jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Actually that didn't phase me because I always keep a case of water in my car all the time, too. It is a lot cheaper and more convenient then stopping to buy a bottle whenever I am thirsty

I believe the temps in Arizona were approximately 95 degrees during the day. The water would have been too hot to drink unless over ice. JMO
Anyone have thoughts on this?.. will MM put himself Under her bus??
I disliked the cliffhanger on MM!
(saying patience 3x again, lawdy give me strenth)

IMO Jodi snowed him.
Anyone can paint on some bruises with purple eye shadow!
She uses people and pits them against each other.
She builds walls to tear people apart.

She has done pretty much an F You to every single person that really was a good person in her travis etc............

She did indeed fulfill her THREAT to destroy people....and targeted those close to her out of "blame" Juan is trying to point out.

Oh, so is that where the people who are delusional enough to believe JA's lies hang out? :waitasec::what:
That was before the $300 boob job right? Should have gotton the face lift? And chin lift?

I would love to know where you get a boob job for $300, it is more than that to fill a cavity...I mean a tooth.
I would love to know where you get a boob job for $300, it is more than that to fill a cavity...I mean a tooth.

Sleep with the plastic surgeon.
$300.00 due to anesthesia remains
IMO Jodi snowed him.
Anyone can paint on some bruises with purple eye shadow!
She uses people and pits them against each other.
She builds walls to tear people apart.


Jodi seemed to imply today that McCartney has betrayed her. JM hasn't gotten into that quite yet, I think.
BS BS BS :floorlaugh: it was only an hour to her sister's house from Daryl's and/or Matt's, oh where oh where was JA for the Entire afternoon until 6pm if had omelets at Daryl's?
Didn't you just Luv the Dusk chat that nooo the Sun was sort of sideways (using arm gesture to boot) OMG she's a trip! :floorlaugh:

Juan needs to explain it this way to the jury! Seems crystal clear the way you worded it.
Jodi seemed to imply today that McCartney has betrayed her. JM hasn't gotten into that quite yet, I think.

I think she came right out and said that he had, and more than once iirc.
I don't care what anyone says, I'm still waiting for a tazer mishap :)

If she doesn't explode, I'm REAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLY hoping there's a small malfunction. Someone posted an article on here before that when a defendant's tazer accidentally went off he fell to the floor and immediately wet his pants! Since JA seems to care so much about her reputation she'd completely flip her lid if the world saw that!!

:eek:ddsmiley: You have such hopes and aspirations, Sleuth13. You're on to something though - not losing control is of utmost importance to Jodi.

Then, there's her vanity especially when she's allowed her mineral make up. The ugly hair style and glasses are not near enough! I'm wishing her a few big pimples or boils on her face while she's on the stand. :laughitup:
Pardon me for being a PRUDE ...

JA had anal sex.
Killed Travis.
Ends up in the desert bloody.
Sleeps in her car.
Shows up at Ryan's.
Falls asleep straddling him....

Just :puke:

Does she even realize how her "story" makes her look?
Please does anyone have a link of her Inside Edition interview. I cannot find it and
I have looked all over.

This is only a portion
but it contains what they were discussing today in court
Again, I am new to this case - How long had it been before JA had seen TA before she drove to see him? I was under the impression that it had been some months?

The reason I ask is because I am confused by the idea that TA's good friend, who he went shooting with, wouldn't know that TA had a gun, but someone, who hadn't seen him in months, did know that he had a gun? Am I getting some things mixed up?
Again, I am new to this case - How long had it been before JA had seen TA before she drove to see him? I was under the impression that it had been some months?

The reason I ask is because I am confused by the idea that TA's good friend, who he went shooting with, wouldn't know that TA had a gun, but someone, who hadn't seen him in months, did know that he had a gun? Am I getting some things mixed up?

Travis hadn't seen Jodi since April when she drove all that way to kill him on June 4, 2008.

In interrogation, Jodi agreed with Det. Flores that "Travis would be alive today if he had not met Jodi."
Have you read that article on the face book page - The State versus Jodi Arias -Separating fact from fiction. Who on earth does she think she is - some celebrity. I really really hate her.
It's worth repeating over and over that Juan is a seasoned veteran. He's been doing this for decades, he's put at least one other young woman on death row. Apparently he usually tries defendants on his own without co-counsel. It's obvious he's prepared-- he doesn't refer to notes, he knows the facts of the case better than anyone, he knows the law inside and out. He is prepared in ways that we probably don't consider or in ways that we underestimate.... I think he knows his juries very well. Whether he conducted voir dire on his own or had someone specializing in that selection, he is quite aware of who is on that jury. Personally I think he is aware of how he's conducting himself, how he's presenting evidence, how much he's putting on, and I think he has an excellent handle on how the jury is receiving his case as well as the defense's case.

Yes. Thank you for saying this so well.
Travis hadn't seen Jodi since April when she drove all that way to kill him on June 4, 2008.

In interrogation, Jodi agreed with Det. Flores that "Travis would be alive today if he had not met Jodi."

Has she stated when he supposedly bought that gun?

Yea, I caught that too. And, wasn't that when she was still saying she didn't know who killed him?
I guess the contradiction she spoke of in the letters she tried to get to matt was about the marks/bruises/ on her neck that she said she told him about. why would someone get that wrong. I'm sure if a friend told you that someone beat them up you wouldn't forget about that. another one of her lies. matt needs to take the stand if he's not already in prison
There was a point in today's testimony when JA started talking about her good friend Matt, it looked kind of like Nurmi almost waved his hands as if to tell her to stay away from the subject of Matt but she just kept on. When it was obvious that she was not going to shut-up, I saw that Nurmi had his right arm/hand up beside his head and then made like a forward-downward motion with his arm as if he was upset or disgusted. It was like a non-verbal "Well she has really done it now!" then he and her other attorney exchanged a look with each other that seemed to back that idea up. I remember Juan asking JA something about if she was sure about Matt and was she sure that he wouldn't betray her?

The above exchange really got me to thinking. I know that I am not the only one that has wondered if her good friend Matt might have been the one that spilled the beans about the forged letters that JA tried to use to collaborate her story about TA being a pedophile. He was the one who the magazine message was talking about "FNing-up", or have I just lost track with trying to keep track of all her various ex-boyfriends?

If you listen beginning around the 38:00 minute mark of her testimony in the video below when she talks about finding herself in the desert, stopping the car, I hear her say:

"Um, I started looking around for, um, the charger that I didn't, um, that I thought I left because Matt hadn't answered his phone until he was there."

url=""]Jodi Arias Trial Day 20 (Full) - YouTube[/url]

Her statement did not make any sense to me. I went back and listened about five times to try and make sure that is what she said. Did she misspeak or did she inadvertently tell us more than she should have? Was Matt there? Did he assist her in someway? If he was there, then wouldn't that make him an accessory of some kind?

I just get a feeling that Juan has something big up his sleeve for JA. If I am not mistaken wasn't something brought up way earlier about how he had said that he would lie for JA if he had to testify. Suppose the Prosecution has knowledge of Matt being involved with more than just the fake letters? Would he still be willing to lie for her if it meant that he could face legal charges of some kind himself and/or jail time? Is she really worth that much to him? That is not a price I would be willing to pay regardless of how good of friend someone was. Just because someone is willing to go down in flames doesn't mean that I would let them take me with them.
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