George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion #3

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O'Mara is on a roll now. She based how big/small TM was based on his face shot.
I read someone say that the statement in question is after the shot already happened.

I don't believe that. He is not talking about a dead person. You don't need anyone to help you detain a dead person.

I guess my point is, that statement makes ZERO SENSE! And of course, we know it's not true since TM's hands were NOT found outstretched.

So saying that this witness saw the bigger person on top...and GZ was in fact the bigger person...actually fits with what GZ was saying in that statement.

She said she looked out after the shot and saw the bigger person stand up.

But really...again back to my point...that whole thing from GZ made no sense to me, and doesn't fit.

Which is what lead me to believe he is not telling the whole story. Which leads me to believe he is hiding something. Which leads me to believe he knows he did something wrong.

Which leads me to the fact that this was not self defense.

GZ did not know TM was dead at that time. You will often see LE cuff people who have been shot and appear to be dead, but it is a precaution in case they are not in fact dead. I believe that is why GZ took the actions he says he did after the shot. MOO
3. He was a kid just walking home from 7/11

You apparently did not read the comment I was responding to.... MeeBee was commenting on the frame of mind of TM and GZ - I was responding to her question of "What COULD he possibly be up to?"

I read it that what could GZ have been suspicious of? I actually thought it might be a sarcastic question - walking in dark, in rain, recent crime wave, etc. etc.

Because that was the ONLY reasonable and reassuring reason he might have had for following this kid around in the dark.

This!! This whole thing could have been avoided. If they both had made different decisions. But it was GZ's decisions that resulted in a
What is the state doing??

What horrible preparation of their witnesses.
This!! This whole thing could have been avoided. If they both had made different decisions. But it was GZ's decisions that resulted in a dead kid.

Maybe so, but going up to someone and asking a question isn't against the law.
This!! This whole thing could have been avoided. If they both had made different decisions. But it was GZ's decisions that resulted in a dead kid.
One could argue that it was the <modsnip> decision to fight Zimmerman that resulted in his death.
He was big by anyone's standards and lean like most 17 yo's

5' 11" and 158 lbs. is not big by most people's standards (at least all that I know personally). IMO he was no longer playing football because he wasn't big enough.
This!! This whole thing could have been avoided. If they both had made different decisions. But it was GZ's decisions that resulted in a dead kid.

yes, both made bad choices that night. I will agree with you on that.
So she based her testimony on the pictures she saw? What about the night in question? What did she see? Oh Juan, where are you?
How does anyone know that? He was on the phone talking to that girl at the time too, I would imagine you might tend to walk slower while having a conversation with someone, stopping occasionally even under some kind of shelter from the rain. Or maybe he was trying to lose the person who was following him by taking a different path.

Idk why, but he didn't walk to the store and straight back in the time it should have taken him. Maybe Rachel's testimony will clear it up.
That doesn't add up. GZ didn't know when LE would arrive, what if LE would of got there before the confrontation? What if LE saw him running with the gun? If he wanted to be such a hero, why bother called LE to begin with then?

Have you seen the video of him at the police station. IMO in his head... He is LE ... He thought of that complex as his domain and his responsibility to police. He thought the real LE weren't doing a good enough job... "They kept getting away." He was determined to catch the bad guy.

I don't think he set out to murder anyone. I think he tried to detain the boy ... The boy tried to get away... And Zimmerman was having none of that. Just the fact they argued tells me Zimmerman wouldn't let it go and wait for police.

GZ did not know TM was dead at that time. You will often see LE cuff people who have been shot and appear to be dead, but it is a precaution in case they are not in fact dead. I believe that is why GZ took the actions he says he did after the shot. MOO

Except that didn't happen. Since TM was found with his hands underneath him.

That's the point. LOL!!

And I find it hard to believe that a police officer wouldn't check for a pulse before handcuffing someone that has been shot.

I would think, though maybe I am wrong, that life saving measures would trump getting them in cuffs. If they are still moving around, then cuffs might be more important since the officer could still be hurt. But if they aren't moving, checking for a pulse would seem much more important.

And if there is no pulse, no need for cuffs. That makes no sense to me. IMO, of course
Final Warning!!!!!!

If you guys do not start adding JMO or IMO to your posts I will UA all of them and lock the thread!

Go back and check your Posts!
IMO, this witness's testimony regarding who she identified as being on top has no credibility now that she's stated which photos of TM she saw in the media.
Idk why, but he didn't walk to the store and straight back in the time it should have taken him. Maybe Rachel's testimony will clear it up.

Or maybe not. I have a feeling her testimony will be just as confusing as previous witnesses.
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