OK OK - Molly Miller, 17, & Colt Haynes, 21, Wilson, 7 July 2013 - #1

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i wish we could figure out where exactly the car was wrecked at (supposedly totaled) and what damage was actually done since the fb page is saying the car was wiped clean...was there glass everywhere? airbags deploy? hit a tree, went in a pond?

So much information I'm seeking and the FB page is crazy and hard to get through!
Transcript of Interview with Molly Miller's Brother and Cousins, Part 2

Listen to the interview here:


Key to the participants:

H: Host
GL: Molly's brother
PMF: Molly's cousin
MMS: Molly's cousin

(This is a slightly cleaned-up version, edited for readability. The raw version has been kept intact in a separate file.)

H: You know, one thing I can say is, I know about about Sheriff J.

GL: Yeah? I, um...

H: He has done some pretty distasteful things in Love County, on both sides of the law.

GL: Mm-hm.

H: He will do whatever it takes to get an admission out of somebody. And if you know JR, you know what I'm taking about.

GL: Pretty much.

H: He will stop short of ending somebody's life to get an admission of a crime. He has not even so much as touched CN. If he wanted to, he could get an admission <snaps fingers> like that. This is a small town, and, and I'm going to let y'all have the floor. I've got so many emotions on this and just frankly it just p***** me off nothing's being done.

GL: Yeah, it's, it's, uh… you're absolute... yeah.

H: This is a small town, and I want to speak dir… I don't know if he's listening. I hope he is. But if, CN, if you're listening, this is a small town. Your time is limited. Your days are numbered. You better hope to hell the law gets you. Because you don't want to show your face in town if they don't. Like G said, this is a small town. Everybody knows everybody. Everybody knows what everybody's doing at any specific time. And if you're caught in the wrong moment, you will be held accountable.

GL: You got that right. That's just how it is here. And, uh, if you got…

H: And I…

GL: … some pull on the inside, you know, that's just, you got pull. And he's got his pull, and it's not right.

H: No, it's not. And I want to address P and M right quick. Can y'all hear me? Are y'all there?

PMF: Yes.

H: Um, I was reading on Facebook as you, uh, as you might see. You know, I have been making comments there on one thread specifically. There was a sheriff's deputy from another town, spreading lies. You may not know my name on Facebook but you'll, um, P, I believe it was you that responded, where a deputy came in and gave a total misrepresentation of the facts that night. And you asked him, where are you getting your information? You know which one I'm…

PMF: You're talking about…

H: … talking about?

PMF: You're talking about BW, yes.

H: Yes.

PMF: Mm-hm.

H: Now, if my description of the story was incorrect, I want you to correct any facts. I'm not here to misrepresent anything. I want as much attention, as much spotlight brought onto this as possible. This needs to be brought into the light. Um…

GL: Yeah. It's, it has to be. I mean, it will be. I mean, it is unheard of, that something that's so unjust can happen to, you know, a 17-year-old girl. It is just…

H: And nothing be done.

GL: And nothing be done. You know, they didn't want, they didn't listen to the family. From the get-go, we had Uncle M up there telling these guys, you know, this ain't, something's up. You know, he knew when it was called off at… When you lose a vehicle on a dead-end road, something's going on. You…

H: Yes, it is.

GL: … know what I mean? How many times have they, have they lost a vehicle on a dead-end road, you know? Down Long Hollow? I mean, if, can we get the actual facts to back this up, girls, y'all, how many stolen vehicles were, have been recovered on that, in that square, you know, two square miles in the past, this year alone?

PMF: Well, just in one day that we were out there searching, there was five to seven stolen cars removed off the property. And that was on, uh, July the 21st, I believe, that we were out there searching the property. Or, that we actually ended up on the property by accident, to be quite honest.

H: Now who is the owner of that property? Is one of the Ns the owner of that property?

PMF: That's questionable at this time. We have…

GL: Uh, I know that at least one of the stolen vehicles were found on the Ns' property. But the other stolen vehicles were found on property that adjoined the fence.

H: Then there is the reason for a search warrant. They don't need a search warrant. Contrary...

GL: But it's corrupt! You have to, it, it's corrupt!

H: … to the garbage that is being sh...

GL: It's corrupt, though! And, see, that's the deal we're facing, you know. You think you hear about the corruption on the federal level and all… I mean, our family has experienced it and that's what we're… You know, C is a product of JR. J has always kept C out of trouble. I've known this. You know? I know C's ex-girlfriend. All right? I know C's best buddies because they're, you just, you know…

PMF: Well, let me say something…

H: Certainly.

PMF: … about that…

H: Sure.

PMF: … about, uh, C being a product of JRs, um, uh, well, whatever you want to call it, but…

H: Influence.

PMF: … but C's aunt called me twice tonight and made personal threats against me, and she told me at one point she was going to bash my brains in, and at another point she told me that she was going to blow my brains out. She, oh, that's right, she talked, she told me that she was going to blow my face off. And, uh, she made…

H: Uh, do you, do you…

PMF: Huh?

H: I'll let you continue, but do you have any personal protection at your home? By way of mechanical or human? Uh, such as a protection weapon?

GL: Yeah, this is…

PMF: Yes.

GL: … I believe all of us do.

PMF: Yes.

H: Okay, I'm just, I'm just making…

GL: Hey, the Millers will say we…

H: You don't screw with a Miller. I'm sorry, I don't know y'all, I've never met y'all. Everything I can tell, you don't screw with a Miller.

GL: Molly's grandpa is a Vietnam vet, if that tells you something.
Transcript of Interview with Molly Miller's Brother and Cousins, Part 3

Listen to the interview here:


Key to the participants:

H: Host
GL: Molly's brother
PMF: Molly's cousin
MMS: Molly's cousin

(This is a slightly cleaned-up version, edited for readability. The raw version has been kept intact in a separate file.)

H: Now, uh, P and M, y'all will understand when I say there was an offer made last week of help with a search, but that also extends into watching out for you. Just to keep in mind. And I can explain that more offline but, well, off the air, but that's what that is. Uh, now, if I understand the law right, I mean, I wish you would've had a voice recorder on your phone because that would've nailed her right away right then and there. Um…

PMF: Mm-hm.

H: As far as CN goes, I understand that he has been going around bragging about what he's done.

PMF: Yes.

H: That is reason and cause for arrest. A cop...

PMF: Well, I guess he….

H: … will try to tell you that's hearsay. But if someone is willing to testify in court that they heard him say that firsthand to them, that is not hearsay. That is called a witness.

PMF: That's right. But you can't get anyone around here to stand up to C and do the right thing. That's the problem. They are scared of C and they know that C is above the law, or believes he's above the law at this point because his cousin JR has allowed that. But he's fixing to learn that he's not above the law. No, we are not going to quit until somebody sits their butt in prison for the rest of their life for what they've done. But, you know, as I've stated before, I think C thought Molly was just some little girl that nobody gave a crap about, but he learned wrong.

H: Mm-hm. And he will learn even more wrong. There are people that have never met this girl, never met any of the family, that will walk through the gates of hell to bring him to justice. And I…

PMF: That's awesome

H: … know that there are people saying, hey, we're here for you, we're here for you. But I will reiterate, and I want everybody here to take everything I say literally. There will be people, there are people, willing to step through the gates of hell themselves, literally, to bring him to justice.

GL: I, we're, uh...

P: It's nice to know we're not alone.

GL: It is.

H: No.

PMF: It is.

H: You are not alone. You will never be alone. Um, something else I was wanting to touch on is, uh, it was reported in media, uh, I believe it was either KTEN or KXII, there were just so many news reports on it, that there were other phone calls besides that 911 call made. Are y'all able to comment on any of those?

PMF: Well, we have not been advised not to.

H: Okay, all right…

PMF: It, it, it just depends on the question is regarding those calls.

H: Okay, that, uh, that she had called friends asking for a ride.

PMF: She did.

H: Um, have all those friends been talked to and do they know where she was asking for a ride from?


H: You see what I'm saying?

PMF: Mm-hm. She, there was a call that night…

MMS: Yes? What, P?

PMF: You go ahead and explain that, the phone...

MMS: I didn't hear it.

PMF: Okay, um, he's wanting to know more about the phone records and the phone call that Molly made, asking for a ride and where she was.

MMS: Well, I don't believe it was Molly on the phone.

PMF: But we don't know that. That, at this point…

MMS: But I don't believe that. But, um, she called a friend, she was walking down Pike Road. Um, called a friend, asking for a ride, water, and she was crying, and she was alone at that point.

GL: See, there's never been a detective to come along to advocate for Molly. You know, there are, these people do this for, to get paid. There's not someone that, that wants to, you know, suspects anything, and, and all of them have kind of just tossed it under the rug, and that's why you know, they never, it wasn't even known about the 911 call until a month later. They let Molly's phone records sit on their desk and go through two different officers' hands before they even were taken a look at. And it wasn't until my stepdad went to the police station and said hey, you know, we want the record, we want the rest of the records, and it wasn't even two minutes after he looked at them he pointed out the three-digit number on there and it said clear as day 911, stick out like a sore thumb. It's like, you know, it was never, and the deal is, you know, they weren't taking us serious, I felt like. They, it was two people missing, they assume they ran off together but, it was like, it was incompetence in law that Love County didn't cooperate properly or even communicate with Wilson Police Department, and Molly went missing in Love County. My mother called Love County to place Molly's missing person report in Love County and JR would not take my mom's phone call. He made the lady at the dispatch take the statement and said that she had to go through Wilson Police Department.

PMF: She wouldn't, the dispatch wouldn't even take the statement. She got off the phone and she put Molly's mother on hold. She asked JR or told JR we've got Molly Miller's mother on the phone, she's wanting to report her daughter missing, since she is in Love County. And he said she doesn't, she just needs to go through Wilson. So…

H: Really?

PMF: … she got back on the phone and told Molly's mom that she has to go through Wilson.

H: Okay.

GL: And not even have the professional manner or courtesy or humanity, you know, just, I mean, s***, just like the, like that's your job! That's your county! Whoever's (unintelligible)? Don't pawn it off on your dispatch.

H: No, don't put it off, yeah.
That's all I've got for tonight, folks. Am still only about halfway through transcribing the interview.

Anyone want to go listen and try to decipher the (unintelligible) bits?
That's all I've got for tonight, folks. Am still only about halfway through transcribing the interview.

Anyone want to go listen and try to decipher the (unintelligible) bits?

You did an awesome job! Thank you so much! I could do it, but probably not until at least late this weekend. Anybody else have time?
You did an awesome job! Thank you so much! I could do it, but probably not until at least late this weekend. Anybody else have time?

Aw, thanks. I don't think we missed anything important in the unintelligible bits, so not a big deal.
Aw, thanks. I don't think we missed anything important in the unintelligible bits, so not a big deal.

You did a great job and I agree to not worry about any parts that you could not understand. I actually listened to that whole blog talk radio program and it gives us a good understanding of the situation. The whole interview could have been handled better, but we have to remember that most of the people talking are probably not very skilled at this sort of thing. Even the interviewer is probably trying to learn his craft, so it was a tough listen, but the main points got across.

I agree with some others that I dont think the 2 missing people are runaways at all. I have a bad feeling that something happened right as they were trapped at the dead end road. Something happened there I am afraid.

I also agree with the relatives that said on the interview that some of the later phone calls that came from the missing girls phone may not have been her making those calls. It seems to me that the only phone call that was probably from her, was the 911 call made that very night which was right around the time they were trapped at the dead end road.

I was a little confused about the condition of the car they were in, but if I heard things and read things right, then it seems they could have wrecked the car on that road, and maybe crawled out or were pulled out by "others".

The fact that 1 of the 3 is not talking and he is the only one found is the most disturbing part. He could at least provide info as to how he got away from the scene and all he knows.

At the end of the interview, I totally agree with that last gentleman who said they need to get the FBI to look into this. It sounds like the FBI would be their only hope to get to the truth of what happened. Hiring a PI would be good too , if they have not already done that. They need to get some outside help from people who are not bias or are not related in any way to that town.
You did a great job and I agree to not worry about any parts that you could not understand. I actually listened to that whole blog talk radio program and it gives us a good understanding of the situation. The whole interview could have been handled better, but we have to remember that most of the people talking are probably not very skilled at this sort of thing. Even the interviewer is probably trying to learn his craft, so it was a tough listen, but the main points got across.

I agree with some others that I dont think the 2 missing people are runaways at all. I have a bad feeling that something happened right as they were trapped at the dead end road. Something happened there I am afraid.

I also agree with the relatives that said on the interview that some of the later phone calls that came from the missing girls phone may not have been her making those calls. It seems to me that the only phone call that was probably from her, was the 911 call made that very night which was right around the time they were trapped at the dead end road.

I was a little confused about the condition of the car they were in, but if I heard things and read things right, then it seems they could have wrecked the car on that road, and maybe crawled out or were pulled out by "others".

The fact that 1 of the 3 is not talking and he is the only one found is the most disturbing part. He could at least provide info as to how he got away from the scene and all he knows.

At the end of the interview, I totally agree with that last gentleman who said they need to get the FBI to look into this. It sounds like the FBI would be their only hope to get to the truth of what happened. Hiring a PI would be good too , if they have not already done that. They need to get some outside help from people who are not bias or are not related in any way to that town.

Agree! Basically it boils down to there were 3 people in the car. Car was leading a pursuit. Car was wrecked at the end of a dead end road. 1 of the three people is alive and well. 2 people are missing. The 1 person has lawyered up and isn't talking. Since when is that allowed?!?!
There are a few things that are troubling in this case, in my opinion. If I have this right, Colt called his friends and asked for help and a ride, because he had a broken ankle (with a bone sticking out) and he was bleeding from his nose. This scenario is not good. I can't see how he survived without medical treatment. If he had a bone sticking out of his skin, he would have bled to death. His nose bleed could be a broken nose (survivable) or internal injuries (not survivable without medical help). This makes me wonder if anyone has checked hospitals in other jurisdictions.

The other thing that bugs me is why he didn't call 911. Why did he call his friends? This suggests he was on board with the driver. In other words, if CN was into selling meth or doing something else illegal, perhaps Colt was involved in some capacity. Also, did the driver just leave Molly and Colt? Did he not check to see if they were hurt after the accident?

I also wonder if Colt was on probation and was scared of any police contact that night, because he was scared of possible consequences.

Lastly, if CN's passengers were injured, he could be in a world of hurt. In most states, negligent driving which results in passengers getting injured or killed is a very serious offense. CN could he looking at serious prison time. Maybe this is why he isn't saying anything. Also, he could have talked them into taking off on his behalf. Although, it would be very hard to accomplish, since at least one of them was injured. I wonder if it is possible he is harboring them?

Just some thoughts . .


Couldn't imagine someone recovering from a compound bone fracture without proper medical attention. It's unlikely he would bleed to death from this injury, but infection and a break right above the ankle ( if it's broken and the bone has opened the skin surface, its a shin bone... tibia or fibula. All my years working in EMS and in surgery, I can't recall one case where someone sustained a compound fracture to the extreme lower leg, always below or above the knees.... as a result of a motor vehicle accident. Seen the fracture just above the ankle on plenty of motorcycle/ATV accidents, and twice from the result of a car door slammed on the lower legs, one caused from strong wind and the other was a passenger trying to exit a moving car. At any rate, a compound fracture involves bleeding. Can't believe no blood was found in the car if Colt had a bleeding nose, open fracture to the ankle and blood from the mouth. Did airbags deploy? That will damned sure give you a bloody nose, and the bag would verify this.
Agree! Basically it boils down to there were 3 people in the car. Car was leading a pursuit. Car was wrecked at the end of a dead end road. 1 of the three people is alive and well. 2 people are missing. The 1 person has lawyered up and isn't talking. Since when is that allowed?!?!

Exactly. That summs it up, and it is obvious he is whithholding information that is critical to help know what happened.

Outside help is needed because if I heard things right, that 3rd person has ties to the sheriff, so it seems obvious that someone is protecting someone or visa-versa. Unbias outside help is an aboslute must in order to solve this case.

One other point, which should go without saying, is even if the 3 people in the car were up to no good, it does not give anyone permission to kill anyone (if that is what happened here).
Is this kind of area the type where everyone has a gun?! I'm just wondering if a fight broke out between the driver and colt over the erratic chase. I've been in a car where the driver has acted this way (sober too, just being a you know what)---I got out and walked...i have really never been that p.o.'d again...it's intense when you have no control over the situation and you feel like your going to die/wreck. Needless to say, I ALWAYS drive now...it's a complex. I think colt and molly could be pretty mad at the driver, especially since we've heard they weren't close friends. :twocents:
Is this kind of area the type where everyone has a gun?! I'm just wondering if a fight broke out between the driver and colt over the erratic chase. I've been in a car where the driver has acted this way (sober too, just being a you know what)---I got out and walked...i have really never been that p.o.'d again...it's intense when you have no control over the situation and you feel like your going to die/wreck. Needless to say, I ALWAYS drive now...it's a complex. I think colt and molly could be pretty mad at the driver, especially since we've heard they weren't close friends. :twocents:

IMO....its a possiblity that one or more of the people in the car had a weapon just based on how crazy the car chase seemed to be. But even if there was no weapon, I agree with you that the passengers could have been trying to get the driver to stop or slow down, as they may have felt their lives were at risk for a car wreck.

I actually was kind of thinking the same thing about how the passengers were behaving when the driver was driving erratically. Most people would freak out if the driver suddenly became an off-road race car driver and was going crazy. They could have been screaming at him to slow down and maybe trying to forcefully get him to stop. And if the car wreck was because of them fighting to grab the wheel or something like that, then the driver may have gotten upset at them and maybe blamed them for the wreck.

That 3rd person really needs to come clean on what happened. At least up to the point where he left the scene and how he left the scene.
Am still trying to figure out locations, to get the lay of the land, so to speak. I think I've found the property that is not allowing a search, but need to go back and look up some info to be sure. Something about a pond.

On the Justice for Colt page, there was mention that Colt may have been confused about where he was when he called for help. He thought he was between Long Hollow and Pike, but he may have actually been on the other side of Long Hollow near Walnut Bayou. It's a heavily-wooded area and easy to get turned around, especially in the dark and especially if you've just been banged up in a car wreck. Walnut Bayou is southeast of the end of Long Hollow Road.

But, from the phone call (that may or may not have been made by Molly) described in the interview, Molly was supposedly walking alone on Pike Road which, according the scale given on Google Maps, is two miles to the west of Long Hollow. If this call was indeed made by Molly and she was walking on Pike Road that night, how did she get all the way over there?

I'd like to know why the cousins disagree on whether or not Molly made that phone call. Maybe the person who claimed to have received that call is not considered reliable by the cousin who thinks Molly did not make that call?

StacyMarie, Oklahoma is definitely 2nd Amendment country. No doubt about that.
I'm wondering how they got separated, they were in the car together but both made separate calls a while later, why didn't they stay together?
I'm wondering how they got separated, they were in the car together but both made separate calls a while later, why didn't they stay together?

If Colt had a compound fracture of the ankle, he would have been pretty much immobilized. Molly may have taken off running out of fear and/or to find help.
Has the family checked out Dallas, Texas hospitals? They should email pictures of Molly and Colt for the emergency room staff to view.

Colt and Molly could have been killed, but I'm not so sure there was a motive for CN to do something like that. As we know, Colt was on probation for a meth offense and was involved in the stolen car chase and wreck. He and Molly could have taken off. He could have talked her into it. Let's face it, she was in a stolen car too. They all could have been high as well. Plus, both CN and Colt could be in trouble for involving and influencing a minor. These charges could add up to jail time for CN and especially Colt, since he was on probation.

Just some thoughts and my opinion for now . .
Another thought, maybe one them died from their injuries and this caused a panic of some sort. Maybe drastic measures were made to cover it up?
Is this kind of area the type where everyone has a gun?! I'm just wondering if a fight broke out between the driver and colt over the erratic chase. I've been in a car where the driver has acted this way (sober too, just being a you know what)---I got out and walked...i have really never been that p.o.'d again...it's intense when you have no control over the situation and you feel like your going to die/wreck. Needless to say, I ALWAYS drive now...it's a complex. I think colt and molly could be pretty mad at the driver, especially since we've heard they weren't close friends. :twocents:

I've been in that situation a couple of times at their age. In one case, I was enraged and used every profanity and threat in the book to make my point for the driver to knock it off and slow down. Meanwhile, there were a couple of others in the car who were saying over and over that "it was only fate." I wanted to pound them! Yes, I was livid! When the driver finally slowed down to around 70 mph, the driver's side front tire rim flew off the car into the oncoming lane (we were on an interstate freeway). Thankfully, the driver was able to manuver the car into the breakdown lane. Glad we weren't going 90 or 100! I had changed the dang fate!
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