CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #1

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I get the feeling, jmo, that he will probably commit suicide before being taken in. Don't know why, just think that is what would happen if he is ever caught up with.
My goodness, my brother has lived in Alaska for 20 years and can handle the terrain just fine. Big Bear is a big nothing compared to the conditions to Alaska. Someone who has been trained by the military and LE can handle big bear with no problem. It's just a matter of finding out where he's hiding, or if he's left. Personally, I think he's left.


If you knew this area, you'd know that Big Bear is 7,000 ft. above sea level and the weather has been near zero temps. Unless he carjacks someone or steals a car, he's not getting off the mountain.:twocents:

I'll take your word for it since I have no idea about BB. I hope they have checked all the homes there. He could have killed someone and took their vehicle and/or took refuge in their home. It's a scary thought that he is out there somewhere.

I haven't followed this thread until recent, but have followed the news. Is there a time line of his known whereabouts up until the truck burning?

I have a friend who knows this guy. I just found out this afternoon.
Dorner didn't make a "list". He was ranting and in his rants he posted the names of almost everyone that had angered him since he was in high school.

Dorner didn't make a "list". He was ranting and in his rants he posted the names of almost everyone that had angered him since he was in kindergarten.

There^^^ I FIXED it for you. :wink:

I believe this is extraordinarily naive thinking.
Gee, thanks. Step it back a tad, willya?

This man is a deranged killer on a mission. he has taken three lives. One of those lives was not connected to law enforcement. If cornered or desperate or unable to access more targets, he will easily kill any others because he has already proven he is a murderer, without conscience and without regard for human life.
You are aware that Keith was engaged to Monica Quan, right? And that Keith was a graduate of Ventura Sheriff's academy, right? And that he was an officer on a campus...Keith, imho, was collateral damage; happened to be engaged to a target, and was with the target when she was killed. Keith was connected...whether you like to think so or not.

Besides his stated targets, those who need to worry are those who happen to come across him (which could be anyone) or those who have something he wants (like a vehicle or shelter). If he is on the run, what better way to stave off LE and/or force his demands to be met than to take a hostage or two or three and slowly kill each one when LE fails to do what he demands.
Ah, but he hasn't yet done that (that we are aware of). Matter of fact, when he had the perfect opportunity to take a hostage, he didn't...just tried to take the boat.

He's not looking to take hostages. If he does, it will because he is trapped and is trying to preserve himself - but he states he knows he will die, and that tells me he's not looking to live through this. He says he won't be alive to see his name cleared; that means he won't be taking hostages, not right now, at least.

Of course, this is imho...but I do know he's not running around like the DC Sniper, targeting any and every one. *That* is a huge difference, and something that we need to remember.

This guy is evil and highly dangerous and no one in SoCal should feel safe until he is caught.
Gitana, I never feel safe in So Ca. I'm always watching my back. it's one of the reasons I want to move away from this city.

Yes, this guy is evil. And he is highly dangerous. But he's not looking to target random people...if he was, carnage would have already happened...many times. Does this mean he won't? I'm pretty sure he's not going to be targeting folks who are not connected to LE (like me); he seems to have narrowly directed his hatred at a certain segment.

Again, I live in SoCa. I'm not safe, ever. But I don't think this guy is gonna start randomly shooting people at the mall, or come into their houses at night to kill them.

I do worry about the Grammys, simply because there is a huge LE presence there - streets around shut down, lots and lots of security. A target rich environment for sure. But other than that...meh. I don't think civilians will be targeted...

Herding Cats
I just read in the CBS article that the truck was burnt on the forest service road (2N10) which runs between the two ski resorts. So hubby and I are thinking that he was too aggressive in his off-roading, and that's how he broke his axle there. He had a 4WD vehicle and cold weather survival gear, so he wasn't planning just a quick run up to Big Bear and back. The truck burning wasn't a planned diversion I'm thinking. He improved when the axle broke, and didn't want LE getting his ammo. I think he's stuck in the area without a backup plan.

I just looked at the terrain there (2N10) and I must say I agree with you. It appears to be dirt roads. I do think he is wearing proper clothes for the area and climate there though. He would surely have to be in a cave ? or cabin as long as the storm is active. He would also stick out with the snow if he is on foot walking.
Sorry if this has been shown. Fox news just ran a big bit on him.
His training :
College Running Back
Rifle Marksman
Pistol Expert
River/Undersea Warfare
Aviation Training
Knows Police Tactics

So even though he's put on some weight since college running back days, he knows how to pace himself and knows all about how to navigate water and land. YIKES !
I wonder if anyone has checked the property that his mother still owns up in Big Bear? Based on the direction that the searchers have been headed (I've been listening to the Big Bear scanner), he's headed in the right direction to eventually reach her property. It's listed as unimproved land, but that doesn't mean there isn't a trailer sitting on it! (approx. 12 miles west of Big Bear City proper)

ETA: The property is almost to Running Springs....

It was mentioned last night on the news that her property is undeveloped and has been checked.
Dick Wolf should definitely have been taking notes on Thursday. The story of ex-cop Chris Dorner's alleged killing spree is not just an epic jaw-dropper, it's a story born for the "ripped from the headlines" treatment that "Law & Order" was famous for.

It's almost impossible not to imagine a version of the horrific events unfolding on the screen -- pretty much exactly as they've been reported.
It was mentioned last night on the news that her property is undeveloped and has been checked.

Thanks - I must have been watching the wrong news. ;) All the channels I was watching kept saying that the family no longer owned property up there (unless they just wanted to keep the public away from it)....
Actually, we don't know that he isn't running around like DC sniper. He allegedly killed a cop that was in a car stopped by the red light. So any random cop could be a target. He doesn't have to know the cops, and they don't have to know him. And there are lots of cops looking for him. So that makes for a lot of targets.
Thanks - I must have been watching the wrong news. ;) All the channels I was watching kept saying that the family no longer owned property up there (unless they just wanted to keep the public away from it)....

Here's an article. It's in Arrowbear.

"We do know that his mother does own a parcel of property in Arrowbear. It is an undeveloped piece of property," San Bernardino County sheriff's spokeswoman Jodi Miller said. "There was no home or anything on it. We are aware of it and we did go by there."
It was mentioned last night on the news that her property is undeveloped and has been checked.

I wonder if he could have an underground bunker there. If they have searched for that...probably.
If he did have the chance to get off the mountain, he had to have stolen a vehicle or carjacked/kidnapped someone. We should know very soon if that happened, imo. Someone is going to be reported missing after a few days or someone is going to go to their cabin and find their truck missing. JMO

eta: Unless he did have a motorcycle in his pick up bed, and used it to escape the night before his truck burned up.
Sorry, I haven't kept up with the thread so this may have already been mentioned or it may be a stupid thought.

I don't know anything about hang gliders, paragliding, or things of that nature, but is it possible he could have used something like this? Do they make them light weight enough to be able to drag for a certain distance?
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