First news reports


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Feb 26, 2013
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I guess I need to read up on Bipolar disorder. I have never heard of it making someone act like they are on drugs..
Wow that is shocking and sad news to hear :( What does the family think?
Asked how Ms. Lam might have made it up to the tank, Lt. Corral replied: “I guess she climbed up there.”

How she could have drowned was not covered by the coroner’s conclusion.

Toxicology tests disclosed no trace of drugs in the victim’s system, Lt. Corral added. “I agree it’s strange one, certainly stranger than many other cases we’ve had here.”
Wow that is shocking and sad news to hear :( What does the family think?

I wondered if they were satisfied with this conclusion. I just find it so implausible that someone could have an acute psychotic episode without anyone close to her noticing behavior changes and then letting her travel alone. This is neat and tidy, so simple it may be the case. It certainly does not address how it took two weeks to find her body and how easy access to the roof is despite a locked alarm door. That never should have happened, and the Cecil is still leaving that door wide open.
Reports are trickling in. Absolutely no info other than she was Bipolar and it was accidental. NO drugs found in her system?!?

How did they get from Bipolar to Accident with no further supporting evidence? They took all this time to tell us what everyone knew from her Tumblr account?

Well, that could be the answer right there. If she was bipolar and not taking her medication (or suddenly stopped for some reason) she may not have been in her rational mind. That's what I suspected from the beginning. I'm very happy to hear there is no crazed tourist killer wandering LA right now. Hopefully this news brings some sense of closure to her family.
I wondered if they were satisfied with this conclusion. I just find it so implausible that someone could have an acute psychotic episode without anyone close to her noticing behavior changes and then letting her travel alone. This is neat and tidy, so simple it may be the case. It certainly does not address how it took two weeks to find her body and how easy access to the roof is despite a locked alarm door. That never should have happened, and the Cecil is still leaving that door wide open.

Going off of antipsychotics or SSRIs (cant recall exactly which meds she was on at the moment. anyone have that tumblr page link?) can have major and swift complications. Even one or two missed doses could be detrimental. All MOO!
Going off of antipsychotics or SSRIs (cant recall exactly which meds she was on at the moment. anyone have that tumblr page link?) can have major and swift complications. Even one or two missed doses could be detrimental. All MOO!


I understand that, and we don't need to go back to that med cocktail cause it was 10 months old to begin with so no proof of what she was supposed to be taking. I fully accept she could have done this, but to go cold turkey on her meds and/or to run out while traveling...just seemed like she was more astute and aware of her health than to do something like that. It seems a little out of character from her Tumblr posts. However, this is all we have to go on, so be it.
I still have my doubts about this. I would rather have the investigation on my desk. Did anyone exactly measure that quadratic hole on the top of he water tank? Was in about 35 centimeter (14 inch)? OK if someone stands beside it and jump into it with their arms at their sides, then I can understand it. But to actually fall into the hole accidently? I mean you got your arms and your legs moving out from you and you got two pipes beside the hole.

Was the lid there when the service personnel arrived on February 19?
Were there any ladders outside against the water tanks? Ladders that you usually need to collect from the store room. Was she naked? Was there any scrapings inside the water tank? How did her nails look like? Did they collect any finger prints? How did they describe her own way down to the water tank? I guess this autopsy report doesn´t get through these kind of questions.

I understand that, and we don't need to go back to that med cocktail cause it was 10 months old to begin with so no proof of what she was supposed to be taking. I fully accept she could have done this, but to go cold turkey on her meds and/or to run out while traveling...just seemed like she was more astute and aware of her health than to do something like that. It seems a little out of character from her Tumblr posts. However, this is all we have to go on, so be it.

IMO it's the most rational scenario, to me. Whether she stopped her meds because she lost them, forgot a dose, they were stolen or she had an adverse reaction at some point on her trip doesn't matter. None of that means she wasn't the articulate woman we've seen on her tumblr. She was so young and bright with so much life ahead of her. Whatever the circumstances that she wound up in the water tower, it's an absolute tragedy.

I'm not sure why it continues to be reported that the door access to the roof was locked and alarmed as though that's the only way to access the roof. It's spreading misinformation. So tired of these half-Assed reports that really say not much of anything>_<

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I certanitly hope that LE has much more evidence than we are aware of that led them to their conclusions. The first thing I want to know is if she drowned why wasn't that discovered and released after the initial autopsy. Why after the initial autopsy was cause of death defured until toxicology results. Cause of death could have been released with mannor of death pending. What new information led to a drowing conlusion that they did not have before. Is it possible this was a terrible accident? Yes, it is. However, it would take a lot of effort to end up having an accident like that. I hope that the family of Elisa lam has been given more information upon which they can feel comfortable with this conclusion. With the information we the public have I certanitly don't feel comfortable.

I guess I need to read up on Bipolar disorder. I have never heard of it making someone act like they are on drugs..

Bipolar Disorder with Psychotic Features

Psychotic features are often present during the manic phase of bipolar I disorder. Aspects of psychosis may also manifest during extreme episodes of depression. They are also present in schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. These features include delusions (false ideas about what is taking place or who one is) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which aren’t there)
Wow. I'm not at all surprised to hear this conclusion. I know a lot of people will continue to push back against the known facts and will not let go of their conviction that something else must have happened, but I really think the authorities got it right, based on everything we know. I'm just glad to FINALLY have some closure to the ongoing mystery.

I guess I need to read up on Bipolar disorder. I have never heard of it making someone act like they are on drugs..
Oh absolutely. Bipolar behavior can have different manifestations of varying degrees, but in many bipolar people it can almost look like schizophrenia when they are in the midst of a bipolar-related psychosis. This is a known and well-established fact, which is why many of us who read her blog and then watched the video had a hunch that it was her mental illness at work : (

I understand that, and we don't need to go back to that med cocktail cause it was 10 months old to begin with so no proof of what she was supposed to be taking. I fully accept she could have done this, but to go cold turkey on her meds and/or to run out while traveling...just seemed like she was more astute and aware of her health than to do something like that. It seems a little out of character from her Tumblr posts. However, this is all we have to go on, so be it.
It's not uncommon for any mentally ill person to go off their meds, no matter how astute. They are feeling fine (because of the meds) and they underestimate how much the meds are helping them... they quite taking them, and when their neurology reacts, they will go into an episode and certainly won't go back on their meds at that point. This isn't even a little bit uncommon. An additional factor is that almost no one likes to take psych meds due to the side-effects and a desire to be 'normal.' So there is always a strong motive to stop taking them, even if you should know better. Most seriously mentally ill people go through phases where they have serious internal struggles about taking their meds, but a lot of them will eventually recognize that bad things happen whenever they stop.
I certanitly hope that LE has much more evidence than we are aware of that led them to their conclusions. The first thing I want to know is if she drowned why wasn't that discovered and released after the initial autopsy. Why after the initial autopsy was cause of death defured until toxicology results. Cause of death could have been released with mannor of death pending. What new information led to a drowing conlusion that they did not have before. Is it possible this was a terrible accident? Yes, it is. However, it would take a lot of effort to end up having an accident like that. I hope that the family of Elisa lam has been given more information upon which they can feel comfortable with this conclusion. With the information we the public have I certanitly don't feel comfortable.

Who knows why they didn't release the drowning info earlier? Personally, I don't see what that has to do with the conclusion. I do know that, according to the FBI website, determining a drowning is actually quite simple, even with a body that has significantly decomposed. So I'm confident they determined it earlier, and simply didn't release it until now for whatever reasons.

Also, I don't think it would take a lot of effort to die like this. Not at all. In fact, it makes absolutely perfect sense to me that a psychotic person at the Cecil would end up on the roof, which is known to be very accessible. And once on the roof, seeing the water tanks and deciding to crawl into one sounds like textbook psychotic behavior. And she might not have been able to get out once she got in. All of that sounds more than plausible based on everything known about this kind of mental illness (especially when someone is coming off of meds). Hell, manic psychosis is practically the perfect recipe for ending up in crazy places... just go research some anecdotes about other people and what they have done while in a bipolar psychosis. A water tank is nothing... ending up three states away from home with none of your possessions and no money is not an uncommon kind of incident.

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