New website for Lisa

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Well, I guess that DB thinks writing 2 tiny paragraphs on a website that is viewed by maybe 20 people is "helping bring Lisa home". This way, at least the DB supporters (dwindling by the minute) can say that she is doing something. Pathetic!

It's really snarky and unkind of me, but really, perpetuating the "kind kidnapper" theory even now is just......not....realistic and it makes me angry. Perhaps it's a coping mechanism. Perhaps it's the story she wants people to buy, knowing what truly happened to BL.:moo:

DB has never come across to me as someone who fears unspeakable atrocity heaped up her daughter as each minute ticks by and it really chaps my hide.:moo: Perpetuating benevolent ninja kidnappers chaps my hide and offends my intelligence. Ugh. :moo: If LI were truly kidnapped and managed to still be alive this far out, her life is probably not sunshine and lollypops, it's probably just about unbearable. Terror, agony, deprivation...those are probably LI's reality if she is alive and in the hands of a stranger. :moo: Odds are not in the favor of some kind kidnapper giving LI the best things in life. You would think you would set your own comfort aside and be propelled to action to spare your precious baby one more second of potential mistreatment. What do we have instead? DB holed up in her comfy home playing Jr Webmaster as her action to spare her baby. DB's minute public contribution of a few fantasy sentences on a practically invisible website, is indeed, pathetic.:moo: :banghead:

Over NINE months now. Not too interested in keeping it up to date. has been updated to include pictures from the balloon releases and Lisa's flyer from the FBI website.
from the vigils page:


so-- lisa was found? alive? wonder why the media hasn't picked up on the story yet...

(b/c imo there'd be no other reason to call these a "success"... )

from the vigils page:


so-- lisa was found? alive? wonder why the media hasn't picked up on the story yet...

(b/c imo there'd be no other reason to call these a "success"... )


I just have to shake my head....these parents are innocent? Not a chance in HEdoubleL.
from the vigils page:


so-- lisa was found? alive? wonder why the media hasn't picked up on the story yet...

(b/c imo there'd be no other reason to call these a "success"... )


What was the point of the vigil? It's to pray for the well-being of Lisa, no? How is her saying this, that it was a success, not correct? It's not like there was something like a search party and then this posting - the outcome of a successful search party would obviously be having found the child, so that would be an odd thing to post if Lisa was not found at the end of the search. But, a vigil? I don't understand picking this apart. People came, they prayed, they let the balloons go - success, no?
What was the point of the vigil? It's to pray for the well-being of Lisa, no? How is her saying this, that it was a success, not correct? It's not like there was something like a search party and then this posting - the outcome of a successful search party would obviously be having found the child, so that would be an odd thing to post if Lisa was not found at the end of the search. But, a vigil? I don't understand picking this apart. People came, they prayed, they let the balloons go - success, no?

I agree, I think the point of using the word success was for the vigil itself, not for finding BL. It would be the same thing of calling the vigils for the fallen in CO a 'success' even though the vigil isn't going to bring those people back to life.
Wonder why they didn't post pics of the family in the KC vigil pics?
This was just so pointless!! These two know exactly where that baby is, I really wish they would be arrested...:maddening:
What was the point of the vigil? It's to pray for the well-being of Lisa, no? How is her saying this, that it was a success, not correct? It's not like there was something like a search party and then this posting - the outcome of a successful search party would obviously be having found the child, so that would be an odd thing to post if Lisa was not found at the end of the search. But, a vigil? I don't understand picking this apart. People came, they prayed, they let the balloons go - success, no?

again-- what makes it a "success"? b/c X number of people showed up? b/c RR didn't drive by and takes pics and post them on fb? b/c no one walked over and called DB a "baby killer"? b/c everyone felt all warm and fuzzy after "praying" for a "missing" baby when the question was asked in a Gallup poll? b/c there was enough boxed wine to go around afterwards? just how does one quantify the "success" of something so vague?

the news was posted on here. it's fair game. for "picking apart".
again-- what makes it a "success"? b/c X number of people showed up? b/c RR didn't drive by and takes pics and post them on fb? b/c no one walked over and called DB a "baby killer"? b/c everyone felt all warm and fuzzy after "praying" for a "missing" baby when the question was asked in a Gallup poll? b/c there was enough boxed wine to go around afterwards? just how does one quantify the "success" of something so vague?

the news was posted on here. it's fair game. for "picking apart".

In comparison, there was a vigil held in Colorado a few days ago. Lots of people showed up, took time out of their lives to show support, and I'm sure it made the victims' family feel better for it. I would call that successful.
again-- what makes it a "success"? b/c X number of people showed up? b/c RR didn't drive by and takes pics and post them on fb? b/c no one walked over and called DB a "baby killer"? b/c everyone felt all warm and fuzzy after "praying" for a "missing" baby when the question was asked in a Gallup poll? b/c there was enough boxed wine to go around afterwards? just how does one quantify the "success" of something so vague?

the news was posted on here. it's fair game. for "picking apart".

I've never heard of any vigil/balloon release/memorial/etc lead to finding a missing person or bringing a person back to life. Perhaps we should stop calling all these types of gatherings a success then. It's certainly not the first time I've heard something like this called a success.
ok-- i have changed my opinion. YES-- the vigil was a resounding success. why? b/c the parents are being defended. and that's exactly what they want... ::sigh::
ok-- i have changed my opinion. YES-- the vigil was a resounding success. why? b/c the parents are being defended. and that's exactly what they want... ::sigh::

Very true! You are not allowed to talk about this case on Facebook unless you support the parents, you will be repeatedly reported and the page will be shut down. Hmmmm.... wonder why/how that is??
In comparison, there was a vigil held in Colorado a few days ago. Lots of people showed up, took time out of their lives to show support, and I'm sure it made the victims' family feel better for it. I would call that successful.

you've forgotten one key difference: there are definitely victims in CO -and a heinous killer is in custody- but it hasn't yet been discerned that there are any true victims in this case... besides a "missing" baby...
you've forgotten one key difference: there are definitely victims in CO -and a heinous killer is in custody- but it hasn't yet been discerned that there are any true victims in this case... besides a "missing" baby...

...and her two brothers. God only knows what goes on in their lives.
you've forgotten one key difference: there are definitely victims in CO -and a heinous killer is in custody- but it hasn't yet been discerned that there are any true victims in this case... besides a "missing" baby...

I disagree - Baby Lisa is a victim no matter where she is or what happened to her. If her parents had nothing to do with whatever happened to BL, they are victims also - that remains to be seen at this point. You don't feel a "missing" child is a victim? We must have a different idea of what that words means.
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