long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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originally posted by Sundawnn~
"If you insert MM and perhaps his girlfriend (the two intruders) this whole event makes so much more sense. Right down to her reactions in the interrogation room."

Watching the entirety of the unedited interrogation tapes was very enlightening and has really swayed me into thinking she had at least one accomplice. I thought it was interesting that she even mentioned going into his closet as part of the ninja story. I wonder if when she realized the gunshot didn't kill him and a knife was needed, maybe the girl ninja did the stabbing and JA went into the closet because she couldn't watch and maybe that's why she was so curious to see all the photos.

She used comments and questions used by both Det and intergrated them into both the stories she told. I dont believe MM and his girl friend had anything to do with this.
Thank you. I did hear Flores say in the interrogation tapes that there was no evidence pointing to anyone else found in the home, but that was so early in the investigation that I didn't know if he was just saying it to get a confession and/or if that conclusion by Flores ever changed.

I didn't know there was proof she actually spoke to Matt (and not just somebody on his phone) when she crossed the border.

Thanks for the information - it's helpful, but I didn't want to give the impression that I was suggesting MM was in on the murder - I think the two conversations may have mistakenly given that impression. Hypothetically speaking, I was just answering the question that if another person was involved, there is no way, imo, that JA would rat them out because she would be ratting herself out as well.

I am, however, suggesting that it appears as though MM attempted to help JA cover things up. What I'd like to know is how he knew to look for that coded message in the magazine unless he was helping her lie, and if so, why?

If MM turned that magazine over to officials, that would lead me to believe he wasn't helping her.

Does anybody know how that magazine got from MM to authorities?

The magazine was intercepted in the jail.

It was never even given to the Secret Decoder Queen's courier, Ann Campbell.
I don't believe for a minute she had an a accomplice. That Ninja story in part came from the det.'s asking her if someone was with her. Plus at one time I think when JA was talking on the phone to Flores, he mentioned there might that there may have been more than one murderer. The seed was planted there, IMO

The use of multiple weapons almost always gives a first impression of at least two perpetrators. I believe one reason JA used both the knife and gun was to make it appear that happened. And therefore when given the opportunity, the "ninja" intruder story began.

Yes, that 2.4 seconds is for the camera to come to life, if you will... I highly doubt you could push the shutter button with your foot and still get both feet into the photo. The shutter speed is whats relevant here. JMO

Disagree with the greatest respect.

"Based on CNET Labs' test results, it wakes up and shoots in a reasonable 2.1 seconds, with a shutter lag of 0.6 and 1.3 seconds in bright and dim light, respectively. " http://reviews.cnet.com/digital-cameras/sony-cyber-shot-dsc/4505-6501_7-32329614.html

That would mean it would take 2.1 seconds to wake up and shoot and a shutter lag of 1.3 seconds in dim light, for a total of 3.4 seconds. That's eminently doable, no? Her right (imo) foot's not even in focus. I know I could move my feet faster than that to get both in. :blushing:

I'm practically incredulous the camera could take photos with the shutter toward the floor at ALL, much less how long it would take. Guess I'd rather think/talk about almost anything else than the DT, etc. Thanks for the reply! :)
IMO there is nothing YET that has shown that anyone would have access to gun except ja. It may be proven in trial that someone else took it or perhaps she gave it to someone ie mm..but as of all the tapes , trial , everything I have read...just not seeing anyone respondsible except for ja.

If her lips are moving she is lying...why would I think the statement she made about the not having the gun would be true. I dont believe her at all.
Sorry if this has already been answered, but are there actual pictures of Travis and JA having sex on the day she butchered him?

No, I don't want to see them LOL, just wondering if there is proof?

No, but there were pictures of the defendant's nether regions which indicated that those areas had recently 'seen action', as it were.
They can't get a loaf of bread without seeing the tabloids at the checkout stand. So it's not just TV.
And god forbid their spouse/lover or family member has CNN on in the den. They'd overhear "Bombshell! Jodi Arias is in trouble on the stand...." or something like that.
They need to be sequestered. I'm not saying they won't do the right thing but it's a different time than it was in 1776!!

They are not suppose to watch the news. There is nothing that can stop them from hearing people talk, or seeing a portion in a bar or restaurant. Jurors know they are responsible for avoiding those types of situations. Most people on the jury understand what they have been told to do. I get bread all the time and don't read the tabloids while in line so it can be done. These are adults and should be treated accordingly. They are questioned by the judge and if they were having a problem they would speak up and let the judge know. That is why there are alternates. Being sequestered guarantees nothing and often leads to a hasty decision just to get the deliberations over with. jmo
The whole concept of Jodi acting alone with the brutality in which they found Travis' condition, puzzled everyone. So please don't say that didn't cross any ones mind. They did NOT know she acted alone. How could they?

Jodi comes off so meek, mild and well-mannered. It took time to see who she really is. But in July 2008, the cops didn't know squat except...Jodi was involved and from others, a possible stalker. That doesn't negate that she might've had help.

For them to eliminate accomplices would've been extremely unprofessional and a disservice to Travis. They had to consider EVERYTHING and everybody.

I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. I agree with you 100%. I was only saying that is where her second story may have came from, that's all.
originally posted by Tex~
"I have faith in Flores when he says there was no evidence pointing to anyone else found in the home. There is also proof she spoke to Matt (he was in CA) as soon as she got to the Nevada border and turned on her phone.

I have faith in Flores too, that there was noevidence of anyone else in the home, but maybe MM and other accomplice had gloves, and weren't there long. (JA went on at lentght in the interrogation interviews about how she would have warn gloves if she did this...odd to bring that up unless golves on the accomplices were part of the premeditation. She knew she could explain her prints, etc becasue she had been there so much. Asfar as calling MM when she was near Nevada border, we know where her phone pinged from, but do we know where MM's pinged from? Maybe they left they scene heading in different directions-him back toCA, and her to Utah. She couldn't turn on her phone to call anyone till she was out of AZ and by that time, MM could have already been back in CA.

Yeah, but that's making it too complicated. Think Occam's Razor. Simplest scenario wins. JMO.
No, but there were pictures of the defendant's nether regions which indicated that those areas had recently 'seen action', as it were.

Who said it was Travis? She had made quite a few stops along the way and as she said......she was single. lol
Sorry if this has already been answered, but are there actual pictures of Travis and JA having sex on the day she butchered him?

No, I don't want to see them LOL, just wondering if there is proof?

I don't believe so although there are supposedly a few more that weren't made public. But I can't understand if there was, why--of all photos that would be one of the ones not released.

Those pictures just looked so.........unnatural. No one is smiling. Travis looks like he's bothered.

Jodi is the only one (well, maybe two others) who knows what happened and for a religious person, I'd be very concerned about meeting the real judge real soon because she's likely to be reincarnated as a tse-tse fly with a life span of a day in the next-go-round.
They can't get a loaf of bread without seeing the tabloids at the checkout stand. So it's not just TV.
And god forbid their spouse/lover or family member has CNN on in the den. They'd overhear "Bombshell! Jodi Arias is in trouble on the stand...." or something like that.
They need to be sequestered. I'm not saying they won't do the right thing but it's a different time than it was in 1776!!

I have been to three different grocery stores this weekend and have not seen one tabloid with JA on the cover. Even if they were there, one doesn't have to look at them when in the check out lane.

I have entertained that notion from jump street.

I mean, it's one thing to make up the intruder story but making one of them, female is very odd.

So something is not right (besides Jodi herself). I think we're missing something.

If there wasn't a second or third person there then, I do believe she wanted to stage it to appear so.

Again, I don't understand why a 28 year old female, who never killed anyone before, would have a need for two weapons. Even seasoned hunters don't usually carry more than one weapon when hunting wild animals.

If you're insanely jealous and you feel rejected, a gun will do the trick. Or just a knife. Not both.

What am I missing?.......(I would love to be a detective I think) :)

IMO, I don't think this is correct. All of the hunters that I know of carry a rifle and a hunting knife.
Please remember defense team reads and posts here...I am determined not to give them any ideas for ideas or ways to spending tax payers money.
I thought that too, but neither one of my sisters or ANY of my friends have heard anything about her! I guess they don't watch HLN, or much TV at all. Everyone I have mentioned to that I am obsessed with the JA trial have said the same thing. Who is JA?

I posted that exact thing before. Nobody is talking about it in my life and I'm right on top of it.
It didn't take long in that arrest video before she began making requests and barking orders, did it?

  • Handcuffs off,
  • Her purse,
  • Turn up the thermostat,
  • Etc.

Shes sitting in jail. The day will come when she is in PRISON. None of the above will fly.
My personal belief is that he was so initially shocked after the first few stab wounds, he had no idea what was happening and that his attacker was actually JA.

By the time he was cognizant it was she, if ever, he was bleeding out and dead within seconds.

The gun was:

  • Overkill, or
  • To more quickly silence him, or
  • To stage the scene to look as though there was more than one assailant.

I tend to go with overkill, literally as well as figuratively. I don't think this woman was as smart as some people seem to give her credit for. Gas cans, yeah. Credit trail, yeah (though I don't know--did she actually save her receipts?)

I think she borrowed some money, grabbed the gas cans from her former lover along the road, and showed up. She tried to contact Travis along the way, but it doesn't look as if he was willing to answer the phone--or if he did, he was not happy.

I don't think she tried to stage a scene at all. She arrived with weapons, but that was it. She made things up as she went along.

Does anyone else get this impression? :seeya:
If MM turned that magazine over to officials, that would lead me to believe he wasn't helping her.

Does anybody know how that magazine got from MM to authorities?

It didn't make it pass the security guard in Jodi's ward. A guard caught it as it was going through the proper protocol of people.
Not sure why Jodi isn't being punished for that but of course she probably denied she wrote it although that is definitely her handwriting.

All I think you're missing is this: She wanted to 'do him' in close with the knife right there in that shower. She was absolutely and irrevocably committed to it. That's the reason she dragged his dead body back and wedged it so precariously into that small space.

However, and she knew this, not only was there a significant size difference, but he had been working out. And he was also a trained wrestler. That's what the small gun was all about. Just in case...

But she had two things in her favor: The element of total surprise, and the fact that he wouldn't have hurt her even to save his own life. Which is what makes the DT's fabrications about TA's misogyny and physical abuse so reprehensible, and places them a very close second to the ridiculous pedophile claim in terms of their absurdity.

I think you are absolutely right!
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