Why doesn't CPS take away the minor children?

BBM - I think by DB's own admission and confession that she was drunk is enough self incrimination that doesn't require a witness. Why would DB tell the whole world she was drunk, if she was not?

Why would DB want to appear neglectful and irresponsible?

No, I don't think there has to be a witness to this. The statement itself says enough because the opposite of that statement would be that, DB was sober and had the mental capacity to recall events of the evening and give this crucial information to LE to assist them in finding her missing child.

I maintain, that I hope that CPS is watching/checking on these children, afterall, one of the three is missing.


Because she doesn't think she was neglectful. How many times has it been debated how drunk she really was? It can't be proven how drunk she was, therefore there is no way to determine how her ability to care for the children were compromised, if at all. Do you think CPS is going to take a child out of your home if you walk right up to them and say, I was drunk last night? It doesn't work that way.

CPS asks the question when they take an action such as removal, how are the children endangered? So I ask you now, how are the children endangered right now? And can you prove your claim to CPS?

Because she doesn't think she was neglectful. How many times has it been debated how drunk she really was? It can't be proven how drunk she was, therefore there is no way to determine how her ability to care for the children were compromised, if at all. Do you think CPS is going to take a child out of your home if you walk right up to them and say, I was drunk last night? It doesn't work that way.

CPS asks the question when they take an action such as removal, how are the children endangered? So I ask you now, how are the children endangered right now? And can you prove your claim to CPS?

I guess, personally, I would have to liken the situation to a mother who drives drunk, gets into an accident that results in the death of one of her children - would CPS take the other children in the mother's care? Would they still be in danger once she sobers up? Probably not, but there is still the distinct danger that she could drink and put them in danger again. JMO
Crazy. I don't understand why Isabel C's dad was removed from the home, but nothing is done to remove Deborah Bradley who was not only drunk, but completely lost her baby and had no idea when she last saw her.

That seems strange to me also. Something about SC that creeps me out. As far as the minor children of DB/JI, have any locals know any news about them?
"Why doesn't CPS take away the minor children?"

Because there is no evidence to show that this must be done. :)

what about proof positive that the safety of a baby didn't even comply with recommended standards? (law?)

(and if true, one can extrapolate that who knows what else occurs in that home!!)

i was looking at the pics of lisa on findlisairwin.com earlier and something quite glaring jumped out at me...

aren't babies supposed to be in rear-facing car seats? at least until 20 lbs and one year old at the very minimum?


what about proof positive that the safety of a baby didn't even comply with recommended standards? (law?)

(and if true, one can extrapolate that who knows what else occurs in that home!!)

i was looking at the pics of lisa on findlisairwin.com earlier and something quite glaring jumped out at me...

aren't babies supposed to be in rear-facing car seats? at least until 20 lbs and one year old at the very minimum?




It's just a recommendation, it's not a law (having an young child in a rear facing car seat). At least not in missouri.

CPS does nothing! Did they take away Burke Ramsey, did they take away Butterbean Cummings, the list goes on and on! You really don't expect them to take away those two boys, whose mother, father's girlfriend, was blacked out drunk and their sister went missing do you?
that's what i said -- a recommendation.

now, why wouldn't ANY AND EVERY (GOOD) PARENT want to ensure their child was as safe as possible in a moving vehicle???!

oh-- and actually, the recommendation changed to 2 years old in early 2011 (well before lisa "disappeared"):


If someone thinks that it's okay to leave 3 little kids in a house alone while they are out getting falling down drunk, why would they even consider the fact that it is safer for a baby to face backwards in a car seat?

These people are disgusting examples of what a parent should be! I feel so sorry for baby Lisa and for these other two innocent boys!
Maybe it's because her kid didn't go missing, but it's interesting that nobody blasts SB for basically that same behavior that night, leaving her 4 year old daughter with the two boys while she was drinking with DB on the porch.

Where are the calls for her kid to be taken away, or does it only matter if one of your kids goes missing, else it's ok to get drunk while caring for children?
Maybe it's because her kid didn't go missing, but it's interesting that nobody blasts SB for basically that same behavior that night, leaving her 4 year old daughter with the two boys while she was drinking with DB on the porch.

Where are the calls for her kid to be taken away, or does it only matter if one of your kids goes missing, else it's ok to get drunk while caring for children?

For me, there isn't enough info about SB's behavior that night to form much of an opinion. Did she just let her child have free reign all night without checking in on her? Did she chuck her in a room and can't remember when/if she checked on her? Was this a one time occurance or does she regularly while away the hours on a stoop with her child inside someone else's house? Really, there are more questions than answers on that front. It's probably why many have not opined on it.

I will say, we haven't heard SB haughtily defend her entitlement to adult time at the expense of her sick child's welfare which is part of what sticks in my craw so much about DB. :moo:
yes-- let's convolute this thread with discussion that a woman should have her child removed from her home even though she

1) did not admit to being "blacked out drunk" while supposedly caring for her child
2) has not gone on national television and spun a web of tales/lied about events surrounding her "missing" daughter
3) did not refuse to be interviewed separately from her b/f as per a request from local LE
4) does not live in home that LE spent SEVENTEEN hours searching/investigating
5) does not live in a home where LE states a cadaver dog alerted in a bedroom
6) does not maintains that her "adult time" is very important to her and moreso than a sick baby
7) has not made a known presence online of threatening/bullying posters who believe she is not being truthful about what happened to her daughter
8) did not made up some farcical tale about a credit card and a name change website
9) has not posted pics of her daughter online where she is not secured in her car seat in the "recommended" fashion


::eye roll::
yes-- let's convolute this thread with discussion that a woman should have her child removed from her home even though she

1) did not admit to being "blacked out drunk" while supposedly caring for her child
2) has not gone on national television and spun a web of tales/lied about events surrounding her "missing" daughter
3) did not refuse to be interviewed separately from her b/f as per a request from local LE
4) does not live in home that LE spent SEVENTEEN hours searching/investigating
5) does not live in a home where LE states a cadaver dog alerted in a bedroom
6) does not maintains that her "adult time" is very important to her and moreso than a sick baby
7) has not made a known presence online of threatening/bullying posters who believe she is not being truthful about what happened to her daughter
8) did not made up some farcical tale about a credit card and a name change website
9) has not posted pics of her daughter online where she is not secured in her car seat in the "recommended" fashion


::eye roll::

That's an excellent list. We can also add that SB's daughter is ambulatory and was not jailed in a crib for the evening. It's possible if SB did not check on her, she brought herself to the front door upon occasion.
yes-- let's convolute this thread with discussion that a woman should have her child removed from her home even though she

1) did not admit to being "blacked out drunk" while supposedly caring for her child
2) has not gone on national television and spun a web of tales/lied about events surrounding her "missing" daughter
3) did not refuse to be interviewed separately from her b/f as per a request from local LE
4) does not live in home that LE spent SEVENTEEN hours searching/investigating
5) does not live in a home where LE states a cadaver dog alerted in a bedroom
6) does not maintains that her "adult time" is very important to her and moreso than a sick baby
7) has not made a known presence online of threatening/bullying posters who believe she is not being truthful about what happened to her daughter
8) did not made up some farcical tale about a credit card and a name change website
9) has not posted pics of her daughter online where she is not secured in her car seat in the "recommended" fashion


::eye roll::

I agree that your list does convolute things. It seems as if your trying to talk about DB and SB on the same list.

Some of the things listed could apply to DB but we have no way of knowing if it would apply to SB as well.

Other things appear to be opinion about DB that are not know to be factual and don't apply to SB.

Some things like how many hours LE searched a home and the credit card "tale" leave me wondering how that has anything to to with the topic of this thread.

So your right. This list is convoluted.
good grief! please stop twisting my words. i never said my list convoluted things or my list was convoluted.
Maybe it's because her kid didn't go missing, but it's interesting that nobody blasts SB for basically that same behavior that night, leaving her 4 year old daughter with the two boys while she was drinking with DB on the porch.

Where are the calls for her kid to be taken away, or does it only matter if one of your kids goes missing, else it's ok to get drunk while caring for children?

I think that for some, what matters is not the safety of children, but expressing total hatred of DB/JI. I'm sure if SB was vocal and in the media about her actions that night, she would feel the wrath of the same people who hate DB/JI.

I think she's very smart by only talking to LE.
good grief! please stop twisting my words. i never said my list convoluted things or my list was convoluted.

I apologize. I thought that was your intention when you said "lets convolute this thread" and created your list.
Maybe it's because her kid didn't go missing, but it's interesting that nobody blasts SB for basically that same behavior that night, leaving her 4 year old daughter with the two boys while she was drinking with DB on the porch.

Where are the calls for her kid to be taken away, or does it only matter if one of your kids goes missing, else it's ok to get drunk while caring for children?

There's no info or history available for SB. We are only apprized of the fact she was there one night. How could anyone possibly "blast" her based on so few facts? We don't have any idea of what information she provided (or didn't) to help this investigation.

I don't think the pot needs any more stirring because, as stated, "her kid didn't go missing."

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