17 yo Trayvon Martin Shot to Death by Neighborhood Watch Captain #36

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Why in the world would he make up a lie that he knows could be so easily proven by providing hospital records?

Good question. I am curious to see the records and figure it out.
Lets address this a little at a time (and for some reason, my PC won't allow multi quoting). Okay, you have stated that he tainted the jury pool. But how did he do that with as you have said, an INSINCERE apology? As far as PENALIZING him, is there a law againt offering condolences on the stand? And as far as being ATTACKED while walking down the street, the guy is in HIDING, he is living out of state because the NBP has placed a bounty on his head.

I will await your offering.

Any and all sympathy I had for him was lost in that repugnant display at the bond hearing.
Why in the world would he make up a lie that he knows could be so easily proven by providing hospital records?

Why would Crump lie? Why would he wait until 2 days after he received the 911 calls to "discover" her phone call on Trayvon's records? Seems convenient, IMO. With those 911 calls, he can match it all up perfectly. JMO
I don't know for sure that any or all of the the bolded occurred or did not occur--until we're privy to more details on the timing, who contacted who when, who did or did not respond to contact attempts, etc., I'm choosing to give a compassionate benefit of any doubt I might have to the gf. I feel there are enough "bad guys" in this case that she needn't be made into one.

And no, I'm not implying that anyone here has some little list of "good guys" and "bad guys" along with a related secret agenda, I'm just explaining part of why I'm willing to let any discrepancies or oddities, perceived or real, in her story slide for the time being. Hope that makes sense.
Fair enough!
she could have told 911 he's in Sanford! They would have connected her to Sanford 911. GZ had of course already or may have even still been on the line with them If she had called, SPD had ALREADY been alerted -- maybe put 2 and 2 together? JMO

Come ON! Firstly.. what teen knows the exact location of their boyfriends father's home? (Sanford is a big place!)
Secondly, What teenager is gonna call 911? My son is too scared to tell me he got in trouble in school!
Thirdly.. NOTHING she could have done would have gotten LE there to STOP GZ from murdering TM
Fourthly. Fifthly and one millionth.. she is a 15-16 year old kid and I don't think we should really be questioning her actions.
What if she reads here and starts to think "OMG I could have saved my boyfriend from getting KILLED!!!" Which is absolute nonsense.
Wait.. one million and one What TEEN thinks the "scuffle" and "trouble" is death by a grown man with a gun???
My Desktop fried...now I am hours and infinite pages behind.
Why in the world would he make up a lie that he knows could be so easily proven by providing hospital records?

Well she is a minor and with Hippa laws he figures it will not come out but there are other ways and I am sure MSM will figure it out.
I have noticed, perhaps you have as well, that MY posts are only useful to you when they are taken out of context. I do not perceive someone running away as a threat TO ME. They can still be a threat to someone ELSE, to personal property, or any number of things. While my Mom might disagree, I am not the end all be all of everything in the world.

Sorry.. I take your "posts" as I personally interpret them.
Like MOST people will do...
I try to add links and facts to my posts so people don't have an opportunity to misinterpret them
Whom else might TM of been a threat to?

A home he might have been breaking into, a person he might have been robbing, there are any number of things he could have been a threat to. Heck, he WAS a threat to a guy following him while waiting for the police to arraive, completely within the law.
or try to and he chose his only public "appearance" to make a fake apology to mislead the public and potential jurors as well as to publicly insult the victims family. It was deceitful as he is NOT the least bit sorry as demonstrated by his web site which showed how enamored he was of the defaced black cultural center at Ohio State:

And Thursday morning, the words “Long Live Zimmerman” were found spray-painted on the side of Ohio State University’s black cultural center.


Touting something like that is much more indicative of who someone is and what they really feel than some self serving statement in a courtroom. He called shooting and killing Trayvon a "life altering event" for HIMSELF with not a word about Trayvon. His bogus apology is surpassed only by his lawyers web site begging for money from the fringe elements who are applauding the killing of Trayvon.

Nope, nice dodge. YOU stated that GZ apologized to "save his @$$" because he thought he was going to spend the time until trial in jail. I asked if you had heard of a case where the defendants bail was based on a REALLY sincere apology, because that is what you are claiming, that he apologized to get bail so he wouldn't spend the time in jail awaiting trial.
Good question. I am curious to see the records and figure it out.

We will never see them. She's a minor. MOM might see them but they will never be released to the public because it has nothing to do with GZ shooting TM. jmo
Sorry.. I take your "posts" as I personally interpret them.
Like MOST people will do...
I try to add links and facts to my posts so people don't have an opportunity to misinterpret them

I would be interested to see what kind of link I could add to the sentence, "A person running away is not a threat to me." to further clarify that the sentence had the words TO ME at the end of it. Any suggestions?
A home he might have been breaking into, a person he might have been robbing, there are any number of things he could have been a threat to. Heck, he WAS a threat to a guy following him while waiting for the police to arraive, completely within the law.

That would be true of anyone. So you are saying we should be stopping everyone on the street and demand that they strip to make sure they are not carrying a screw driver?????? That makes no sense. jmo
A home he might have been breaking into, a person he might have been robbing, there are any number of things he could have been a threat to. Heck, he WAS a threat to a guy following him while waiting for the police to arraive, completely within the law.

If it was completely within the law he wouldn't be charged with murder.
Come ON! Firstly.. what teen knows the exact location of their boyfriends father's home? (Sanford is a big place!)
Secondly, What teenager is gonna call 911? My son is too scared to tell me he got in trouble in school!
Thirdly.. NOTHING she could have done would have gotten LE there to STOP GZ from murdering TM
Fourthly. Fifthly and one millionth.. she is a 15-16 year old kid and I don't think we should really be questioning her actions.
What if she reads here and starts to think "OMG I could have saved my boyfriend from getting KILLED!!!" Which is absolute nonsense.
Wait.. one million and one What TEEN thinks the "scuffle" and "trouble" is death by a grown man with a gun???

Plus, wasn't it actually her boyfriend's father's fiance's home?
or try to and he chose his only public "appearance" to make a fake apology to mislead the public and potential jurors as well as to publicly insult the victims family. It was deceitful as he is NOT the least bit sorry as demonstrated by his web site which showed how enamored he was of the defaced black cultural center at Ohio State:


Touting something like that is much more indicative of who someone is and what they really feel than some self serving statement in a courtroom. He called shooting and killing Trayvon a "life altering event" for HIMSELF with not a word about Trayvon. His bogus apology is surpassed only by his lawyers web site begging for money from the fringe elements who are applauding the killing of Trayvon.

I have not seen ANYONE applauding the killing of TM. Many of us are DEFENDING the persecution of who we see an an innocent individual, and even MORE of us are defending the persecution of a man before all of the evidence is known.
My Desktop fried...now I am hours and infinite pages behind.

Here's what you missed:

A: The sky is blue.
B: Not when it's storming. Then it's gray.
C: Sometimes the sun shines when it's storming.
D: Yeah but sometimes the sky's white when it snows.
E: Sometimes it's red. Or black.
F: There's always blue, even if you can't see it.
F: I had this sky once, and it was purple.
G: We aren't supposed to talk about purple.
H: We can talk purple as long as we don't talk violet.

There you go...all caught up. We really need a document dump!
We will never see them. She's a minor. MOM might see them but they will never be released to the public because it has nothing to do with GZ shooting TM. jmo

If she was not in a hospital IMO Someone will find out and it will end up in the media.
If it was completely within the law he wouldn't be charged with murder.

Sorry, he is charged with murder until it can be proven that he acted in self defense, it is indeed can be proven. What I stated was that he was FOLLOWING TM, which was COMPLETELY within the law. It is NOT illegal to FOLLOW someone.

And, BTW, people are charged with stuff all the time, that does NOT make them GUILTY, thus until that ARE proven guilty, they are considered within the confines of the law.
I would be interested to see what kind of link I could add to the sentence, "A person running away is not a threat to me." to further clarify that the sentence had the words TO ME at the end of it. Any suggestions?

I think someone may be looking for more viable evidence than GZ's statement. He's not looking too credible. jmo
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