100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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so, now we've heard of someone else who she says saw and commented on her alleged "bruises" at a PPL event...

name? witness? nope...

Exactly. If he did, he would testify. And, uh, why would you MAKE FUN of someone's bruises? Come on...
This signals to me there is a Mormon on the jury! Being a Mormon myself, I would have asked the same question.

Do you think being a Mormon would influence your juror vote? And if so, how? (Truly interested.) TIA
LET me explain something about paying for trips.

When I dated someone for many years (long distance) every 3 weeks just about, we would fly to one or the other coast, for about 3 or 4 day to spend together.

We also met up in NY, Hawaii, Chicago, Boston. WHEN he paid for that trip and i was just like (great honey, send me my e-ticket i'll be there) HE planned all the goodies and itinerary.

When he flew here to California, I sent him an E-ticket (or told him when to book LOL and he still paid that ticket, hey, he earned more) But when it was my coast, I got to make all our plans and I reserved the hotel and surprised him with what we were doing.

Half the romantic part was me saying "NO i won't tell you. Land at LAX and just get in the car with me!"

He loved it. So did I. I would land and he would have surprises planned for me.

So whoever pays naturally might be making the plans! That is normal?
Dont know about you guys but it sure doesn't take me 8 months to read a book.
The juror question mentioned several people, but she answered only about one - with groceries.
I love this jury.

How did she go from "Meals on Wheels" to Cutthroat Annie? So Bobbi tries to choke her and he gets goodies. Travis allegedly tries it and he gets the death penalty. jmo
I thought the point of these juror questions was to get more information from her....seems to me she is just stating what she said on the stand all of these days....

Nothing new being said!
Some good questions from the jurors.

The psycho is just not answering them fully.
The questions are being asked in the order they were received.

Her and Bobby broke up so she bought him all his favorite groceries and put on the porch?? SHe's a riot!! Ha ha

sex didn't work.....let's try FOOD. men love FOOD!
This is amazing... I hope one of our wonderful sleuthers is transcribing this for us so I can revisit these questions later! :please:

omg yes!! revisit over, and over, and over again. anytime somebody mentions FCA I will!!
Um, she first said trips were 50/50, then on the third part said she paid & he paid her back??????
Does anyone have a link to the e-mail sent to Lisa? I don't remember this testimony. Also, didn't Jodi claim to be wearing contacts prior to Travis' murder and something about she needed a new prescription so she didn't have them on her 'trip'?

Now she just said she never wore anything before 2010.

Me thinks I'm extremely confused. Is this a defense tactic, confuse the hell out of everyone opening the door for reasonable doubt with regards to premeditation?

It's quoted in Flores' report


There has been no evidence presented to the jury about this, however.
Dangit, it's not fair. Damn technological issues. It gives her a chance to regroup, and confer with her attys. The girl is getting a lot of breaks, so she had better not cry "I didn't get a fair trial!"

I just hate that TA's family has to go thru this. Love and prayers to them!

Does her defense team have a list of these questions for her to go over every time there's a break?

How would this be fair? She's a seasoned pathalogical liar...among other things. :waitasec:
Jodi Arias: "I wanted him to be cast in a good light not a negative light" -- since I slaughtered him and all I thought it was the least I could do.

That really is a pretty powerful statement. You don't go around casting someone in a good light, or memoralizing his t-shirt and panties, if you just killed him.

If by chance you killed someone in self-defense, you wouldn't have a kind word to say about them (and yah, you probably would have called 911).

Nothing Jodi has said in this trial has made any sense to me. And from the juror questions they are as kerflunkled as I am.


Ok, thread is going fast...Does anyone know if the "anonymous" email to LA used the word, "whoredom?"

Also, is that email entered into evidence? If not, and if it includes that word, then I hope JM can recall LA and have her read the email if she hasn't already. (Sorry, my brain is scrambled. Lol, and barf.)
Travis so paid for those trips .. she just didn't have the coin.
I know this is going to get lost in the madness but I have to ask..

Is anybody so scared by a certain previous jury that they are scared to think of the thoughts of this jury?
A young child friend of Travis' liked Spider Man?


i have never been so disgusted by anyone as i am with her in my life. I am so thankful she has never been a part of my life
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