trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

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wha? did some hand signal happen that I missed?

Oh well, I hope she is ok.

This will last forever.
that was another setup ...they want to guarantee Juan doesn't get to her until next week...
She is ill because she know they are getting close to talking about the murder. And then Juan...
She truly is aghast they they haven't come over to hug her, after all, the abuse the poor thing suffered at the hands of their brother.

She doesn't understand why the family hasn't embraced ehr.


Thanks for the screenshot! I tried to get one of the tp in her bra going all cattywumpus and wasn't fast enough. Thanks again!
This is freakin' UNREAL! :furious: This has GOT to stop, seriously. I know one can't tell just by looking at someone, but ALV didn't seem ill to me. This seems like yet ANOTHER Defense tactic to stall Juan's cross of her before the weekend.
Now Alyce is sick?! Yeah okay -

translated = I need to study these notes some more. See ya tomorrow, so we can drag it out allll day, then have the long weekend break, and continue all through next week.

Will LV get paid for her sick time?


Now Alyce is sick?! Yeah okay -

Well, she is getting closer to having to face JM. Hopefully she only bills the state for the actual hours she was regurgitating instead of the whole day. Crawl on back to the cave.
How is that even possible? How is it that Wilmott knew to ask to approach and that AVL was sick without being told by AVL that she was sick? Oh boy, I really sense some underhandedness going on here.

I thought the EXACT same thing. Wilmott asked to approach. Court dismissed. That was weird!

Although I had posted upthread that LaViolette's voice was suddenly shaky and she seemed off.
You will never convince me that she left because she was sick. She was already there, doing as fine as a person who is testifying for a guilty person could be. Plus, she is getting $300 an hour to lie, I mean testify for her. No way she is walking away from an easy payday unless there is a compelling reason. Not showing up because she was too sick, maybe, but leaving in the middle of testifying? No way.
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