Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 7TH DAY #42 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm headed out in just a few min my day job then quickly to the courthouse. I won't have easy internet access until I get home tonite so please if you want me to look for something in specific anyone post it here quickly and i"ll do my best. I'll be there w/ my journal and my blue Travis ribbon and my best attempt at a stone face.

See you all later...........:seeya:

I loved how you posted several different ones last night - the way you write gives me a clear image & i feel as if I'm there as well!!
So I'm jumping in late, haven't followed anything really or really heard about this case until Jodi Arias took the stand and was bored to tears.

I hope it's okay I ask a few questions b/c most of what I know is just from what Jodi has said on the stand.... and sadly I've caught myself believing her story (re: his temper, emotional abuse, etc...).

My questions are:

Did they recover the gun he was shot with? Does it match the gun that was stolen from her grandparents? Or was it his gun?

Did they also find the knife that he was killed with? Is it one of his?

Where can I see the pics taken on the camera shortly before he was killed? And the one that was accidentally taken after/during the killing.

What was her reasoning for renting the car?

Is there a place where we can read all the texts that were sent to and from TA and JA days leading up to the murder?
I'm headed out in just a few min my day job then quickly to the courthouse. I won't have easy internet access until I get home tonite so please if you want me to look for something in specific anyone post it here quickly and i"ll do my best. I'll be there w/ my journal and my blue Travis ribbon and my best attempt at a stone face.

See you all later...........:seeya:

Thank you for reporting from the courtroom.

I have been curious about the Arias family and how they act/what their demeanor is before/after court, at lunch, on breaks, in the hallway and what, if any interaction the two families have or have had.
One last thing: I know jurors aren't supposed to be doing "research" on their own but I honestly hope at least one of them went home and looked up the term "sociopath" after yesterday. I'm certain at least one of them knows just what that means...and now they get to look at her through that lens. Thank you Travis. :(

When the notion that Jodi was a "sociopath" came straight from Travis, I couldn't help :great: Travis let us know that there was something very wrong with Jodi and that he wanted this girl out of his life for good and all.
On one of the TH shows last night, a good friend of TA's was interviewed. He said they went shooting often & TA very much enjoyed it. He said a .25 was "good for nothing," in so many words, and said he was sure TA would consult him before buying a handgun. And this guy (sorry, can't remember the program or his name -- duh) said he would recommend a handgun much more powerful -- a .45 or .38 or whatever. He seemed knoledgable & sincere.

With handguns most states require that someone responsible give you a reference. Travis' sister was a police officer. He would have had no problem getting a gun permit if he chose to do so. I don't see him having an unregistered handgun in his home without permit. jmo
Good morning my imaginary friends!! Lasagna is baking slowly in the oven, salad is in the crisper and I am cheating on the garlic bread. Going to use Texas toast! All are invited to my house to watch the trial! :great:

that sounds wonderful......I'll just hop in my jet I parked out back...:floorlaugh:
Ugh... I keep thinking there is no way the jury is falling for this BS, but then I read this response to somebody's post about the trial and I just hope the jury pool was made up of people with better cognitive skills and critical thinking than this woman seems to have:

"I live in AZ & it is a media circus there in Phoenix with Nancy Grace leading the pact. I'm sorry, but Jody reacted just like a very abused woman and shot the ******* to make sure he was good and dead. I know she is a bit touched to have put up with all of the dead guy's BS but when you have been abused so bad by someone, it is real easy to stab him 27 times, almost cut his head off, and then shot the SOB real good dead! Sorry, no I'm not sorry if I offended anyone, but I am a survivor of domestic abuse and I know how she felt! It's sad all the way around!"
that's what susan wright claimed to explain why she stabbed her husband 200 times. 'HE WAS COMING AFTER ME!!!!!!!' didn't work out very well for her.

Anyone else notice they've changed their verbiage now from "pigtails" to "braids"? wonder how/when/why that occurred.

I remember Jodi's reaction to the cop in the interview when he mentions her hair style as being in pigtails and she is incredulous and repeats 'pigtails?' as a question back to him. Jodi knew her hair was done up in braids. I think the pigtails comment by LE gave Jodi false hope that she still had a chance to beat this thing... until she knew about the bloody hand print and her hair and those damning photos.
I've never been 'spun around' (although my dh and I did attempt some swing lessons back in 'the day') and yet JA has been "spun around" by Matt, Bobby, and Travis? Did I miss anyone?

Oh, and I've never had anyone threaten my family (and if I ever did it would not be a 'light' argument or misunderstanding as the wrath would fall upon anyone who did threaten someone in my family) and yet JA has had three threats on her family? Bobby, Travis, and the 'Ninjas'? Again, am I missing anyone?

Ever since I started hearing this "spun around" and "spin around" I can't get this Beach Boys song, "I Get Around" out of my mind, altered to Jodi's version of course:

Round round spin around
She spins around
Spin around round round she spins around
She spins around
Gets spun around round she spins around
From town to town
Get spun around round she spins around
She's an easy broad
Get around round round she spins around
But won't leave you alone

She really likes taking off on those long road trip
She wants to find a man she can convince she's hip

Yeah, for what she does, she's getting real well known
Found out the hard way, now she won't leave them alone

"Repeat chorus" .... hehehe

[ame=""]The T.A.M.I. Show: Beach Boys - "I Get Around" - YouTube[/ame]
I must admit that this trial so far has made me realize I am not nearly as worldly as I thought...I am hearing/learning about things I had no idea about and had to google...after goggling I felt icky nasty dirty...when this trial is over I am sure I will need a lye soap scrubbing.:blushing::blushing:

after this trial, i'd like to try to visit as many places from the book she has been referencing, 1000 places to see before you die, and while she sits in prison, i'd send postcards to her with the words "glad you're not here" on them...

okay, that's just my mean streak talking.. but still..
I must admit that this trial so far has made me realize I am not nearly as worldly as I thought...I am hearing/learning about things I had no idea about and had to google...after goggling I felt icky nasty dirty...when this trial is over I am sure I will need a lye soap scrubbing.:blushing::blushing:

soooo I take it you didn't read that upstanding novel 50 shades???? :razz:
I just watched the you tube video A New Junkie uploaded and linked for us. JA sounds totally different now and her affect from that IS interview between then and now has remarkably changed. So is the IS interview the "real"JA or the one we are watching on the stand?
That's what I think too. Some think she may have used one of the pillows as a muzzle for her gun shot. Speaking of guns, we'll get to hear today her creative fiction on just where that gun came from. Maybe she will say another person, like a police officer or Mimi, came in with a gun and shot him later.

I put nothing past her (or Nurmi) at this point.

I think Jodi brought the soft rope with her for a new sex game to tie Travis up, and maybe try to convince him to be her boyfriend and take her to Cancun, but he wasn't into like she thought he would be.

No matter what Jodi says the fact is her grandpa's gun was stolen and Travis was shot with the same caliber gun.... not a far reach for a juror to make that it was Jodi that took it. I wonder if DB had any knives missing?

No to be mean or racist, but my daughter came in last night and said she knows many Latino girls that carry knives.
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