George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion #2

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Closing in 2 mins... See ya tonight on the show

Here is the link to Tricia's Question thread for tonight's show. You can post questions there even though the thread is closed. We will open this thread back up after the show!

Tonight (6/25) 9 PM Eastern True Crime Radio Case Discussion/Post Questions - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
It is in the EMS report that was filed the night of the killing. George told EMS he was on the two drugs but neglected to tell them he was on Adderall. George's dr admitted to the Adderall, I believe, at a later date and George admitted to him having ADHD.
That does not mean he had taken anything that night, especially the adderall. The question is generally "Are you currently taking any prescription or over the counter medications"? That doesn't literally mean "Have you taken any in the past 12 hours?". Nor does it indicate that he was experiencing any side effects of the medication that night.

If he was, don't you think the police would have noticed in the several hours they spent in interrogation with him?
Ok Everyone,

This thread will be open for a few more hours.

One thing I need you to do is to please do not post something as fact if it is actually your opinion.

If you post something as fact please provide a link.

Such as, "Zimmerman was a cop wanna be". We would need a link to back that statement up. But, "In my opinion Zimmerman was a cop wanna be" then we don't need a link.

Please be nice and thanks for Flying Websleuths Airlines. ;)
testing 1-2-3.....I know if I got knocked out and slammed around on the ground and had a piece, I will defend myself.

Edit: Just my opinion
One thing that bugs me is on the tape where we hear screaming. It almost sounds like someone is in pain. Does anyone else think that the screaming right around the time of the shooting seems to be someone in pain?

If so, wonder what kind of physical hold or situation would cause that pain and wonder if that tells us anything regarding who may have been in control right before the shots and who may have been screaming?
Find me a link where it can be proven that GZ's stories have changed and that evidence shows otherwise.

So far his stories have been holding up which is why he was not charged with murder on the night this happened. Everything based on the evidence released backs up with what GZ has been saying.

No. He has always told the same story..

Here is the proof that George has in fact changed his story.

The recorded Non Emergency call: [ame=""]George Zimmerman 911 call about Trayvon Martin UnRedacted - YouTube[/ame]

The recorded Walk through the day after the shooting with LE: [ame=""]George Zimmerman Walks Through Trayvon Martin Killing In Gated Community - YouTube[/ame]

The recorded Interview with LE the day after the shooting, including the "voice stress test": [ame=""]George Zimmerman Sanford Police Interview [Lie Detector/Polygraph] (February 27, 2012) - YouTube[/ame]

All one needs to do is listen to each one and you will hear the story changes.
One thing that bugs me is on the tape where we hear screaming. It almost sounds like someone is in pain. Does anyone else think that the screaming right around the time of the shooting seems to be someone in pain?

If so, wonder what kind of physical hold or situation would cause that pain and wonder if that tells us anything regarding who may have been in control right before the shots and who may have been screaming?

The only person in pain prior to the shot would have been the person with injuries other than a gunshot. So if you hear pain, George would have to be your screamer, imo.
Here is the proof that George has in fact changed his story.

The recorded Non Emergency call: George Zimmerman 911 call about Trayvon Martin UnRedacted - YouTube

The recorded Walk through the day after the shooting with LE: George Zimmerman Walks Through Trayvon Martin Killing In Gated Community - YouTube

The recorded Interview with LE the day after the shooting, including the "voice stress test": George Zimmerman Sanford Police Interview [Lie Detector/Polygraph] (February 27, 2012) - YouTube

All one needs to do is listen to each one and you will hear the story changes.

There's almost two hours of video among the three links. Can you narrow it down a bit and/or say what you think the material inconsistencies are?
What are you talking about? They took his clothes for evidence and his wife came up to the police station with a fresh pair of clothes.

If this is what you are talking about, this is why his clothes are not dirty.

Not true. George's wife did bring him a change of clothes, however, there is video and pictures in the clothing that he was wearing when he shot Trayvon and there is no dirt, grass, water, etc on the back of his jacket, his shirt or his pants. Proof follows.



It seems like GZ was hunting TM in the first non-911 call. :what: Kinda creepy phone call.
The only person in pain prior to the shot would have been the person with injuries other than a gunshot. So if you hear pain, George would have to be your screamer, imo.

That is one way to view things and I cant disagree with your reasoning.

If some sort of arm bar hold was used by GZ, I wonder if it would even show up in an autopsie as an injury. Probably not is my guess unless it resulted in a broken arm or something, so there probably is no way to know if some sort of arm bending hold was being used by GZ. There would be no way to prove that unless TM had a broken arm result out of it.
Margins blown or what? ElleElle is trying to make some kind of point, but I can't see it.....
IMO, some of the raised areas on GZ's head are just a part of the natural contour of his skull. I would like to see his shaved head today and have another set of photos of the same angles of his head to determine if those "lumps" are just a normal part of the anatomy of his skull. We all have rises and divets in our heads and they are not injuries. If we had a scrape on top of those rises, then it might look like swelling. I look forward to hearing the PA's assessment.

In his chasing down TM, he very likely fell into the shrubs next to the "T". It is IMO that those superficial scratches and abrasions look like they came from falling into a bush.

All along, IMO, I have believed that GZ tried to detain TM and TM elbowed him in the face in an effort to put distance between him and GZ and to run away from him. Also, there is one witness, IIRC, in one of the 911 calls that said she heard scuffling in the bushes. GZ, IMO, caught up with TM near the bushes and that too is where TM got that small cut on his left ring finger.

If there was any real MMA type fight, that can of Arizona fruit juice would not have stayed in that open pouch on the front of TM's Sweatshirt. ALL IMO, of course.
There were reports that Martin's hands showed evidence of hitting someone, IIRC. I don't recall if that was from the ME or from the funeral director, but it seemed to be clear that he definitely threw punches.

This is not true. Proof is below.

Autopsy report states that Trayvon had a 1/4' x 1/8' ABR on the ring finger of his left hand. Autopsy report also states that Trayvon had a scar that was 1 x 1/2' on the first finger of his right hand.

The funeral director said "We could see no physical signs like there had been a scuffle [or] there had been a fight. The hands - I didn't see any knuckles, bruises or what have you. And that is something that we would have covered up if it would have been there."
Popping in for a minute ... I'm at the beach for 2 nights! Going for a walk - will catch up later :seeya: It's heavenly here!
Margins blown or what? ElleElle is trying to make some kind of point, but I can't see it.....

:floorlaugh: :seeya: Nice to see you Auburn! I'm on the second "walthrough" video and he says he was looking for a street sign.... hmmm.

What he running after him?

p.s. I'm still a virgin to this case.
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