Zimmerman bullying Middle Eastern co-worker

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yes,mikeysmom,if you listen he complained in writing.Interesting how your post confirms that racism is funny to some.

I don't think that's racism. My son is half Mexican but he tells everyone he's Mexican and he has a spanish name. He and his many friends of different races joke all time. They say things like you run so fast cuz your MX (outrunning border patrol), I smell a beaner fart, etc. Then there's the pics of funny border crossings. He'll respond with something like "white power". They all seem to think it's hilarious. I think they know more than alot of adults, that color/race really doesn't matter. I love a those boys !
The guy and his story both sound truthful to me. Nor does it seem particularly out of character with the other stories we have heard. Zimmerman seems to prefer to go after what he believes are easy targets. Neighborhood kids, his girlfriend, girls he was working with, and now (when he had a gun) a teen boy.
What does this have to do with the night of February 26?

IMO, This thread is only trying to once again, make GZ look like the bad guy.

It is a direct witness statement as to the personality and ethics of Trayvon's killer.
What does this have to do with the night of February 26?

IMO, This thread is only trying to once again, make GZ look like the bad guy.[/


I don't think anyone has to try to make GZ look like the bad guy.
The guy and his story both sound truthful to me. Nor does it seem particularly out of character with the other stories we have heard. Zimmerman seems to prefer to go after what he believes are easy targets. Neighborhood kids, his girlfriend, girls he was working with, and now (when he had a gun) a teen boy.

Do you think this may have been a problem for GZ as a child? Friends say the Zimmerman children were not permitted to play with neighborhood children. Could that be because he was teased? Children can be very cruel and maybe being the youngest his parents wanted to protect him. I know my kids would get..."Your dad's a cop, you should know better." They basically could not get away with anything. Which was a good thing but I understand how that would affect him. jmo
Does it prove who started the fight or answer why TM did not stop beating GZ's head into the concrete? Do we know of TM was a bully? HAve ALL the kids and teachers at his various schools been interviewed and their comments reported?

This is the media insuring that GZ is convicted even if the Law is on his side. This is the media building HATRED and tainting his ability to get a fair trial. HATE HIM! CONVICT HIM! Don 't wait for evidence.

This is the disgusting state of American journalism. We eat it up if they are "on the team we like." Give us more dirt, we say. Make potential jurors walk in despising him.

Fair trial? so far from it...it is sickening.

Your complaint is that we have not spent enough time sleuthing and discussing the victim's potential failings and mistakes. I happen to disagree.
I agree with chicana and others. Many guys and kids haven't drunk as much of the pc kool-aid. Plus, it sounds like this guy got his poor little feelers hurt not because they were joking about his ethnicity (which, btw, they were doing by referencing some character that they obviously didn't make up - so someone else must have thought it was funny, too), but because he was SO SUCCESSFUL and they were SO JEALOUS of him. Sounds to me like he's a tool and he got tool treatment, not the middle eastern treatment. jmo
I am the same way!People of all cultures love me because I am not afraid to be friendly.People are not dumb they know when others are being careful and making sure to say the correct thing instead of just being themselves.If I like you and I like everyone unless they give me a reason to dislike them then watch out the Italian comes out and one day I might have a thread here named for me LOL. I am very secure in the terrific family I was lucky enough to be born into so I can take a joke but expect one in return.When I get asked if I have any connection to the mob in my family I do not get insulted. I just say the 2 known Great Uncles that worked for Lucky were disowned generations ago so be nice or I'll make a few calls LOL.

This is no doubt true for you. It is entirely possible to joke with someone you know about virtually anything. But there is a difference between joking with someone and ridiculing someone. The difference is intent and how it is received.

In THIS case, this man is saying that he did not like it, it was not done in a spirit of fun or comradery, and he even complained about it to management. And yet Zimmerman continued. Would you continue to ridicule someone after they asked you to stop? If you are well liked as you say, the answer is no. And that's the difference.

I understand that you have invested something of yourself into trying to defend Zimmerman from what you believe are unfair attacks by a biased media. I get that. However, the people you are debating here are not members of that media, nor are we ignorant about crime and criminals, nor do we foolishly believe what ANY media source feeds us. I suspect most of us don't even watch Television. This is websleuths, we check for ourselves.
Do you think this may have been a problem for GZ as a child? Friends say the Zimmerman children were not permitted to play with neighborhood children. Could that be because he was teased? Children can be very cruel and maybe being the youngest his parents wanted to protect him. I know my kids would get..."Your dad's a cop, you should know better." They basically could not get away with anything. Which was a good thing but I understand how that would affect him. jmo

I don't have any idea.
Neither is Middle Eastern.

I couldn't agree more. So why isn't it correct to call Zimmerman white? Hispanic isn't a race and he certainly isn't black.

The term for Zimmerman's behavior in the workplace is bigotry. I wouldn't like it if someone called out an insulting remark every time I showed up at work or went into the lunch room and employers don't like employees to do this either. It interferes with teamwork and getting the job done. If done in public, it makes customers/clients uncomfortable. It is not even remotely humorous to me and even if two coworkers are personal friends and comfortable with insult humor they shouldn't be throwing ethnic or racial slurs around in the workplace because people overhearing them may think the worst. Clients and customers could take their business elsewhere.

At one of the places I worked, a male coworker called a woman coworker of Mexican ancestry a wetback one day when he got angry with her during a frustrating project. She did not think it was funny and he was warned that any more ethnic slurs would result in termination. I think that was the appropriate response.
JMO but I disagree. It has everyting to do with this case. It shows GZ's racist mentality.

No, it doesn't. All this "shows" is that GZ has a coarse sense of humor. Sorry but that doesn't automatically make him a racist. And, the Middle Eastern "race" is Caucasian. So, the two instances where GZ has been accused of racism, he shares the race of his supposed "victims": the anonymous Mexican (Hispanic), and his Middle Eastern co-worker (Caucasian). Our culture constantly confuses racism with tribalism and it's a shame because all it does make people indifferent to accusations of racism.

No, it doesn't. All this "shows" is that GZ has a coarse sense of humor. Sorry but that doesn't automatically make him a racist. And, the Middle Eastern "race" is Caucasian. So, the two instances where GZ has been accused of racism, he shares the race of his supposed "victims": the anonymous Mexican (Hispanic), and his Middle Eastern co-worker (Caucasian). Our culture constantly confuses racism with tribalism and it's a shame because all it does make people indifferent to accusations of racism.


Ethnic slurs indicate a coarse sense of humor but racist slurs indicate racism? Don't ethnic slurs indicate bigotry?
I couldn't agree more. So why isn't it correct to call Zimmerman white? Hispanic isn't a race and he certainly isn't black.

The term for Zimmerman's behavior in the workplace is bigotry. I wouldn't like it if someone called out an insulting remark every time I showed up at work or went into the lunch room and employers don't like employees to do this either. It interferes with teamwork and getting the job done. If done in public, it makes customers/clients uncomfortable. It is not even remotely humorous to me and even if two coworkers are personal friends and comfortable with insult humor they shouldn't be throwing ethnic or racial slurs around in the workplace because people overhearing them may think the worst. Clients and customers could take their business elsewhere.

At one of the places I worked, a male coworker called a woman coworker of Mexican ancestry a wetback one day when he got angry with her during a frustrating project. She did not think it was funny and he was warned that any more ethnic slurs would result in termination. I think that was the appropriate response.

BBM. Because GZ identifies as Hispanic. And many Hispanics, like the Jewish people, identify themselves as a separate race. IMO, it's inaccurate but that's how they identify. What is without question is that GZ is a POC. Like me, he isn't fair enough to identify as white.

I think that if one's boss says to lay off the ethnic jokes, one should lay off the ethnic jokes. IMO, I just don't see any of the relevance to the case.

Ethnic slurs indicate a coarse sense of humor but racist slurs indicate racism? Don't ethnic slurs indicate bigotry?

I don't think you can tell whether someone is a racist by their sense of humor. IMO, that's absurd. You can tell a racist because they usually expound at length about the inferiority of the race they've chosen to hate. AFAIK, GZ isn't a proponent of eugenics.

FTR, I don't embrace the social construct of separate races.
Does it prove who started the fight or answer why TM did not stop beating GZ's head into the concrete? Do we know of TM was a bully? HAve ALL the kids and teachers at his various schools been interviewed and their comments reported?

This is the media insuring that GZ is convicted even if the Law is on his side. This is the media building HATRED and tainting his ability to get a fair trial. HATE HIM! CONVICT HIM! Don 't wait for evidence.

This is the disgusting state of American journalism. We eat it up if they are "on the team we like." Give us more dirt, we say. Make potential jurors walk in despising him.

Fair trial? so far from it...it is sickening.

So far, there is absolutely no proof that Trayvon Martin beat GZ. There is only proof that the two of them ended up on the ground and that Trayvon landed on top of the heavier guy.

NO ONE, willing to come forward, saw the beginning of the actual contact between the two. And, no one willing to come forward saw the last 2 or 3 seconds either.

If GZ stopped Trayvon and TM tried to extricate himself but GZ would have none of it and chased TM, (as it would seem, since the one woman saw someone chasing another with a flashlight between them) then grabbed a fleeing TM, by his Hood, that could cause TM to fall backward against GZ. The result of that might very well have had the two of them tumbling into the bushes and then to the ground. That part, the part where they go to the ground was apparently before "John" and any another witness saw what they would refer to, in their numerous 911 calls, as a "scuffle."

The two most important parts of the interaction between GZ & TM was not attested to by any of the witnesses who have had the wherewithal to come forward.

It would be nice if proponents of his defense would concede that there is NO PROOF that TM was the aggressor. NONE, so far.

Keep in mind, there are people who have refused to be interviewed by the SPD.
I agree with chicana and others. Many guys and kids haven't drunk as much of the pc kool-aid. Plus, it sounds like this guy got his poor little feelers hurt not because they were joking about his ethnicity (which, btw, they were doing by referencing some character that they obviously didn't make up - so someone else must have thought it was funny, too), but because he was SO SUCCESSFUL and they were SO JEALOUS of him. Sounds to me like he's a tool and he got tool treatment, not the middle eastern treatment. jmo

That was my impression too.
So far, there is absolutely no proof that Trayvon Martin beat GZ. There is only proof that the two of them ended up on the ground and thatT rayvon landed on top of the heavier guy.

NO ONE, willing to come forward, saw the beginning of the actual contact between the two. And, no one willing to come forward saw the last 2 or 3 seconds either.

If GZ stopped Trayvon and TM tried to extricate himself but GZ would have none of it and chased TM, (as it would seem, since the one woman saw someone chasing another with a flashlight between them) then grabbed a fleeing TM, by his Hood, that could cause TM to fall backward against GZ. The result of that might very well have had the two of them tumbling into the bushes and then to the ground. That part, the part where they go to the ground was apparently before "John" and any another witness saw what they would refer to, in their numerous 911 calls, as a "scuffle."

The two most important parts of the interaction between GZ & TM was not attested to by any of the witnesses who have had the wherewithal to come forward.

It would be nice if proponents of his defense would concede that there is NO PROOF that TM was the aggressor. NONE, so far.

Keep in mind, there are people who have refused to be interviewed by the SPD.


There are witness accounts that the guy in red was getting hit and yelling for help. One even goes so far as to elaborate that the "black male" who was on top of the "white or Hispanic male" was throwing "MMA" (mixed martial arts) punches. (Page 4 of 13 in Serino's report) There is absolutely evidence that TM beat GZ.

There are witness accounts that the guy in red was getting hit and yelling for help. One even goes so far as to elaborate that the "black male" who was on top of the "white or Hispanic male" was throwing "MMA" (mixed martial arts) punches. (Page 4 of 13 in Serino's report) There is absolutely evidence that TM beat GZ.

Thank you. There is proof...a witness that shows TM beating GZ in an atrocious manner. Why is this justified? Because TM felt annoyed? Because GZ "left his car?" This is unjustified violence that contributed to the tragedy of his own death.
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