OK OK - Daryn Collie, 32, Guthrie, 26 May 2013

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I am afraid it was a carjacking, yes. I am afraid that Daryn was lulled in by the old, "Oh help me, my car's broken down," and then someone (an accomplice perhaps) thwacks the driver and takes off with the car (or worse...does something to the driver and then takes off with the car).

I just don't see a smart guy like Daryn announcing to his brother that he was in a hurry to get home so he could rest up for the next day's work and then just up and take off for OR.

That business of wanting to hurry home has always nagged at me. I wonder if perhaps he was actually meeting someone somewhere...someone he didn't know very well, perhaps? Someone he met online, even? And that person did something to Daryn and took off with the car.

I seriously hope that this is a situation where a love went wrong and Daryn in his hurt and pain needed to get away. I don't think that is the case, however.

Frankly, I fear the worst, and I am just heartsick about this. This family has already had its share of grief over the years, and this will just about kill his dad and some other family members, I'm afraid.

Please...if y'all are praying folks...please send up fervent prayers for a positive conclusion to this. I know I will be.

Again, thanks to all of you who have shown and continue to show so much support. It is the epitome of what WS is all about.
One way WSers can help:

I'm wondering if there were any major crimes committed in the OK/AR/TX/MO/KS vicinity during the time period when Daryn went missing. Perhaps someone needed to ditch a vehicle and obtain another. Bank robberies? Murders? Escapes from jail/prison? If ya'll could check local MSM for possibilities, I'd appreciate it.
It was mentioned that the phone pinged in Bentonville, Arkansas. I am wondering that even though Daryn was going to go home in Del City, Oklahoma, that perhaps he got a text or phone call, facebook message, whatever, from someone that needed help from Bentonville, Arkansas so he drove over that way to help, then he was car jacked there. Does that sound plausible?
I think someone in NW AR who knows Darren may know something - am hoping what they know is that he decided to travel to Oregon without telling anyone, for one reason or another. Best case scenario.
Or someone closer to his home in OK knows something and is keeping quiet for whatever reason. But again, Daryn does not strike me as the type of fella that would willingly put his family through this.

By the way: It has been reported that his car was first spotted at its present location in OR at about 6:30 a.m. on Monday, 6/3/13.

One hopeful point is that, while LE is waiting on the appropriate documentation to search the car, certain items have been spotted in the car through the windows. One of those is a suit. Daryn's brother says he does not remember Daryn having the suit with him when he took him to Job Club on May 26. This is one piece of hope in the "he just up and took off" scenario...that he went home, repacked, and headed to OR.
Daryn's car was spotted on Monday the 3rd, and LE is waiting for documentation to search the car. Does that mean that the car is still in the same place at the trail since Monday?
Yes, that would be the best-case scenario all right, but I just don't see this young man putting his family through all this.

As for the pings...At this point I want to see official LE verification of where the phone last pinged. The pings were mentioned early on at a time when family members were bewildered and confused and terrified. They may have misunderstood or only heard half of what was being told them, frankly.

It's possible, I suppose, that he turned right around and came back to NWA after dropping his brother off in Guthrie and then somehow his car wound up in OR after that.
Daryn's car was spotted on Monday the 3rd, and LE is waiting for documentation to search the car. Does that mean that the car is still in the same place at the trail since Monday?

That is what the family is reporting, yes. The family reports that, "The vehicle will be towed and impounded to protect it."
That is what the family is reporting, yes. The family reports that, "The vehicle will be towed and impounded to protect it."

Do you know the name of the trail? If the car was dumped there, I wonder how far away the car jacker had to walk to get to someplace else, if it was a car jacker. Like is this trail fairly secluded?
If it were a carjacking why would the culprit leave the car there, when it would have possibly been far more convenient to leave it, say, in the parking lot of an apartment complex in a city or a town, where its discovery might also have taken longer?
Do you know the name of the trail? If the car was dumped there, I wonder how far away the car jacker had to walk to get to someplace else, if it was a car jacker. Like is this trail fairly secluded?

It was on a "roadside near a trail in Hood River County, Oregon which is near Mt Hood, one of the tallest peaks in the area."

Hold on for updated information regarding the car and the search in another post.
But if it isn't a car jacker, why would the car be at the trailhead since Monday? Where is Daryn? I wonder if it was Daryn, if he got altitude sickness and is somewhere on the trail?
But if it isn't a car jacker, why would the car be at the trailhead since Monday? Where is Daryn? I wonder if it was Daryn, if he got altitude sickness and is somewhere on the trail?
That's where my "best case scenario" falters and the likelihood that the outcome might not be good whether a carjacking was involved or not increases.
That's where my "best case scenario" falters and the likelihood that the outcome might not be good whether a carjacking was involved or not increases.

Right, because not only altitude sickness, but he could get hypothermia at night in the mountains, too, if he was lost on a trail....
Okay. Let's go back to Square One. There seem to have been some additions to the story that the family has just recently reported, and other points are not being mentioned at all:

Daryn and his brother fly to NY to attend their sister's graduation. Their biological mother attends. It is being reported that no one remembers Daryn having his suit with him at the time.

Daryn and his brother fly back to the OK/AR area...but just where do they land...AR? OK? (Still a point of confusion for some odd reason).

[What about the pings?! Purely mis-info about pings out of NWA, or did they fly back into NWA and drive back to OK?]

It is now being reported that Daryn's brother implies that he and Daryn stopped by Daryn's apartment and THEN Daryn took him to Job Corps in Guthrie. (Addition to our information here). It is being reported that Daryn's brother does not remember Daryn picking up his suit from the apartment.

Daryn's brother reports that Daryn dropped him off at Job Corps in Guthrie and says that he is in a hurry to get home to get some rest for the next day (work).

Monday June 3, 6:30 a.m. Daryn's car is spotted in Hood River County, OR, near Mt. Hood, "one of the tallest peaks in the area."

Now: LE has been able to search the car and found the following:

Sleeping bag

Family is also reporting that the FBI has refused to enter the search, "...because there's not sufficient evidence of foul play."

A few changes and omissions to the original story that was told. Whether someone has changed their story, or whether in the initial confusion and rush to get the word out some family members got info wrong, I don't know. But the above is what is being reported at this time.
Can we look at the items found in the car?

Suit: Could have had with him on the trip to NY; and no one noticed, because at that time they had no reason to pay attention to such details.

Laptop: Most folks take their laptops with them these days; Daryn may have felt the need to keep in touch with friends/business associates on the initial trip to NY and had it with him the whole time. OR if he did in fact stop at his apartment before taking the brother to Job Club in Guthrie, he could have picked it up then...but why if he planned on coming right back home?

Sleeping bag: Raises suspicion with regard to the location of the car. However, it has been pointed out to me that he was staying out of state and may have had it with him in NY because he was asked to bring it or just figured he'd end up crashing on the floor of a shared motel room

Suitcase: He'd been on that NY trip. Nothing eyebrow-raising about this item

Passport: It could be argued that Daryn headed to Oregon with the intention of passing over into Canada. It could also be argued that while in NY, Daryn hoped to go over into Canada. It has also been pointed out to me that these days many people who are flying take their passports with them as a precaution.

May have missed this: where exactly was he in NY? If it was upstate, the passport may have been included in case he decided to take a trip to, say, Toronto, or Niagra, or somewhere.

Since the sleeping bag was still in the car, if he were voluntarily at Mt. Hood he either planned to be back before nightfall, or decided not to be back at all.
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