trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #112

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Very good point. I did earn a living being a server, not a great living but it worked but I was in supervisor position, also waited tables, did office work. Worked my arse off. Very busy and fast turn over rate. No way would I have energy to go driving across country to check up on some man. Shoot, I would take a different route just avoid driving across my town to get home....of 1000 people. So tired.
Buying uniforms, aprons, shoes for every different place cost money. Plus, she would be low server on the totem pole for hours, shifts, getting called in to work all the time. No wonder the girl never had a pot to whiz in.
I also believe the angry texts from May26 were because Jodi hacked into his Facebook account. She was "sorry" for that too.

Then convinced Travis to let her stop by as she was on her way to see "another guy". Manipulator all the way.

Are you talking about stopping by the night of the murder? I, for one, don't think he knew she was coming.
I really reeeeeally REALLY want the prosecution to show the jury the video of Travis telling that story, but I have no clue how they could get it in. It would have been nice to show the video to Jodi on the stand and ask her if that was how she got her idea of the ninja story.

I also wish that they could play the initial 911 call where Jodi's name was mentioned as the culprit and how she was stalking Travis. It annoys me that they can allude to an email that states that Travis was abusive to women, but we can't talk about that whole doggy door and tire slashing thing.

I wish they could show all the videos of Travis to the jury. JA has the right to have her say, including straight out lie to the jury as well as to all the experts who testify on her behalf. So it seems not only the logical thing but the fair and right thing to do, given that she took Travis' life so he is not able to speak and defend himself in any other way.

I am very frustrated and disillusioned with our court system, as it seems to me that it has become skewed in favor of the defendants, as they are allowed to say whatever they want, including create complete fairy tales and lie about and destroy others' reputations, while claiming it is all fact. Somewhere along the line, the rights of the victim seem to have been diminished, imo. They, like the defendant, should be given every possible way to defend their reputations in situations where allegations like JA and her DT have made against Travis. :twocents:
BBM- that is the problem with reading emails - no perception of a person's core beliefs or what might make them say what they have said. I rather think this is the plan - make a view from written word and don't worry about what the reality may be.

Since Ms. ALV made the big proclamation that she likes to meet with both sides because she gets the big picture and the most information about the truth - it is rather ironic she resorts to reading flat emails and not asking about the context isn't it ? Doc Samuels 2.0 - only more expensive.

I agree. I've looked back over old day planners and thought "What the heck was I talking about there?" had to look a page or two prior to see the context, and that was me reading my own writing!

IMO the crime scene tells the story quite well.:twocents:
The camera in the washer was a godsend to this case. How many times did she tell Flores she was no where near AZ and the last time she was there was in April ???

Yep, I agree with this entirely. I think that's why she went out of her way to lay the foundation for "look how entirely unusual my life was during that period, it couldn't have been me," to include her romp with Ryan. In her world, it made perfect sense as an 'alibi', because she is banking on the assumption that "nobody in their right mind would be able to do something like that right after killing somebody."

That would be true if we were talking about someone who wasn't a sociopath, but if you don't have any sense of remorse, it would be entirely consistent. She missed that little problem with her theory. Of course, she is blind to that and entirely unable to see that we do not view her as she desires. :cow:
I cant say I am 100% sure of all the times she had mentioned people calling her "obsessed" but i do know for sure a couple were played. she had mentioned hearing people say "obsessed" in a phone call to Flores. That was definately played in court. I want to say it was Day 7... but could of day 6? Also the Fatal attraction comment i know was played in court as well. I think that was on Day 7 too. During the interrogation tape when she was still insisting she wasnt there. It was during the same time she said about "morbid curiosity" in seeing the photos and also "If I did kill Travis, I would BEG for the death penalty.
JA is well aware that others think she is obsessive. In the interrogation tapes she mentions how she had moderated her behavior because she 'didn't want to appear obsessive' or something close to that. I vaguely remember it being about contacting TA's family, but I could be wrong. What stood out to me was the part about her awareness of her obsessive nature, and her conscious attempt to influence other people's perceptions of that.
Did we ever stop to think she used a plate from another car for her trip in and out of AZ? The story about the plate coming off at Starbucks always sounded "hinky" to me, as if she was speaking from experience. If Jodi took a front plate off a CA car in the Starbuck's parking lot that person might just assume they lost their plate. She could have taken that plate and put it on the back of her car and removed both plates on the rental. Once she was out of AZ she would have put the original plate back on. But what if she did it at night in the middle of the desert when she disposed of everything. It is highly likely the plate was upside down because it was dark and she did not realize she had put the plate on wrong. It would not make sense that a traffic camera would not capture the plate numbers because all they had to do was turn the picture upside down to get the number off it. lol It would, however, make sense to her to put a plate on the car that in no way could ever be traced back to her. Isn't that why people steal plates???

I also wondered why JM grilled Jodi on that plate and how she found it. If JM could prove a motorist reported a plate was missing from their car that night in that very parking lot it's a big win for the State to prove premeditation. Wishful thinking on my part. But it could have happened. jmo

That's a great point--that she used a stolen plate for the trip. I think she's more criminally sophisticated than she admits.
Then how can the sex pics be explained? They are hard coded in the camera's memory and both of them seemed pretty chill pre-murder.

Are you talking about stopping by the night of the murder? I, for one, don't think he knew she was coming.
I agree. I've looked back over old day planners and thought "What the heck was I talking about there?" had to look a page or two prior to see the context, and that was me reading my own writing!

IMO the crime scene tells the story quite well.:twocents:

That's why I don't keep a journal! I always look back at something and feel stupid that I wrote it, or I just rip the page out that I just wrote.
BBM: You hit the nail on the head with those observations. Ending it with DB shows me that Jodi's relationship dynamics are similar to parasite and host. Parasites latch on to new hosts when the old one no longer serves its purpose.

Jumping to a thought that just occurred to me after watching the video of Thursday's testimony w/ ALV: I was struck by the story of Jodi & Travis' meeting at the conference in LV. I had not heard the story of how Jodi borrowed clothes from SH to attend a VIP event. That is so odd to me. What kind of woman agrees to borrow clothes from another woman she doesn't know for a man she just met? Wearing clothes that belong to someone else to present herself at an event where she is meeting new people in the company of a man she barely knows ----- anyone care to interpret THAT?

I agree the whole "you're a free agent, I'm a free agent" thing was a ploy. Recall Jodi's diary entry (placed strategically where she was sure Travis would read it) about 4 different guys asking her out that evening. Suuuuuure. I have a ton of single, attractive g/f who are dating machines and I have never ever known any one of them to have 4 date offers all for the same day!

ALV's entire testimony about their meeting rubbed me the wrong way. The "power difference" thing. Like, instantly, they were in a relationship where one had more power than the other. Here Travis is, this powerful man who could get them in PPL's VIP section, blah blah blah. Man can't win for losing.
IMO the sex was not good between Jodi and DB. She used abstinence to have DB let her go because what man doesn't want sex?

The she met Travis, who was a Mormon and she thought she hit the jackpot.

I think Darryl would have married his young, sexpot girlfriend in a heartbeat. (and I think he still would!) I think it was Jodi who was just playing house and buying time to find a more exciting option. Darryl was just a temporary stop, and an alternative to Yreka and living with her family.
I cant say I am 100% sure of all the times she had mentioned people calling her "obsessed" but i do know for sure a couple were played. she had mentioned hearing people say "obsessed" in a phone call to Flores. That was definately played in court. I want to say it was Day 7... but could of day 6? Also the Fatal attraction comment i know was played in court as well. I think that was on Day 7 too. During the interrogation tape when she was still insisting she wasnt there. It was during the same time she said about "morbid curiosity" in seeing the photos and also "If I did kill Travis, I would BEG for the death penalty.

Yes, this is the final tape I want the jury to hear before they deliberate. The tape before this one -- "Mark my word, nobody will ever convict me".

OT kind of, but can someone who has been in the courtroom (KCL, PASA, Momof3, BlueLady, etc) please explain to me how the cameras are set up? It's confusing how they go from one to another, and I *think* I remember someone saying there are automatic cameras but also cameramen in the courtroom. How do they know which to "go to" when live? Where are they standing? I know this is a weird question, but I have to see things in my mind to understand them better.

TIA - very much!

(p.s. - how is PASA? Haven't seen her for a few days and I know she was a bit under the weather. Hope she's feeling better)
Then how can the sex pics be explained? They are hard coded in the camera's memory and both of them seemed pretty chill pre-murder.

No - she was there. But I don't think he knew - or INVITED her - to his home. I think she showed up announced.
IMO the sex was not good between Jodi and DB. She used abstinence to have DB let her go because what man doesn't want sex?

The she met Travis, who was a Mormon and she thought she hit the jackpot.
I think she lost interest in DB in general making the sex not good either.
I think Darryl would have married his young, sexpot girlfriend in a heartbeat. (and I think he still would!) I think it was Jodi who was just playing house and buying time to find a more exciting option. Darryl was just a temporary stop, and an alternative to Yreka and living with her family.

But, according to Alyce--Jodi broke up with Darryl one week after meeting Travis. I'm telling you, they are downplaying Jodi living with Darryl.
I think old Jodi was like this with every guy, she would always be trolling for the more handsome and richer man. It is all about who could do what and give to Jodi.
Why was Jodi even going off with Travis the very first night in Vegas if she had such high morals? while living with another man?
Ok... so what do think took place when she arrived?

Was Travis sleeping?
Did she sneak in?

I think he was on his computer as per the computer forensic evidence at approx. 4:15am and Jodi did not sneak in. He let her in.

No - she was there. But I don't think he knew - or INVITED her - to his home. I think she showed up announced.
But, according to Alyce--Jodi broke up with Darryl one week after meeting Travis. I'm telling you, they are downplaying Jodi living with Darryl.
I think old Jodi was like this with every guy, she would always be trolling for the more handsome and richer man. It is all about who could do what and give to Jodi.
Why was Jodi even going off with Travis the very first night in Vegas if she had such high morals? while living with another man?
I agree totally. I just think Mr. DB wanted to marry her, she dumped him and he is still stinging and swooning over her, it appears.
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