LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #36

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I am getting mixed up about Military fatigues and the Military Uniform.....
My understanding of fatigues is full camouflage gear where as the Uniform would be different.
I do not think you would be allowed to wear a Military cap,Badge etc especially if you were thrown out of the Army and put in jail for a horrendous crime....MO

slowlybutshelly can you elaborate on what type of gear he was wearing or a link to an image of similar at all...

I would let LE know as BSL could have been wearing Military gear on the night that Mickey went missing and might just help to trigger someone's memory of seeing BSL around.
Thank you for your posts....
You did Not see him in march 2010 correct?
There's a few teens that vanished from spring tx in that time period and I've been trying to figure out if he is responsible
I edited my orginal post to say that I did see him regularly at the cc's coffeehouse on Johnston street in Lafayette, late at night often till midnight when they were closing. This is very near parkside on university where the photo 'may have shown BSL' following MS on Versailles. I think BSL was in the area many many nights in previous months stalking the area. I am trying to jog my memory. It is now July. I know I saw him a lot in April. I was very active searching for MS in the days after her mishap; I have not seen BSL since then at that coffeeshop. When I saw his mugshot, I literally jumped out of my seat having recognized his mug shot from an earlier photo of him.

I have spoken with him. In relation to his military service and being at Ft Polk. I was in causal clothes, none of my own professional garb. So he looked at me as if 'who are you?'
He wore a nametag on his military uniforms when at the coffeeshop. I remember it as being Brandon. I remember seeing his wholename on his tag on his military uniform. Yes I have said a few words to him and could recognize his voice. He told me he had been stationed at Ft Polk. He told me 'the military kept him here' instead of going to iraq and afghanistan. He stared at me wierdly, like 'what the hell are you doing talking to me in public' kinda thing. I now recall that I do not remember him talking to anyone else at said coffee shop ; he just sat there for hours and hours. like me, except I was buried in books in my own world. and he was probably in his own world too.

That is extremely creepy.
Seems like this guy was searching for prey, and waiting for the perfect one.
He wore a nametag on his military uniforms when at the coffeeshop. I remember it as being Brandon. I remember seeing his wholename on his tag on his military uniform. Yes I have said a few words to him and could recognize his voice. He told me he had been stationed at Ft Polk. He told me 'the military kept him here' instead of going to iraq and afghanistan. He stared at me wierdly, like 'what the hell are you doing talking to me in public' kinda thing. I now recall that I do not remember him talking to anyone else at said coffee shop ; he just sat there for hours and hours. like me, except I was buried in books in my own world. and he was probably in his own world too.
He probably suffered from paranoia and still does.
I edited my orginal post to say that I did see him regularly at the cc's coffeehosue on Johnston street in Lafayette, late at night often till midnight when they were closing. This is very near parkside on university where the photo 'may have shown BSL' following MS on Versailles. I think BSL was in the area many many nights in previous months stalking the area. I am trying to jog my memory. It is now July. I know I saw him a lot in April. I was very active searching for MS in the days after her mishap; I have not seen BSL since then at that coffeeshop. When I saw his mugshot, I literally jumped out of my seat having recognized his mug shot from an earlier photo of him.

I have spoken with him. In relation to his military service and being at Ft Polk. I was in causal clothes, none of my own professional garb. So he looked at me as if 'who are you?' - not anybody he can picture from past parole, legal issues etc.

disclaimer. I am a local who has been away from the area for many many years and do not appear to have a cajun accent or know the area very well. I stay that way, liking the anonymity it provides me. But I am petrified about this case.

Guess, it would be too unusual for him to make himself scarce around the coffee shop in May, and up until the time of his arrest. Especially driving the DWT or the replacement DWT..
The Johnston coffee shop is right down the road from UL, her college. I used to go to it a lot after class, and it's only a few minutes down the road.

And of course, not very far at all from where the surveillance shot was taken.
You did Not see him in march 2010 correct?
There's a few teens that vanished from spring tx in that time period and I've been trying to figure out if he is responsible
I definitely saw BSL in Lafayette La at cc's coffeeshop in APril 2012. Just before MS went missing. I have not seen him since MS disappearance. I saw him regularly before then so I am 'thinking I saw him in March'..but I cannot say I saw him any earlier than that. If I did see him in March, it was late March..last week. And with memory and knowing what I was doing in late march early april (i was very busy with school and my own life); I cannot say for sure I saw him in March. Just that with the number of times I was at that coffeeshop in April (every night practically; at least 4 times a week) I KNOW HE was there in april and his visits got more frequent from early april to late april. I cannot remember how long it had been since I saw him there before MS went missing....perhaps only a week or two? I never walked out of the coffeeshop with him. or saw him walk out after me or wait for me. At one point the P.I. and I even joked about all the white trucks we could count looking out the window of the coffeeshop; this was just a week b4 MS went missing and we counted 15 within 2 minutes! It was surreal to joke with this P.I. after MS went missing about or our DWT joking at night.
Is this March 2010 or 2012 that we're talking about?

And, Catchy Kitty, who are the missing teens from Spring? I lived in Houston in 2010, so I'm curious which cases you're referring to. Thanks : )
He always has a military uniform on? That is so odd. And telling.
Yes I never saw him without a military uniform on and a nametag. That is why I knew I had seen him; had seen the nametag. It was prom time, I just assumed he was in the military and was dating or bringing a date to functions in the area. He looked young enough to be in ROTC at ULL. Now I am aging
I also just had surgery for a benign tumor on my finger, but I was not "put to sleep" as in general anesthesia with the endotrachial tube etc. I was given IV anesthetic and one minute I was talking and the next I was waking up in recovery. I was totally oblivious to what had been done. Oh, and it was done as an outpatient procedure.

I had this type of anesthesia (conscious sedation w/ Fentanyl and Versed) when I had my wisdom teeth out, but still had to have someone drive me home. I had to sign a paper actually during my pre-surgery appointment saying that I understood the procedure would be cancelled unless I had someone to drive me home. Also, I would think that it would be hard to drive with a hand that had just been operated on. So wonder who drove him home from OGH? Of course, I suppose he could have not been given conscious sedation but just a local anesthetic and it could have been sutured in ER and just incorrectly reported as a "surgery." He could've had a family member drive him home though, after all they thought he was a victim of a mugging. A family member might be less inclined to volunteer this info to the media, even if they did tell LE, because they were afraid of being harrassed and dragged into this further. From the statements on fb from his mom and brother, seems like they are trying to distance themselves from him.

Did Brandon ever pop into your head prior to his arrest?
Like did he ever slap out as being someone who might have had something to do with Mickey?

Creepy that you say you hadn't seen him since about 2 weeks before Mickeys disappearance. That is around the time Brettlys bike went missing, and his location isn't too far from there.
I wonder if they had ever ridden bikes from CC's to Brettly's house on another occasion, and BSL saw them.
Guess, it would be too unusual for him to make himself scarce around the coffee shop in May, and up until the time of his arrest. Especially driving the DWT or the replacement DWT..
I did not see him at the coffeeshop in May at all. I could not get back into my usual routine of study for a while after MS went missing so I did not go for a week or two back to CC's. But I have been regular for most of June and July and never saw him once after MS went missing.
I am getting mixed up about Military fatigues and the Military Uniform.....
My understanding of fatigues is full camouflage gear where as the Uniform would be different.
I do not think you would be allowed to wear a Military cap,Badge etc especially if you were thrown out of the Army and put in jail for a horrendous crime....MO

slowlybutshelly can you elaborate on what type of gear he was wearing or a link to an image of similar at all...

I would let LE know as BSL could have been wearing Military gear on the night that Mickey went missing and might just help to trigger someone's memory of seeing BSL around.
Thank you for your posts....
BSL, every time I saw him was in camouflage gear with a nametag; looking like he was ready to be in the army in veitnam. It was ARMY fatigues; not military rank uniforms. And they looked OLD. Come to think about it now; very old. Like they had been sitting in his closet for say - before 2000?
Have you called this in to LE?

My other questions would be...

Did you know him by name? or did you recognize him after he was arrested? Did you ever speak to him?
Did you ever see him speak to anyone else?

BSL would not know me by name. But I saw his nametag and knew him by name. To me he looked like he was trying to appear to be 'normal' military in the area; but my understanding of military culture is that people usually hang out together. He was ALONE every time I saw him.
Thank you for answering and posting.
I hope you will contact LE with this information.
It might lead to finding Mickey.

LPD 337-291-8633 or
Crime Stoppers at 337-232-TIPS.
John Abdella at 337-235-0270
'Ironically that is what the TBI said through their 3 PIOs(media management) beginning on 04/13/2011, 'it has to be a local'..

CJ, imo, all indicators pointed from day one in Holly Bobo's abduction to an experienced stranger sexual predator as in Mickey Schunick's abduction..

There has been an arrest in Mickey Schunick's case due to the public tips. It has been over 15 months since Holy Bobo's abduction and due to the antiquated strategy of silence by the TBI. The guilty has escaped and the innocent victim and her family is suffering.

The motto of the TBI is "that guilt shall not escape, nor innocence suffer".
what is TBI?
Is this March 2010 or 2012 that we're talking about?

And, Catchy Kitty, who are the missing teens from Spring? I lived in Houston in 2010, so I'm curious which cases you're referring to. Thanks : )

Ali Lowitzer is one who has a thread here, one that seems like an abduction. She vanished from her bus stop in April 2010. At least two, if not more of the other girls appear to have left on their own, even according to their families. Not sure if they ever returned or were located. JMO
Others I believe were referring to the missing girls in Spring, Tx. I was thinking on a wider scope in that I would check to see if there are any unsolved rape/assault cases involving a man in fatigues. I am thinking the military uniform gives him some sense of identity.

Holly Bobo was also last seen with a man in camouflage.

I do have to say, unless you are active military or are presently in the woods, camouflage is my least favorite clothing choice.

You certainly do need to report this tip to police right away.
BSL was in jail from 2000-2008. And on parole until 2010. What is the chance he was active military? I doubt it seriously. I know a lot of pensioned military vets that frequent coffee shops around the area and they never wear their uniforms.
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