AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 9

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Maybe the towel and comforter are just being used to cover some item they do not want the media to why they just don't use an evidence bag, I do not know. Maybe they don't want the media to see that it is an evidence bag?

But why? There is nothing sinister about returning to get more items if they are needed and they just put them in an evidence bag and carry them out to the police car.

They sure dont wrap any items up in a towel because that can cause cross contamination.

Are they showing footage of LE doing all of this?

Could it have been a video camera? To take them inside and tape the interviews?

Could be especially if they were doing a reenactment, imo

Also, to compare consistencies or inconsistencies in what each said. I hope this will be help LE eliminate the family as possible suspects and move on.
The biggest thing that it says to me IS THAT THESE PARENTS TRUST THIS LE.. IMO this case is alotfurther along thanmany believe.. jmo..

This needs to be quoted, the last thing a guilty family would do is let a 14 year old be questioned alone by cops, 14 year olds cant lie and keep a story straight with professional interrogators, this tells me this family HAS NOTHING TO HIDE and they have a good working relationship with TPD.
What kind of blanket or comforter would be small enough to wrap in a beach towel?

And this is not the proper way to do the chain of custody on evidence. It has to be inside a large bag and sealed before removing it from the home.

Something is screwy with the way this is being reported by the media.

It makes no sense if this is really something connected to Isa's disappearance.

That is about as stupid as VanAtter putting OJs vial of blood in his trunk.

I found the whole taking the blanket or comforter out of the car totally out of the norm especially if it evidence. Normally, once they take something, and brought back to LE, it goes through forensics, report made, and then bag eventually is sealed tight until trial.

I have to go back and look at the show. I did not record the show for uploading to YouTube as this kind of stuff only confuses the entire case having it on my YouTube channel.
In my opinion, the 'you' was a reference to how SOMEONE feels when this happens to them. He was referring to HIMSELF, imo. :

Justin Mastromarino, Isabel's uncle, tells KGUN, "You don't think anything like that will happen to you and you wake up and you're in that scenario. Everything goes through your mind. Anger, confusion. They're very upset right now. Her mother is beside herself. We're just trying let the police do their thing and get as much information as we can."
"You wonder, is this happening. Is it a dream? You hear about it, but it's real," said Justin Mastromarino, Isabel's uncle.

It seems to me that in all of the bolded portions above, he is referring to HIMSELF, how HE FEELS in this situation.

I see no references to Isabella at all. NONE.

And that: "You don't think anything like that will happen to you and you wake up and you're in that scenario. sentence makes me think HE woke up [in the house]. The word YOU is referring to himself Moo
Thank you! I thought it was wrong. 10 miles equals a couple doors down...

lol, I have no idea who owns that page but this was one reply I got that may explain a lot: "ummm that the exact words from Nancys mouth...its the same street its a estimate". :floorlaugh:
Whatever could LE possibly remove from the trunk of a police car and wrap in a beach towel, no less? The item was removed from LE's car and not the family's car, right?

Right. Police car. JVM confirmed that on air that it was indeed the police car and not the family car.
That makes me think it's not anything of evidentiary nature. My first thought was a religious memorial the mom wanted to put Isa's room. MOO

Any other ideas what it might be?

That is what its got to be. Now I have critizized this LE but they arent this stupid.

No way... no how... are they going to just take a chance of cross-contaminating evidence.
But it couldnt be from inside the house if they were taking it into the house.

They dont take evidence out of the evidence room and take it out in a towel of all things and go back to the house with it. That is just not how chain of custody works.

It makes me wonder if they found a piece of Isa's clothing somewhere and before taking it in to be logged into evidence they wanted to ask the family to identify it and to ask them follow up questions.



Whatever was wrapped in the towel could have been bagged and tagged as evidence from the search warrant. But it would seem odd not to just put it in a bag to keep it from being seen.
NG Bombshell tonight.....The cousin once lived in the Celis home. (remember the source)
Did you guys discuss WHY a cleaning crew came to the house??
Odd, no?
Did they find something and alert LE?
But didn't LE bring back whatever they seemed to bring in?
Strictly moo of course.. but if they did remove a comforter from the home do we really believe they would just carry it out bare handed, not in any bag and toss it into one of the police cars? That just doesnt seem right at all? Moo if they had new evidence they'd decided to remove from the home there is no way they would remove it in this fashion.. and in front of media no less.. if that blanket(if that is what it in fact is) did turn out to have important or even any evidence on it wwhatsoever..a defense Atty would have a hay day with the way it was collected and even have media videotape prove it..
Bombshell - her sources say they're looking at cousin. Someone with a criminal record.
Producer Greg said:
It is unclear why the cousin is being scrutinized. The Maids came today and an extended family member came by the house to let her in. The employee from The Maids was apparently there to give an estimate on what it will cost to clean up their home from the fingerprinting. No cleaning was done today.
Cousin has "distribution" charge. 2 guilty pleas for DUI. Douglas in 2011

3 DUI's - 2 dismissed.

Distribution charge - no contest.

Well we can all guess who this is now. JM
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