we have multiple stories but I don't think they are all coming from the same source. GZ may wind up getting off in part of the actions of the SPD that night and what they thought and told the victims family. And that is injustice. If he is aquitted due to a jury of his peers, so be it but SPD muddying up the water with not doing proper things that night may wind up costing the state in this case.

And that is the reason heads need to roll! Think about it -- if this was really a self defense case -- the actions of the SPD could actually work againt Zimmerman and he could be convicted. It works both ways. It can cut both ways. SPD should be ashamed of themselves.

I think we may just have our first Webslueths experiment in this case??

So, who is going to go sit outside of Target and do a survey on how many people carry a gun and two flashlights on their waistband to go shopping?

Just got back from there.....the answer is ZERO, it was a very busy place today, and not a single person had dual flashlights hanging from their belts nor was anyone at the checkout even buying a flashlight. AND this is right smack in an area that has had power outages from the tornados last weekend. NO flashlights.
Hey, are you saying I have a hard head? I resemble that remark!

But seriously, it's apparently not so bizarre.

"Closed head injuries refer to injuries in which no lacerations exist."


"Head injury can be either closed or open (penetrating).

A closed head injury means you received a hard blow to the head from striking an object, but the object did not break the skull.
An open, or penetrating, head injury means you were hit with an object that broke the skull and entered the brain. This usually happens when you move at high speed, such as going through the windshield during a car accident. It can also happen from a gunshot to the head."


Most head injuries that hit the scalp, bleed. The scalp is too vascular for that not to be the case. But, you can get hit in the forehead, or ear and sustain a concussion, and not bleed.

Also, the link you are referring to has to do with whether a wound breaks the skull and penetrates the brain. I think we are talking about two different things here! Most bloody head wounds do not involve brain penetration, yet the link you gave would describe those as "closed".
Still.... It's a pathetic reality..JMHO
Even though he can show that he acted in self-defense before an impartial judge, and the prosecution will have every opportunity in the world to show how it wasn't?

That's how the system should work.
Wait what??? GZ had to have followed Trayvon to meet up with him and shoot him. We KNOW where the vehicle was and where Trayvon was shot and killed. The gun did not go up a sidewalk and around a building then shoot all by itself.

The detective shouldn't of said they had no evidence of who was chasing who then. Or that they had no evidence of who started the confrontation.
Just got back from there.....the answer is ZERO, it was a very busy place today, and not a single person had dual flashlights hanging from their belts nor was anyone at the checkout even buying a flashlight. AND this is right smack in an area that has had power outages from the tornados last weekend. NO flashlights.
Would you testify in court, under oath, that not a single person shopping in Target had a flashlight on them? You can see into their pockets, or under shirts that cover up belts?
It's an issue for ME because I'm tired of people making it seem like Trayvon was somehow asking for it and that GZ is some poor soul. VERY tired of the victims (in this case and others) being on trial when they ... or their loved ones have been MURDERED.
I have no compassion for GZ and I don't believe his story and apparently the law thinks they have enough evidence to try and convict him of second degree murder.
I can't speak for anyone else but that is why it is an "issue" with me...

I have never put a victim on trial here.

I clearly said IF

There are "ifs" in EVERY case known to man.
Nothing is clear cut. That's why there are investigatoins and trials.
That's whey there are witnesses, lawyers, judges...

There are many IFS
I thought Zimmerman was supposed to be barely conscious after the beating that he took from Trayvon. If that's the case, how is it he is standing up, talking on his cell phone a mere 3 minutes after that? I guess he has super-human healing strength.

Wait what??? GZ had to have followed Trayvon to meet up with him and shoot him. We KNOW where the vehicle was and where Trayvon was shot and killed. The gun did not go up a sidewalk and around a building then shoot all by itself.
Only in cartoons and fantasy land.
You don't think there are people in a Target right this minute who happen to have an CCP and are not carrying a gun? How would you know, not everyone has them out in the open?

I missed on how big these flashlights were. I think one was on a keychain, no?

Oh, are we talking about those tiny flashlights on a key chain?Lots of men and women carry those all the time.
I didn't know the actual shooting was recorded in GZ's 911 call. GZ said he was reaching for his phone to call 911 when he was attacked.

I should have stated GZ's call with dispatch. It was a non emergency line.
An experiment would mean you'd ask people nicely as you are doing a research study. I'm sure people do carry guns into Target... I have no idea WHY -- but I am sure they do? Flashlights and a gun? It looks like someone going to work at a security job. Not someone going to Target to get milk.


I know a guy who wears a multitool on him wherever he goes, which includes a knife, screwdriver, etc. He also carries a flashlight, but I think it's on his keychain, not sure.

People carry strange things in their pockets.
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