jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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to answer a question in the old thread, no it is not reasonable to think Travis had a gun, not registered, no sign of a background check to buy it, just illegally tucked up there.

AND NO ammunition in the house, no empty box, no partially empty box.
And the gun happens to have a bullet or two in it but no more? so what, it comes with one in it and you don't buy any ammo?

not a chance in her He** even


The whole gun thing is making me nutty. There is not just the gun that is missing, there is the knife, too. Which she "sort-of" remembers putting in the dishwasher. Except, oops, none of those knives match his wounds. Both weapons are missing. Her clothing is missing. The long rope for sexy time is missing. Travis wasn't exactly able to get rid of these things. So, who does that leave? Napoleon? Aliens?

She brought both weapons with her, along with the gas cans, her camera, her Costco size bottle of KY, her stupid braids, and her lethal, entitled, blazing rage. IMO :moo::moo::moo:

I thought it was spot on.

I don't doubt you! You are the professional not me...

This is what I recall

the dead thing is an uh oh resulting from their

And if they kill the person that abandons them it puts them back in control of the situation

That guy was right. He said the only way she could control travis was if he was dead. That's why she's so at peace with this and has been since the minute she knew he was dead.
It's weird I posted this link to her ridiculous mug shot happy face story last nite making note of how she refers to Travis in present tense as well as the last thing she said ...."SMILE SAY CHEESE"'

What a psycho

Why Jodi Arias is smiling in her mugshot - YouTube

Forced myself to watch this clip, and it's very striking how she can smile and yet there's no "there" there, because of her eyes. They don't even look human, more like a shark's...

Quint (the fisherman character in the movie "Jaws"): "And, you know, the thing about a shark... he's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be living... until he bites ya...."
the only women that feel sorry for her are Jodi... and of course Jodi
Narcissists must always be in control. Jodi is a definitely a narcissist.
Narcissistic personality disorder:
• Are self-centered and boastful
• Seek constant attention and admiration
• Consider themselves better than others
• Exaggerate their talents and achievements
• Believe that they are entitled to special treatment
• Are easily hurt but may not show it
• Set unrealistic goals
• May take advantage of others to achieve their goals
Other common traits of narcissistic personality disorder include the following:
• Preoccupation with fantasies that focus on unlimited success, power, intelligence, beauty, or love
• Belief that he or she is "special" and unique, and can only be understood by other special people
• Expectation that others will automatically go along with what he or she wants
• Inability to recognize or identify with the feelings, needs, and viewpoints of others
• Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her
• Hypersensitivity to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage, shame, and humiliation
• Arrogant behavior and/or attitude

My vote is Borderline PD with Narc traits ;)
I'm hearing on HLN that WOMEN are beginning to feel sorry for Jodi during this cross-examination and see HER as a victim. I would like to raise my hand and say, "I'm not one of them. Keep up the good work, Juan!"

Did they conduct a poll?

Darn it.. I'm handi WS'n today on tablet so forgive me can't copy paste lyrics to Psycho Killer by ironically the Talking Heads if some one can grab 1st few verses appreciate it lol!!

I thought 16 Going on 17 was an appropriate Von Trap song for her ;)

Here ya go....with lyrics.

Why would she assume Travis' grandmother knew what baby names Travis liked? Maybe she did, maybe she didn't... if she did, it's a cruel act to send such flowers - reminding his grandmother that he would NEVER be able to have a little girl... and name her Iris.

Even if Grandma didn't know - JA claims to have known, and sent the flowers specifically for that reason.

The favorite baby name of the boy you raised into a healthy young man (who was viciously murdered by the woman sending the flowers) who would never have children - and never name one Iris.

I feel sick.

I thought it was more like I killed Travis and his chances of ever having he baby he wanted.

DID grandma get custody of him 20 years before he died?
If they allowed emotional outbursts from family and friends it could cause a mistrial. Can you imagine how many cases would be disrupted during sensitive testimony? Our court system would not be what it is if it were permitted. It's allowed with Nurmi because he's an attorney in the courtroom gamesmanship between the Pro's and the Def.

Thank you for your answer. Didn't Jeff Ashton get reprimanded for laughing when Baez was talking during the CA trial?
JM needs to hone in on the murder and coverup. The volleying is tiresome and only humanizing her as an underdog.

IMO, the jury will not remember Jodi's nonsensical ranting about total BS during direct. They will only remember her being 'picked on'.

I don't think she is, but I have the benefit of internet and tv discussion. The jury doesn't.
Have I got this right?

On the 48 Hours Interview, JA says that the letter she wrote to Travis's grandma was "short and sweet."

Yet in court today, Juan said that the letter to Grandma was 18 pages long.

(Well, to a motor-mouth like Jodi, I suppose 18-pages is a short letter.)
If they allowed emotional outbursts from family and friends it could cause a mistrial. Can you imagine how many cases would be disrupted during sensitive testimony? Our court system would not be what it is if it were permitted. It's allowed with Nurmi because he's an attorney in the courtroom gamesmanship between the Pro's and the Def.

It may be allowed.. although I think as an officer of the court he should act like one.... instead of a big buffoon.

But the jury is watching. Jurors notice everything.

I know when I have been a juror I did not like either side showing disrepect in the courtroom. I noticed it happened most all the time on the defense side though and not the state.

I stopped watching JVM almost 3 years ago, but will take a guess and ask Is one of the ladies attorney Janie W?

IDk their names. One had long dark straight hair, she was probably mid thirties. The other had medium length blonde hair and looked to be in her late forties. Both seem to think that women should get away with whatever so long as they blame a man. Oh, and they should be coddled by prosecutors. At least that was my take on their opinions.
I still can't believe she kept saying "What is there to be sad about?"

Oh I don't know...maybe Travis being dead?

Don't forget, Travis forgave her within ten days of being dead and told her he was in a better place.
Snipped by me : well what do you mean by ex ? We go on dates, we had dinner. I don't understand the question.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2

SuperDave was kidding you. He meant "ex" because of the car accident.
Yes, I wonder what kind of other strategies people think would actually work with this psychopath to unmask her.

Mostly lurking however had to comment on this. A very wise counselor once told me that you can never ever beat someone like (Jodi) at their own game. JM is trying to keep her off script and off balance. She will suck him in and keep the script right on her track if JM doesn't throw her off.
I find it interesting that when Juan is asking JA to testify about the time in August 2007 when she went to Travis' house and peeped she always has to get that dig in about the girl Travis was with.

Jodi never misses the opportunity to mention that this woman was supposedly rehooking her bra.
Am I the only one who loves it when JM refers to himself as the prosecutor or Mr. Martinez?
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