100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial
One of the jurors speaks up asking for a headset because he can't hear the answers fully. He sounded about 132 years old. #JodiArias

:floorlaugh: I thought the same thing!

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: With as fantabulous as these questions are, I feel so horrible for laughing myself to tears. I gotta follow WAT on twitter
Did the jury even get to see that email.

No I don't believe they did.

Does everyone really think this is going ok so far? I a, really nervous and he glib self just scares me. What if they are believing her?????
Does anyone have a link to the e-mail sent to Lisa? I don't remember this testimony. Also, didn't Jodi claim to be wearing contacts prior to Travis' murder and something about she needed a new prescription so she didn't have them on her 'trip'?

Now she just said she never wore anything before 2010.

Me thinks I'm extremely confused. Is this a defense tactic, confuse the hell out of everyone opening the door for reasonable doubt with regards to premeditation?
JA: "Travis was close to a little boy who liked spiderman".

Oh, I want to just throttle a barbie doll, preferably brunette with bad glasses....
Bringing in new lies.
My response of, "Arg"!, is an understatement.
None of these questions were asked in order to make her look better or come to her defense. I feel really confident about the jury and the outcome. Juan must have been feeling pretty good too to smile at Katie and talk to her.
They don't? Really? Bummer. :(

No, they don't but after hearing some of their questions, I don't think it matters. They are not buying her BS in the least. They apparently know she's a stalker psycho without knowing everything we know.
so, now we've heard of someone else who she says saw and commented on her alleged "bruises" at a PPL event...

name? witness? nope...

Juan will get to ask her for a name right?
Jodi said she and Travis split trip expenses and that they both had input on what they did on trips. Doesn't sound like Travis had "power and control" over her.
Is it just me or is putting groceries on the recently ex-boyfriend's porch seem beyond desperate?

To me, that doesn't do anything to help me NOT see you as a stalker!
I wish the judge would ask the questions out of order because that would confuse the rehearsed answers.
I don't like any of these questions.

Why? It means they are paying attention and that they don't believe her story. They are asking follow ups to her questions because they don't believe it!
TH (defense atty) on HLN just said 90% of these are pro-prosecution!
well I am not a happy camper about this because why would you ask a liar questions? So they think she will give truthful answers and details. And, she is answering all of them. grrr

If they had no questions would you be disappointed and think they were not paying attention or taking her word as gospel? They're paying attention and they are engaged and they want to hear her directly feed them her lies so they can convict with a clear conscience. IMO
The question about her calling the cops on that boyfriend that shook her BUT not Travis was brilliant! Brilliant! :great:
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