Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #21 *may contain graphic and adult content* Cont'd.

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I can not find post now ..but someone asked what was put up on the overhead projector ..I am thinking it is this ... #1220
I need blood pressure meds to watch this. She never described repeated "beatings" about the head, whatever he motioned. A wooden spoon? A belt? IF that created a dysfunctional citizen with all his or her brain cells beaten out (whatever he said)

THEN all of our parents would be mass killers, ready to explode at a moments notice.

(and any one of us that was spanked or swatted with a spoon) I say our parents because in the "old days" corporal punishment was the norm, even at school, or with the Nuns in boarding school! I guarantee they are not all nuts now..

Dr Drew is taking the side of the poor, abused victim again, imo. He said that even the little hitting that she expereinced as a child would affect her brain and her ability to relate in healthy ways. GMAFB.
I totally agree with the judge who's on Dr Drew.
I am irritated they (DR Drew) speak of the goth guy as horribly abusive etc.

we don't know, we don't know that was not a fabrication. They are taking each statement of hers about that stuff as if it is fact. Did goth guy come forward and we can corroborate he was abusive?

Probably because he was Goth. Stereotyping.

I hope they track down some of these people and get their side of the story. Why would anyone take Jodi's word alone about anything at this point?
She is not dissociated. She shows no emotion because she is a psychopath and she is LYING.
YEAH caller !!
Momma hit me with a wooden spoon a time or two and I have yet to kill someone! This is so stupid!
Ohhh I like this caller! Go! Go! Go!

(not the second one)
Eve sorry but you are delusional
My mom relegated "beatings" to my dad. He got me with a garden hose, most of the time a wooden paddle but sometimes the yardstick and most of the time a belt across my butt and as I would walk away I would get a swift hard kick which always landed right between my legs, not on my butt. I love both of my parents.

Got paddled in 5th grade by the Principal for writing on the bathroom walls.

Grew up and married an abusive husband. Broken jaw, burned several times, gun in my mouth with him on the other end more than once, beaten just about daily x 5 years, punched in the face, once punched in the abdomen when I was 4 months pregnant, strangled into unconsciousness once, and barely escaped with my life and my three children w/ the help of a whole bunch of police officers the night we finally 'escaped'.

I am 55 now, and thus far have not killed anyone. In fact I am very passive. Its been 30 some years since the night we got away, and I still remember very minute details about being abused by my ex husband. If asked about it on the stand, I would be giving some detailed examples. She just brushes past things with no detail. For this reason I call BS on the abuse stuff.

jus sayin'.
Oh yay, his jurors aka our own Katie :great:
Dr Drew is taking the side of the poor, abused victim again, imo. He said that even the little hitting that she expereinced as a child would affect her brain and her ability to relate in healthy ways. GMAFB.

one comment: Hey Dr. Drew.. the key word is "JODY SAID"
He deals with mostly drug addicts (I think) his "thing" is heavy abusers. There is a world of difference in my opinion with people who are on drugs and alcohol and commit whatever crime, and your sober, I am not snorting bath salts, crazed killer.

The most frightening type of person is one that behaves this way with NO substances in their body!

I really hope Dr. Drew is never on a jury. He can't read a person correctly. Ever.

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