trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #118

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JW worked really hard today trying to convince the jury that Jodi was 'pulling away' from Travis and had no jealousy towards Mimi Hall. I wonder if it worked.
Last week I wrote that ALV was being unmasked. Today the above thought crossed my mind, after she lied and her fiercely dogmatic stance, that there was something in it for her. Perhaps a narcissist.

It fits with her overstuffed CV and her lack of continuing education. She's just a good networker. It fits with her hubristic know-it-allness, as if a sermon from the mount, and her lack of discomfort in destroying Travis' reputation and in front of his family. She's very godlike on the stand. And she is a liar. And a complete fraud.

YOU ARE SPOT ON! You know what else .. she was actually a smart choice for the DT team. She comes across very much as an old-school, <mod snip> who is in it for all the right reasons. Looking at her you don't see someone who cares about material things so therefore, the paycheck isn't consequential to her. Unfortunately for the DT they kept her up there too long, and has her skewering the reputation of a dead man with whom she never even spoke. You can construe innocent things in a relationship as abusive... IF YOU TRY REAL HARD. IMO her lack of continuing education points squarely at her arrogance and unwillingness to see things in an unbiased manner.
Can the DV lady refuse to get back on the stand???

I wonder if her nerves are getting to the best of her and making her ill.

I hope so.

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$330 per hour to sit up there and yap on and on about much to do over Jodi's antics. Now court is cancelled????? :furious::banghead::furious:

Is this for real? :what: The jury is as of NOW very sick of this chit being pulled by the defense team! :furious: I'm sick of it, so I'm sure they are. Whatcha want to bet she is being comped for her hotel suite with taxpayer money too?

Yup for sure and I lived in Phoenix for yrs., it's beautiful and she can really enjoy with that whopping $30 or $40K check she'll be getting. She should send the residents of Az. tax payers a big ty note.
What is wrong with this judge, sitting there watching her and everyone else spewing same thing over and over. Next we lose a few more jurors, then Jodie will be due for another migraine thinking about that poor frog jumping out of boiling water. :what: Someone needs to shake a few people up me thinks. Disgusting. Poor jurors, poor family. :banghead:
When ALaV testified from the defendant's writings, that Travis was pursuing an interest in Mimi Hall and that Arias was happy for him & wished him well in that, the defendant's facial expression was sick as mud. The underlying insult, still smarting, was that she & Travis had just enjoyed marvelous sex. It wasn't only a rejection, to her it was a betrayal. Opposition, to Arias, is always taken as betrayal. Her face gave this away in no uncertain terms. She was anything but happy for him and Mimi.

I want to pull my hair out!!! This is a no-brainier. Jodi told the investigators that she and Travis had an argument over him dating other women!!! Her own words completely contradict this lie that she was "OK" with him dating other women. She herself told Flores no, no it was not ok and that's why they fought.

This whole Mimi/Travis happy dance never existed because she was NOT ok with him dating other women, according to HER! They need to re-play those remarks to Flores back to the jury
No Lamb . . . .ALV became suddenly ill 20 min before lunch - court cancelled the rest of the day . . . . court resumes tomorrow morning.

So. Very interesting. I have continued to examine witnesses, argue before a jury, etc. with a raging infection, on medication that made me shake uncontrollably, with a horrible cold requiring the use of approx. 15 tissues per hour, etc. I had absolutely no idea that calling in sick was an option unless I was calling in near-dead.

You are very dedicated, AZlawyer, would you agree that the DT called "sick" in order to keep their direct examination in mind over the 3 day weekend? A strategic move? Would you further agree, dear counsel, that this jury may hold that against the defense?
The more I hear about the journals the more it seems like they were written with a sinister purpose. I heard JA's mother talking about JA not wanting her mother to visit for fear she'd snoop in her stuff which says a lot.

God knows id never defend Jodi....but id NEVER EVER EVER let my mother alone in my home alone!! My mother whom I've hinted at in various posts on this site has major issues (mental/criminal) and is not a trustworthy person and would very much so snoop thru my things and even steal!

I am pretty sure that Jodi's mother is not the angel she would want people to believe. Im sure that Jodi does not fall far from that tree.....

With that said, I believe Jodi's journals were written for others to read (either by accident or purpose, like her leaving them around or for the trial she knew she would have). Those journals were NOT written like a normal person would write journals!! It was almost like they were written to SOMEONE to read.
So. Very interesting. I have continued to examine witnesses, argue before a jury, etc. with a raging infection, on medication that made me shake uncontrollably, with a horrible cold requiring the use of approx. 15 tissues per hour, etc. I had absolutely no idea that calling in sick was an option unless I was calling in near-dead.

She should have saved her "sick" days till our Juan gets his turn.. she might know what sick is then...IMOO
:floorlaugh: I was referencing the statement that LV said she read cosmo and redbook. I've never had a cosmo (drink). I must be missing something good!

Hugs --


I was embarrassed for her when she said she read Cosmo. NOTHING in that magazine could possibly have any relevance in this trial or domestic abuse in general. This is a magazine for young (very young) women. Most women outgrow it pretty quickly with its articles about "25 ways to please your man in bed" or "So he is are the only one having the Big O". The fact she even mentioned this magazine makes me laugh.:floorlaugh:
JW worked really hard today trying to convince the jury that Jodi was 'pulling away' from Travis and had no jealousy towards Mimi Hall. I wonder if it worked.

The only "pulling way" Jodi did was in her diary. We all know she lied there too. Much of what she wrote was passive-aggressive wishful thinking.
she wants him to be happy so she has sex with him then kills him? Praying Mantis females do that..
I have so much work to do, this trial has distracted me more then I can say. I am so behind. But I couldn't help myself, after I saw your comment I had to create this!
forgive me for being totally shallow, but i was checking out alyce's videos on youtube and came across one from 2008 and someone on youtube pointed out she was wearing the same thing there as she did at the trial, that blue and tan kimono button thing. i wonder if that's her lucky jacket.

I don't know about "lucky", but its ability to ward off illness waned after fewer than 20 hours.

Wouldn't you think at $300/hour, courtesy of Arizona taxpayers, she could afford to upgrade more often than once in five years?
God knows id never defend Jodi....but id NEVER EVER EVER let my mother alone in my home alone!! My mother whom I've hinted at in various posts on this site has major issues (mental/criminal) and is not a trustworthy person and would very much so snoop thru my things and even steal!

I am pretty sure that Jodi's mother is not the angel she would want people to believe. Im sure that Jodi does not fall far from that tree.....

With that said, I believe Jodi's journals were written for others to read (either by accident or purpose, like her leaving them around or for the trial she knew she would have). Those journals were NOT written like a normal person would write journals!! It was almost like they were written to SOMEONE to read.

Yes yes about the journals. For someone who talks to death and who claimed to keep all things she thinks in writing, the entries seemed kind of vague and too good to be true.
Can the DV lady refuse to get back on the stand???

I wonder if her nerves are getting to the best of her and making her ill.

She is under subpoena. So she has to show up at court.
JW worked really hard today trying to convince the jury that Jodi was 'pulling away' from Travis and had no jealousy towards Mimi Hall. I wonder if it worked.

If it worked today, it wont work after JM gets ahold of her. He will snap those juries back to reality with wide eyes and open ears!
I am also waaaay behind in the threads but had to bring this forward. You are spot on with what is wrong with this so called "expert" testimony. OMG I hope JM brings this up some how, some way.

she did say in yesterdays testimony that she (AVL) was confused by JA asking TA about the status of their relationship[ when he had given her permission to date other people.
So. Very interesting. I have continued to examine witnesses, argue before a jury, etc. with a raging infection, on medication that made me shake uncontrollably, with a horrible cold requiring the use of approx. 15 tissues per hour, etc. I had absolutely no idea that calling in sick was an option unless I was calling in near-dead.

Only Maricopa County Superior Court with Judge Sherry, and only Defense counsel.

No one else need apply.
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