jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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listening to JVM on HLN saying the continuous hammering and chipping away at JA and her lies is too similar to the CA trial and look how that turned out.

I have concerns about the jury sticking with all this, but I can't blame him, he has to do it. Just like when Jose Baez pulled the old "lets announce George Anthony was a molester in opening statements, Jeff Ashton had no choice but to show what a liar Casey was.

JA has left JM no choice but to refute her fairytale about little boys by leaving no doubt she is a liar. I just hope the jury isn't getting bored and checking out with the length of this jousting match.

I think it's exhausting for the jury to follow, but I think enough of them will get it. He has to jump around to keep her off balance and he has to muddy the waters while he's doing it so she can't lock on to where he's going too early. However, at the end you understand the exact point he was trying to make.

IMO, he showed that she has a history or stalking, a history of lying, a history of changing her story so that it helps her as much as possible, that Mr. Burns was an alibi, she actually said yes-uh no, when asked if he was and he showed how her 48 hours interviews were incredibly self serving. He'll probably put it all together in a linear fashion when he does his closing.

Um I haven't noticed and if you believe that then Jodi isn't lieing,bahaha

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:snooty: Harumph! You are now out of my will!!
tonia: all the videos are posted in the timeline and media thread (it is up in the stickie area of the main forum page)

**make sure you start at the end of the thread as it is chronological
Actually, I thought today JM followed Jodi down whatever rabbit hole she was heading. She kept trying to throw in her extranneous detail, and he'd say "okay, let's talk about that." And then he'd nail her lying again. Today she repeatedly kept correcting JM on details about where she was, on what day, at what time, and he kept showing that she was constantly changing her story. I thought JM did a great job of showing not only what an incredible liar she is, but that she simply doesn't know how to act like a normal human being.

You know, I thought about that, that she doesn't know how to act like a human being. Everything is so off. Her interview with 48 Hours, so many things she has said. She even said at one point that Travis has forgiven her. What a stupid thing to say. It is so scary.
I forget which male friend Juan was discussing but he said "He was your ally." And Jodi says I don't know what you mean. On the 48hrs interview she says "He was my ally." I think she just wants to take up time with confusion because most people would get tired of the ridiculous circles her statements go into.
The most stunning thing to me is that I agree with Nancy Grace. Have planets collided yet? Magnetic poles flipped?
Symbology? Anyone else find that creepy??? Like serial killer talk... I think pics were souvenir.. like other killers keep jewelry fingers etc

Btw think JA will sing My Favorite Things or I'm 16 Going on 17 for the next installment of 4th Ave Idol????
I just heard a lady talk how women must feel sorry for jodi because Juan is so hard on her. I wish he was able to go there with a whip since she is so dangerous.
I do not feel any sympathy for her at all.
What I have learned today?

-God can be subpeonaed
-You can have a phone call with no conversation
- you can roll off of someone without being on top of them
-When someone hangs up on you it does not mean they do not want to talk, call them back over and over
OMG I had never seen the explanation of her mug shot, from the murderers own mouth before. That is creepy creepy.

Her whole theory behind smiling as TA would in that situation as some sort of sick nod to him or honoring of her memory of him??? What a sick twisted :censored:

And to top it off, her smiling, discussing a great book I read with a cute guy I'd like to impress demeanor.

The dweeb psychologist on NG stated that Jodi had to kill Travis because he had rejected her and she had fear of abandonment.

Errrrr....killing Travis removed him completely from her life. LOL That's the ultimate abandonment. LOL
That is not a act of someone with a fear of abandonment. She killed him because she is a narcissistic psychopath and was very ANGRY that she couldn't get exactly what she wanted (a new host to support her parasitic lifestyle).
ITA - Ask a real abuse victim who has been through this. Her description of what happened to her when she was strangled is a joke. Her story is like a brain fart that she made up on the spot.
It's an insult in it's own right to people all over the world.
I hope this dissociative, monotone, dismissive, deviating JA has done nothing but dig the hole deeper for herself today.

It has happened to me by my psycho ex and the only reason I am alive is because someone happened along and scared him off after i had lost consciousness. Three things I remember...his angry, twisted face, what he was saying to me over and over and then everything going black. I had no bruises or lingering marks. jmo
I'm hearing on HLN that WOMEN are beginning to feel sorry for Jodi during this cross-examination and see HER as a victim. I would like to raise my hand and say, "I'm not one of them. Keep up the good work, Juan!"
it has happened to me by my psycho ex and the only reason i am alive is because someone happened along and scared him off after i had lost consciousness. Three things i remember...his angry, twisted face, what he was saying to me over and over and then everything going black. I had no bruises or lingering marks. Jmo

that is awful!
Jodi rattles off the baby girls' names they discussed: Iris, Hinkley, Megan, Reagan......

A little freaky that John Hinkley shot President Reagan.

If you ask me, JA pulled these names out of her arse, and her murderous subconscious came sliding out with them.
favorite baby girl names? Iris, Reagan, Megan Hinkley
Hinkley shot Reagan


I had not caught that. But she obviously did after saying it, because she felt the need to explain she found Hinkley an odd choice (indicating it was TA's) and then further announced "that's a last name"

Nice catch.

It is very interesting to see her lies as she is formulating them and they are occurring to her.
I thought the original story about the flowers to Travis' grandmother (I recall a journal screenshot regarding this... I think) -

- was that she sent the grandmother irises because they were the grandmothers' favorite type of flower... and then *that* was why Travis liked the name Iris for a little girl - in honor of his grandmother.

Not important, but I could swear I heard this (different) story some time ago... what she said today seems more damning imv.

What cruel sicko sends flowers with a special significance to the loved one of the person she murdered? Oh right, THIS cruel sicko, that's who.
{ ( shiver) }

But jodi of arc was doing grandma a favor! She was letting her keep her memories of TA as a good boy, instead of finding out he was actually a woman beater and a pedophile. Oh, and promiscuous too!

And she was willing to go to prison to protect him! St. Jodi of Arc!
Martinez has proved that Jodi is a liar. What I want to know is how is going to prove intent?

Definition of INTENT: 1. In criminal laW and the law of evidence. Purpose; formulated design ; a resolve to do or forbear a particular act; aim; determination.

The definition of intention you provided goes hand in hand with premeditation. I think Juan is completely debunking the lies she presented on direct and putting the story back together as suggested during OS. The totality of her lies are so overwhelming, in this case there is NO OTHER REASON for them other than to explain that she was planning to murder him. She was NOT in fear for her life. She decided to take that trip, she had to have stolen the gun, died her hair, bring the gas cans for a reason, rent the car, etc. etc.

Her intention for killing him WAS NOT/ COULD NOT be justified under any circumstance. She was not afraid him that day or any day.

She stalked him like she did most of her other ex's. She lies, manipulates and controls. She moved closer to him. She was losing him. She saw him with other girls. She could 'get him' by having sex with him anymore.

She had no excusable, defendable, justifiable legal defense for killing him. But she had a personal, evil, vengeful, angry, controlling, intentional goal to kill him. She got him comfortable in his home, disarmed him, weakened him with sex, got him naked and vulnerable in the shower and accomplished what she intended to do.

I do not have any doubt whatsoever in my mind that this was planned carefully and thoughtfully and intentionally. I do think Juan is proving this effectively with everything he does.
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