100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #74

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See you all tomorrow! Thanks all for letting me talk to you about what is going on and for all your awesome comments!

(My husband just wants to talk about the anal :what: typical guy! LOL!)

SHE JUST SAID TO THE JUDGE "I remember emotions, Judge."

OMG. She has opened a huge door, if I am not mistaken.

Juan will drive a bus through that one.
In response to what?
When she doesn't get to explain everything EXACTLY the way she wants to...she just can't let go. No being able to let go is one of her "mental issues", IMO.
"I didn't want to throw mud on him." Tell me she didn't just say those words.

:furious:But she surely didn't mind throwing a .22-cal bullet to his brain, 27 knife wounds to his body and head, or slashing his throat until the knife struck his nearly-dead spine. Now did she?:furious:

What a liar. I've never heard so many in succession...
The only question that worries me is the one about Travis possibly picking up the camera and it possibly being the reason he got angry and chased her.

Look at the question this way...it would give her more time to go out the door and the house.
She isn't too bright, is she? She just went on a full explanation that it wasn't her memory but she couldn't process the English language. They aren't asking what was said on June 4, they want to know what she did.

And ironically she seems to remember everything that Travis supposedly said. :waitasec:
Yes...but she tripped up on the response and said, "I considered that IDEA..." (then corrected herself) like she considered that as one of the stories she was going to tell. I hope the jury caught that.

Her wording was even worse -- she said I "entertained" the idea - like she was auditioning all the scenarios in her head.
Everyone saying huge day for Juan Martinez- only one people are worried about- the did he move the gun
The only question that worries me is the one about Travis possibly picking up the camera and it possibly being the reason he got angry and chased her.

It didn't worry me. If Travis picked up the camera before he allegedly chased her it means he wasn't so angry that killing Jodi was his focus.
Why does the jury think the shot came first. She stabbed him first. Don't they believe the ME? I do.
About her comparing her memory loss to a computer freezing - it's on but if you hit the keys, nothing happens...

... um that would have her in an immobile fugue state of sorts - breathing but unable to act.

She wouldn't have been able to change, lock the door, drag Travis (much less stab him! Oh - but this type of memory loss only happens when she's being yelled at, not when she's being allegedly attacked???

What turned her into a raging homicidal lunatic? Oh right... her ego. Travis wasn't going to be her possession or controlled by her any more.

About the psychologist in CA she mentioned: She saw a therapist and didn't discuss memory problems? (Oh heck - I'm going crazy - there is no therapist OR memory loss)

By the way, two alcohol-induced black-outs as a teen =/= memory loss in one's late 20's. I'm not sure why anyone is lumping these things together because they are not related at all.
Here's my take: I think Jodi knows she's going to be convicted. I think she's always known she was going to be convicted, and her lawyers have always known it as well. As Detective Flores said, this is some of the best evidence ever, and there's no way around that.

Jodi is going through the motions of telling these tales just to pay lip service to the process and to give her a venue for talking about Travis. There are several points she wants to make very clear, and it matters not how it affects the outcome of this trial, as long as she gets to hold forth. Those points are: 1. That Travis was really into her, and that makes her special -- and all the Jodi haters, like Sky, be damned, 2. That she was so appealing that she could get a nice, chaste Mormon man to break his vows, and 3. Travis f-ed up by rejecting her and calling her out on being a lying sociopath, and for that he will pay, not only with his life, but with his reputation and memory.

This whole trial for Jodi is a huge F you to Travis, kind of a warning or lesson about why Jodi should never be crossed.

I absolutely agree with you. She has managed to give the big F-U to everyone, she has done this from the very start. She always dismisses someone as a "babysitter". Do we know who the baby sitter is, cause she has really tried to demean this person as just the Babysitter
Yes till tomorrow

Anyone think nurmi has messed his shorts yet:floorlaugh:

He don't care. He can't stand her either and he's paid by the hour! He seems to be milking it to me!

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Here is how the jury can know she is lying that she was getting ready to leave to kill herself. She brought KNIVES!!!
There were a couple of questions about "Travis' gun". Those worry me.
It makes me think that at least 2 jury members might not believe she premeditated it.

But, I could just be reading too much into it...
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