trial day 40: the defense continues its case in chief #119

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Arias wrote this a year prior to murdering Travis:
8/2/17 @8:00AM

Create a new truth for yourself(<-sentence underlined twice)

I love him. I could not possibly love him
not, though I WISH that I can stop. Turn it
off like a light switch. Duct tape it down
so it can't turn back on or better yet, just
unplug(<-line through word) cut the circuit. Cut off it's life source.
Make it dead in a second. Lifeless. A
meaningless network of wires that do and mean nothing
:what: "Duct tape it down" :what:
Remember the mysterious duct tape found? Just sayin'...

That was my thought this to me was very shocking and damning for JA...although dont know that the jury will ever see it!!
Arias wrote this a year prior to murdering Travis:
8/2/17 @8:00AM

Create a new truth for yourself(<-sentence underlined twice)

I love him. I could not possibly love him
not, though I WISH that I can stop. Turn it
off like a light switch. Duct tape it down
so it can't turn back on or better yet, just
unplug(<-line through word) cut the circuit. Cut off it's life source.
Make it dead in a second. Lifeless. A
meaningless network of wires that do and mean nothing
:what: "Duct tape it down" :what:
Remember the mysterious duct tape found? Just sayin'...

And cut off it's life source!!
An Arizona lawyer could answer these, but IMO....
1. No. The parents would be sympathetic. Jurors would feel sorry for them.

2. Yes if she is found guilty. They can keep her from profiting fom the murder.

3. Depends on Arizona laws. Anyone?

Thanks Curious.

1. I hope that's wrong LOL.

2. :great:

3. Good point!

Thanks again. :seeya:
Yesterday I mentioned about seeing these photos that I haven't seen yet. I never knew about this hand print. So it must be Travis's. This one is different from the upper hallway Jodi palm print that they cut out of the wall. I have also never seen the body bag photo before.

Wow I haven't seen these pics either. The blood on the car bumper..? I do remember Juan pointing out the garage door opener, the light switch and the bike in the garage. He hasn't said anything about this yet. If we think about it, we don't even know who's blood is who's? Or what each placard stood for yet! Thanks for these pictures.
Her mom seemed honest and in true shock in the police interview. She could not fathom how her daughter, or any human being, could do what Jodi did. She kept asking Flores "Why?". She freely confessed Jodi had major problems. I think she, like Cindy, like most parents, cannot cope with the reality of what their child did and are willing to accept even the most absurd stories to rationalize and lessen the brutality of the whole thing. I do believe THAT is a coping mechanism. Both families are victims of Jodi. I see a lot of bashing of her mother just as I did Cidy Anthony. It is very easy to judge. But these situations are extroardinary and as much as we woul like to say "I would never react that way" the fact is no one knows how they'd react. Discovering your daughter brutally killed a man or your grandchild is something i cant even begin to imagine.

From the snippet I heard last nite I took her to mean 'how could someone do something like that and come back and be normal' -- don't know if she said 'how could someone' or 'how could she', I'm thinking she said 'someone'. But Mom didn't even seem stuck on how could ANYone do something like this to another human being, it was more like 'if you have evidence that Jodi did this, how did she come home and be normal?' (At least that's how it sounded to me.)

Now as I type that I guess it could go both ways. She could've been saying Jodi couldn't have done it because she came home and seemed normal (well, normal for Jodi). But put together with her other comments, she seems to believe it's possible for Jodi to have been responsible. At least it sure sounded that way to me.

I turned off hln last night so I haven't seen much to know what order things were said in, but did anyone comment on the body language of Mom/Dad Arias? She had her arms crossed in part of what I saw while Dad seemed to be sitting with his arms open (and leaning forward onto the table in parts) which would seem to mean wanting to help as opposed to crossed arms that want to shield something.
Because people will keep asking. here's the whole thing :)

More extracts from the parents interviews for those of us who haven't seen this on TV!

Tawndilly did a mash up of all the programs that featured the interview so there's repeated sections.

I find her mom's body language odd. Her dad is very open and trying to help. Her mom I'm not so sure about.

The conversations. I didn't repeat them for the mash up and I have merged a few bits.

Det Fl: How you doing? You doing okay?
JAM: Not good. No
Det Fl: I guess as could as good be expected I guess huh
JAM: I want to puke
Det Fl: You going to be okay?
JAM: Yeah I'm going to be okay. How could someone that you say did this come back and just be so normal?
Det Fl: I don't know
JAM: And Jodi has mental problems
JAM: JA has mental problems. JA would freak out all the time. I had quite a few of her friends call me and tell me that I needed to get her some help. In fact had one call me in the middle of the night and tell me that she needed some help. JA would call me. We don't have a good relationship me and JA. She would call me in the morning all happy and call me an hour or two later in tears crying or sobbing about something she didn't want to talk about and that happened constantly. She was a totally different person. And her friends saw it too. I had one friend even call me in the middle of the night. He even called a hotline for bipolar people and said that JA is bipolar and she needs help that's why we talked her into coming back up here so we could get her some help and she could be around family

JAM: Why would she do something like that?
Det Fl: I don't know
JAM: Did she just snap or what? I don't know. And how could she come back here, and be normal and when her friends call her and told her that he died she totally freaked out like she knew nothing about it. I mean how could someone do that. How? I can't even. I can't I can't think of how anybody could do that

JAM: She would just totally flip out on me and I had one of her friends call me in the middle of the night call us one night and say you need to get Jodi some help
Det Fl: What do you mean she would flip out on you?
JAM: Just like call me one minute happy and the next minute in tears. Like she was a total different person
Det Fl: Feel like you wanted to help her but but she wouldn't let you help her kind of stuff
JAM: And yeah she wouldnt' ever tell me what she was crying about but it was like a total I mean like something would snap and she would always send me in tears and call me back and God you know
Det Fl: Was she on any kind of medication at all?
JAM: No .Do they do a psychiatric evaluation when they do things like this?
Det Fl: I'm sure they will. It doesn't come up in every case but in her situation it's something that will probably happen
JAM: And her friend called me one day and said he had called some hotline to ask them questions about what she was doing and they said sounds like she really needs some help but she wouldn't do anything. I mean I didn't really bring it up to her but I thought if I got her up here where we could take care of her that things would be okay


JAM: JA had a lot of a lot of plans for her future. How could she mess it up and do something that you said she did?
Det Fl: Did you have any suspicion at all that she had anything to do with his death?
JAM: I asked her. I ask her because that's the first thing I ask her. And when she came home and she was fine. And then when he died, she didn't call me even she called my daughter and was just totally in tears. She cried for 2,3,4,5 days . And um that's the first thing I asked her. I said did you go to Arizona and she said no and I had gas receipts at everything to prove it And that's all she would say. She swore she did not go to Arizona so course I believed her you know but I questioned her about it
Det Fl: But you had enough suspicion to ask her
JAM: Well yeah course because someone dies and...

Det Fl: What did she tell you about the relationship between her and Travis? Any indications there were any problems?
JAM: Nothing JA did not talk to me. In fact I did not even see a picture of Travis until he died and she was showing me stuff on the Internet. Umm he's a motivational speaker and umm some of his speaking things that he did, and pictures that when they went on trips together and that she took of him
Det Fl: Is that unusual for her with someone that she likes and is seeing?
JAM: No no.
Det Fl: She was a very private person
JAM: She would not even let me come down to Monterey to visit her and stay at her house because she was afraid I'd snoop through her stuff and that's the kind of relationship that we had.
Det Fl: Just lots of trust issues
JAM: And I told her one day, I said you need some help JA. You've got this fantasy in your head that you had a rotten childhood and that we searched your room all the time and we did all this stuff and we didn't. And you need some help. And the only time we searched her room was when she was in 8th grade and we were living in Santa Maria and we were getting ready to move and I couldn't find my tupperware containers. She had them on the roof and she was growing pot with her friends and so we called the police and turned her in and wanted something done you know to scare her and whatever. And that's the one time ever in my whole life I've searched my kids rooms and I don't search my kids rooms now but made I better start doing I guess uh. I don't know


Det Fl: Any suspicions at all she might have been involved in Travis's death?
JAD: Um ah. I would put it this way because like it was two days after that she heard about it because she was quite normal til then. And then she heard about it over the phone. She was hysterical. Because I talked to my inlaws and they said she's been crying all day. And I said what about. So I go over there and she was just hysterical. That was several days after his death. I guess someone had found him. I don't know how many days he'd been there.
Det Fl: 5 days
JAD: 5 days. Yeah because that was the weekend and when I know she when yeah when she had a job at uh Burger ?? and she didn't want to go work because her face was all flushed up
Det Fl: She doesn't like to go out without her make up on
JAD: Yeah. Well she went to work
Det Fl: Well um the evidence we have is pretty damning at this point. I mean we have so much. I've never had this much evidence in a case before. And I truly believe she was involved in it. I wasn't sure she did it herself or if she had help with somebody but she would not tell me. She just refused. And she's continuing to say that. And she's completely cold about it.

JAD: So I called her and asked her what's going on. And she goes Travis was murdered.
Det Fl: And what did you think?
JAD: I didn't think much. I just wanted to know what she did. All she could tell me was later on she was going to leave the area and I go why and she goes I can't tell you. And she came over one day and I was on dialysis and she sat down and we my wife and I talked to her for three hours while I was on it trying to get an answer to the questionAnd she said I can't tell you what's going on but all I know is that I gotta leave. And I go way and she goes because I might be blamed for something and I go what and she goes I can't tell you.


JAD: You know she's a strange person. Because sometimes you know after she left the house she was kinda strange. She was really friendly sometimes she'l call and real sweet and ten minutes later she'll call in a real rage you know and just screaming at my wife and she did that for gee for the last year and a half. She was doing that a lot.
Det Fl: Any idea why?
JAD: No I don't. The only thing I could tell you is that uh probably financial problems because she was going to file bankruptcy but she didn't have the money to, she lost her house, she broke up with her boyfriend prior to uh Travis. And uh I'd never seen a picture of Travis she never, she showed my other kids but she's never showed us anything
Det Fl: We have a lot of evidence at the house that points towards her as being the person who commited the murder. The only thing I don't have is why. Why she commited this?
JAD: I know man she was getting along with him so good.

Det Fl: Do you know if your inlaws had a gun, a 25 auto?
JAD: Do you know, my now that was 22 auto I think. Someone broke into my inlaws house and they stole the gun.
Det Fl: Yeah that report says it was a 25 auto?
JAD: Oh it was. Oh
Det Fl: And the reason I'm asking is because a 25 auto was used in this crime


JAM: She told me she didn't want to stay here long and she was gonna leave. She did tell me that was going to go down to umm Monterey for a few days but she didn't tell me when. Maybe that phone call scared her. I don't know. Maybe she did do it. I don't know. I just can not even imagine her doing it.
Det Fl: I can't either
JAM: JA'a very intelligent person
Det Fl: She is
JAM: Go and get the books she brought to our house. I mean she's got all these books that I would not even think about reading you know and she's smart and how could...
Det Fl: I understand she's extremely intelligent and the more I've talked to her over the last month and a half I know she's intelligent
JAM: You know in fact she gave us a hard time because I never went to college and she kept telling me mom you need to read, you need to do this, you need to better your life. I don't know. I just can't even imagine

JAD: I got an inclination I go because oh man I don't think because was just acting so normal
Det Fl: What did you think?
JAD: I didn't think much. I just wanted to know what she did


JAD: She just got a gun
Det Fl: What kind of gun was it?
JAD: I don't know
Det Fl: It was a recent one though
JAD: Yeah she just got it
Det Fl: Oh you know what she mentioned that. It was a glock or something
JAD: I don't know. She just told me she got a gun asked her. I asked her what you need a gun for and she was going where I'm going I need one. And I goes well where you going I can't tell you. I just want to feel safe where I'm going

JAM: That's JA. When she went down to Monterey I didn't even know she left until she called me from Monterey and she said Mom I'm in Monterey. She was scared when TA died. She said Mom I was at his house all the time. She cleaned his house all the time. And spent all that time there In fact Travis was supposed to come up here and they were going to go over to the Oregon coast and
Det Fl: When did she tell you that?
JAM: Um um after he died. Now it was before he died she told me he was coming up. In fact it was last last weekend I think and she said this is the weekend that Travis was supposed to come up and we were going to do things. We were going to go to Crater Lake and they a book 1000 things to see before you die and her, her and Travis were doing a lot of those things together


JAD: She treated my wife like crap
Det Fl: I mean verbally abusive on the phone. We could never ask her anything about her personal life. And ever she since she left the house she would never tell us. She was just so secretive like that

JAD: We told her we wanted to come visit her and she goes where are you going to stay. She didn't want us to stay in her house because she was afraid we going to snoop through her stuff. And I go hey what
Det Fl: That is kind of strange
JAD: That's just the way she's been isn't it? When she was in Palm Desert after that man, that's when everything, I don't know what, it's been a couple of years there but since then she's been a little crazy for a year. It's been longer than that now I think about it


JAM: Since Travis's death um she has been the best relationship we've had in our whole life. And I've said maybe this death has made her see that life is short and you have to, you know you can't be this way and it's changing her so so you know the last few weeks have been I mean I didn't spend a lot of time with her but I talked to her more than I have ever since when she left the house at 18


JAM: I don't know where she would got a gun if she had one. I mean I don't know. JA's very secretive. JA doesn't she just that's the way she is. So what happens if she is found guilty?
Det Fl: Well then she'll be sentenced for how ever long they decide
JAM: For the rest of her life probably
Det Fl: I don't know. It's not up to me. I don't know. It depends on a lot of factors. She has to be found guilty first
JAM: Yeah


JAD: One day she called me crying hysterically when she decided to moved to Mesa Arizona and she snuck up in his house and she looked in the window and she saw Travis on the couch with another woman and here they are, she was planning on marrying this guy so she just left but then she just stayed there for I don't know how many months
An Arizona lawyer could answer these, but IMO....
1. No. The parents would be sympathetic. Jurors would feel sorry for them.

2. Yes if she is found guilty. They can keep her from profiting fom the murder.

3. Depends on Arizona laws. Anyone?

Can't they do it either way and claw back any future earnings? That's what happened to OJ.
I'm finally watching the most recent testimony by ALV (going forward I'll only be watching JM because I can not stomach this carp anymore.)

But I have a question. I'm curious what you all think would happen if JM goes up and asks ALV if JA had never told her that Travis was abusive then what is it about all those (endlesss) journal entries, text messages and other evidence that would have convinced her Travis was abusive? In other words, if a known liar (JA) hadn't said Travis was abusive, what hard evidence is there that he was. Curious what ridiculous answer she would come up with...


ALV said she had researched Jodi's journals back to high school. If this is true I wonder if Jodi ever mentioned how Bobbi strangled her until she passed out. Since this was before Travis teaching her about the Law of Attraction it seems as if she would have recorded that event because of it's significance at the time. jmo
I have seen a lot of posts saying she should have plead insanity, which I don't get at all. I don't see how she even approaches the legal definition of insanity.

I know in my mind you are correct. But in my heart, how does one commit a slaughter like this? I was trying to express what the thoughts of the parents might be toward the defense team for allowing her to plead self defense. I mean, if a person is a sociopath or psychopath, they are insane, correct? That would have been her only chance. I am not even saying a jury would buy it, but self defense? Come on!!!

BTW, I am not defending her. It's just I see her DT as sleaze. I have no sympathy for Jodi Arias. Sure would hate to be her relative.
I don't believe she did that Schuby. That would be overstepping her bounds.

Other dismissed jurors have come out to talk to the media in other cases and I have never seen one case where it was grounds for a mistrial or even an issue on appeal.

Remember the intact jury is admonished that they cannot watch anything in the media or read/talk about it anywhere with anyone.

I'm sure she did inform her she was free to speak with the media now but it was her choice if she did or not and the dismissed juror decided on her own that she will only do so once a verdict is rendered.


We don't know for sure if she decided that on her own or if she had great help from Juan Martinez. While it may be overstepping her boundaries as a judge to consult her actions, it would NOT be overstepping his boundaries as the Pros Atty to protect his vested interest. Anything out of her lips at this point would be out of his control and I dont take him as the kind of guy who leaves loose ends, not if he can help it.

I never once saw this as an action that didn't first come with much legal consultation. She was dismissed the morning of April 2, her statement came at the close of the following day. A lot happened in that 30+ hour span.
Did they ever say that duct tape found was involved? I thought it was just random. What is super creepy to me is the "Cut off it's life source... Make it dead in a second"... or 62.

Well, it was in the nude pics leading up to the murder and later found on the floor. JA says it was used to hold his "Body Bug" in place, but who knows! My comment was a little tongue in cheek since I don't think she imprisoned him with duct tape, but I do think it's a strange coincidence.
I know when my ex was cheating on me and I found out he had taken his girlfriend to our favorite vacation spot and they ate at our favorite restaraunt I was heartbroken, furious, many things I cannot name. Then I just decided that they were such losers that they could not even think of NEW things to do of THEIR own that they had to use my fav places, as these are places I introduced my ex to. I felt that they were not smart enough to find their own special places and it made me feel a little better. But I would totally understand if Jodi had been jealous of MIMI going to Cancun with Travis. To me that would seem the normal reaction, I have a hard time believing that jealousy never was a factor for her.
I have never, and will never buy, the story she was loaning Travis money. JMO, any money she gave to Travis was done because it was owed. Another thing I noticed in Da's interview, he said she was working at a completely different restaurant after she returned than the one she claims she was working at before June 4th 2008. Something like the "burger club" I believe he said. JA is IMO, one of those people who works at restaurants because the job can be blown off and replaced easily and she practised this work style throughout. Everytime there was a trip made, I suspect a new job was obtained afterwords.

I totally agree with you. I believe Travis had money. He may not have been filthy rich but I believe he had enough to help someone in need.

JA is such a liar liar liar.
After watching the video of Jodi's parents and watching her mom in court every day! I have come to the conclusion that they really do believe Jodi snapped because either Travis had cheated on Jodi or led her astray. This is a good reason to meet the parents of someone you are dating. Know what their past is about because maybe he would have broken up with Jodi sooner. Although I believe she would have murdered him anyway, being the psycho that she is. Her parents likely cannot accept the Jodi that we all see as a non- human who slaughtered a man. I hold her defense team as totally responsible if she gets the death penalty for allowing her to plead self defense. There is no way this was self defense. She should have pled insanity and gotten LWOP. Her team knows she is insane. They are negligent. They have to live with that.

I watched a show last night that addressed the insanity defense. Most of the lawyers agreed it is hard to win an insanity case and that the evidence might not show she was insane at the time of the crime.

Such as.....3 gas cans, filling up gas using credit card and cash, bringing a gun (and knife?) to the house, cleaning up the scene, no cell phone use during time in AZ. Too much evidence showing premeditation.
Thanks for re-posting that gauntlet!! Thank button wasn't enough!
I applaud former Juror #5 for not making any comment until the end of the trial. Any further statement at this time would simply add to the media/public furor over the trial, which would not be a good thing.

Most importantly, if the jury is heeding the admonition, she should not/would not know what other jurors are thinking, since they are not supposed to be discussing among themselves before deliberation. She might have a "read" based on body language or some other factor, but, I fear that even that would be fodder for jury misconduct or mistrial motions. We don't need any more of that!!

Although I am as curious as the next person, I am glad she has taken the position she has, and hope the media respects that position. I thank her for her service and dedication.

Now, don't get me started on ALV and the sludge she is slinging. I will sit on my hands now to avoid saying something I will regret... :notgood:
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