jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm so excited!! :great::great: Juan's gonna eat her up and spit her out. I can see Jodi is gonna drag this out as long as she can, she love the attention and less time in her cell.

She obviously still has that suicide plan on HOLD :floorlaugh: Wonder when her next FAILED attempt will be? Who's birthday or anniversary?!!: Go for it Jodi, no one will miss you I'm sure. floorlaugh:
Are you all ready for this _______ my bf dosn't like Juan, says he is confusing the jury that he is all over the place that he isn't making his points_______ I almost went Jodi on him
What is wrong with the "Thanks" button? Almost everytime I hit it, I have to hit refresh, go back and re-thank.

Often I have to refresh just to have it appear at all... so I just refresh. Sometimes there's a lag and my "Thanks" appears after a few seconds, sometimes I don't wait to see if it does - I wonder, now if it doesn't sometimes... I thought it was my computer being persnickety. :)

I really like the "Thanks" button, and I think it's a great tool for these threads. It's nice to be able to thank others, and it's kinda nice to be thanked. It's more than just an easter egg. I think it's important. I hope it doesn't bug out any further on us!
What is wrong with the "Thanks" button? Almost everytime I hit it, I have to hit refresh, go back and re-thank.

I'm having the same issue. And if I want to quote someone everyone that I thanked previously messages show up as well. Click and double click is messed up too.

Think I'm going to be forced to update this old desktop.
I'm so ready!!!

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As Beth Karas wisely pointed out, no good cross exam is linear. The jumping around is necessary, especially in this case.

I don't think there is a lawyer in America who watches another do cross and doesn't think (I would have done such and such, or I would have not done such and such). Note, JVM is not an attorney. She was a local beat reporter in LA who got a highly paid gig on HLN but I find her annoying and I don't really put much credence in what she has to say.

Don't like JM tone or style? Try looking at Travis Alexander's butchered body. Then add having to sit there for 8 days listening to a pathological lawyer lie. Suggesting that a lawyer change who he/she is is plain silly, IMHO. It's not like JM has been going at her throat the whole time either. The talking heads, if they were that fantastic, might be in court trying their own cases.
I like that JM is ignoring her mask and talking directly to the person behind it, but having said that I don't think he's even warmed up yet.

We're baaaaaack :)
What is wrong with the "Thanks" button? Almost everytime I hit it, I have to hit refresh, go back and re-thank.

When there are a lot of people on the thread, it doesn't always pop up right away. If you keep trying to refresh for it, it makes the thread even slower. If you can wait and go back to thank, it really helps it roll better. The server has been doing a pretty good job, but we all felt a few burps a few minutes ago so if you can keep from refreshing repeatedly, it does help.
Can someone tell me why CMA is called FCA? What does that stand for? I have only been on web sleuths since this trial began. I am catching up. Thanks!
I'm the type of person that even when I walk down the street past people's homes I don't like to look in their windows as I find it creepy. I find that she went around to the back of Travis' house and watched him and a woman through the window uber creepy. It gives me the chills. She watched enough to finally figure out it was Travis and not a roommate and the girl was doing up her bra. :waitasec:

Now add that she did this at an ex-boyfriend's home.

Then add that she confronted him about it. I cannot imagine how Travis must have felt. Scary! Can you imagine an ex telling you that they were in your yard watching you make out with somebody?

This is extremely disturbing behavior. So is walking in the wee hours of June
4th and staring at him from a distance silently for a while. My God, who does that?

It really bothers me that some people keep their doors unlocked.
Thanks wasn't enough! If she was a guy, this wouldn't even be an issue.

Amen! Im so sick and tired of hearing the same old drivel if the defendant is a female.

He needs to treat her like what she is.........a damn cold blooded murderer who is lying her arse off.:furious:

ITA! If it was a man then everyone would be expecting Juan to go for the juglar.

It just shows the sickening double standards we still have in our country and it makes me want to puke.

Go get her Juan!
Exactly. JM is presenting evidence of first-degree murder. Why would anyone expect him to treat her well?

You have to look at it from the jury's perspective. They may think she hasn't done anything to deserve this yet. JMO
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