Arias files motion to fire lead attorney Kirk Nurmi

Oh, and one more thing (and then I promise I will stop lol).

MK has been blaming Juan for the circus like atmosphere of this trial from day one. How absurd and absolutely ridiculous. How could Juan possibly be to blame? It was not his idea to have cameras in the room. The media asked and the judge allowed it because of sunshine laws. He blames his feisty, attack mode style for creating the circus and for "inciting" people to threaten witnesses and get involved. Everything that happened is Juan's fault. He fails to mention that the defendant herself has given numerous interviews before, DURING (who does that?) and after her trial. She tweets and has generally made every effort to keep herself in the spotlight and has done her own bit of "inciting" as well (tweeting disparaging things about the prosecutor and, in particular, Nancy Grace, which inspired one of her crazy fans to target her). It's like the Kardashians keeping themselves in the spotlight then complaining about not getting any privacy. She wants it. She relishes it. And now she is trying to use this is as a reason she didn't get a fair trial and it's all Juan's fault. And the case didn't really go big until Jodi took the stand and that is because it's such a rare thing for a defendant to do (no doubt she wanted it. NO doubt. Now it's Nurmi's fault she took the stand did so poorly. Oh yeah, and the abusive prosecutor's fault for being mean to her...). So public interest increased because she took the stand and then wouldn't shut her mouth. I will say this: keeping her up there for 18 days was definitely a tactical error that could have and should have been avoided.

So it would seem to me the reason this has become such a "circus" is because of Jodi, first and foremost, and because of people like MK and her family creating drama everywhere in an attempt to get a cold blooded killer off. This is not the first time and it won't be the last that a trial has been publicly held. So what makes this one different? Jodi. And what is it about this girl? First off, I think I can honestly say I have never seen such astronomical levels of narcissism. Never. In any killer I have ever seen. Hers is just off the charts that it clouds every decision she has ever made. And she is so narcissistic and sociopathic she cannot even realize what a mistake she has made. When she does realize, well, clearly it was someone else's fault. Never hers. But what also makes her unique is how dedicated and devoted the people around her are and how eager they are to play games to help her and no matter how slimy and calculating the games they have to play they will do it. Aunt Sue and MK in particular. MK has orchestrated a grand farce from Womack to Brewer to ALV all in an attempt to ruin Juan Martinez and help Jodoi. My God. He complains about the trial then jumps right in feet first and yells louder than any of them and continues to stir things up. Just when things die down he stirs them up again. He gets ALV out there. What a joke. But what a dangerous man he is. How could one journalist single-handedly spin this web like this? It's amazing and sad the ire Martinez has drawn for simply trying to do his job. That's it. That's what Jodi and her family and MK and ALV fail to see. It's not personal to him. He's not trying to get Jodi out of spite. He's not being shady. He is just doing his job and doing it to the best of his abilities. His job was to prosecute her. He's done that. The only person who has gone above and beyond his job is Michael Kiefer. How many times has he posted inaccurate information and flat out lies all in an attempt to hurt Juan? How many times has he used questionable tactics to help Jodi and the DT and hurt the state? His neutrality left a long time ago. He is no longer doing his job he's a defense shill and a dark orchestrator.

She already has access to both, from what I see from this mess. They just make it worse. The overuse of relative pronouns makes my head spin.

It would not be surprising that she had some editing help as well, for what good it did.

Just imagine how her manifesto reads!
So this petty orchestrated drama is the "something big" the auntie breathlessly proclaimed? One self-absorbed DV lady whining about being bullied in court, one obsessed and discredited journalist manufacturing a story, one convicted murderer making an arse out of herself with a 12 page whine, and one MIA scuzzbag scam artist doing an interview with the murderer?
What a joke. I hope her murder groupies donate every penny they have to her appeal fund. Would love to see the comments they make when they realize they've been had.

Such a dreary predictable thing she is.
Oh, and one more thing (and then I promise I will stop lol).

MK has been blaming Juan for the circus like atmosphere of this trial from day one. How absurd and absolutely ridiculous. How could Juan possibly be to blame? It was not his idea to have cameras in the room. The media asked and the judge allowed it because of sunshine laws. He blames his feisty, attack mode style for creating the circus and for "inciting" people to threaten witnesses and get involved. Everything that happened is Juan's fault. He fails to mention that the defendant herself has given numerous interviews before, DURING (who does that?) and after her trial. She tweets and has generally made every effort to keep herself in the spotlight and has done her own bit of "inciting" as well (tweeting disparaging things about the prosecutor and, in particular, Nancy Grace, which inspired one of her crazy fans to target her). It's like the Kardashians keeping themselves in the spotlight then complaining about not getting any privacy. She wants it. She relishes it. And now she is trying to use this is as a reason she didn't get a fair trial and it's all Juan's fault. And the case didn't really go big until Jodi took the stand and that is because it's such a rare thing for a defendant to do (no doubt she wanted it. NO doubt. Now it's Nurmi's fault she took the stand did so poorly. Oh yeah, and the abusive prosecutor's fault for being mean to her...). So public interest increased because she took the stand and then wouldn't shut her mouth. I will say this: keeping her up there for 18 days was definitely a tactical error that could have and should have been avoided.

So it would seem to me the reason this has become such a "circus" is because of Jodi, first and foremost, and because of people like MK and her family creating drama everywhere in an attempt to get a cold blooded killer off. This is not the first time and it won't be the last that a trial has been publicly held. So what makes this one different? Jodi. And what is it about this girl? First off, I think I can honestly say I have never seen such astronomical levels of narcissism. Never. In any killer I have ever seen. Hers is just off the charts that it clouds every decision she has ever made. And she is so narcissistic and sociopathic she cannot even realize what a mistake she has made. When she does realize, well, clearly it was someone else's fault. Never hers. But what also makes her unique is how dedicated and devoted the people around her are and how eager they are to play games to help her and no matter how slimy and calculating the games they have to play they will do it. Aunt Sue and MK in particular. MK has orchestrated a grand farce from Womack to Brewer to ALV all in an attempt to ruin Juan Martinez and help Jodoi. My God. He complains about the trial then jumps right in feet first and yells louder than any of them and continues to stir things up. Just when things die down he stirs them up again. He gets ALV out there. What a joke. But what a dangerous man he is. How could one journalist single-handedly spin this web like this? It's amazing and sad the ire Martinez has drawn for simply trying to do his job. That's it. That's what Jodi and her family and MK and ALV fail to see. It's not personal to him. He's not trying to get Jodi out of spite. He's not being shady. He is just doing his job and doing it to the best of his abilities. His job was to prosecute her. He's done that. The only person who has gone above and beyond his job is Michael Kiefer. How many times has he posted inaccurate information and flat out lies all in an attempt to hurt Juan? How many times has he used questionable tactics to help Jodi and the DT and hurt the state? His neutrality left a long time ago. He is no longer doing his job he's a defense shill and a dark orchestrator.

Im giving you a standing ovation for this.

You should send it to MK

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
McBee- I hear you about Kiefer. My guess is that JM isn't the slightest bit worried about the likes of such a moral midget. Juan plays in the big leagues. He plays hard ball. He is passionate about truth and getting justice for the silenced murdered and for their loved ones. He's on the side of the angels. I have no doubt that he sleeps soundly after his trials. Given all Kiefer's gnashing of teeth, I doubt the same can be said of him. It takes a lot of energy to hate like Kiefer does, and to do the mental gymnastics he must do to see a convicted butcher as a victim. Like the butcher, he is only capable of harming himself at this point . Let him spew venom and tie his reputation to the fate of the butcher.
The webpages for her appeal fund keep getting tweaked for more refinement/clarification.

I had been curious about how the trust would be handling contingent beneficiaries:

Irrevocable Gift Trust: Donations are nonrefundable and are made to the JAA APPELLATE FUND. This money will be used strictly for the limited purpose of paying for the legal costs associated with Jodi Arias’s appeals. If for any reason whatsoever appeals are not pursued or if after appeals are completed there are funds remaining, the entire balance will be equally distributed between two nonprofit organizations. One assists disabled children and the other is a no-kill animal sanctuary.

Usually, primary and contingent beneficiaries are specifically identified in the trust document. It looks like no DV organization was willing to have their organization associated with CMJA in any way, shape or form. Wish the aunt would have publicly named the charities for transparency.

ALV is the only DV professional/organization that I know of who has publically advocated for CMJA.

I don't know how much of her allocution can be used against her in a retrial, but there seem to be many claims that she made in a plea for her life that she has not pursued.
Ps- I took a deep breath and watched La Lady's speech . I didn't find it upsetting in the slightest. It just confirmed for me that she has damaged herself so much, and her theories have been so discredited by her ties to the butcher, that all she has left is self serving whines. Another one bites the dust.
Ps- I took a deep breath and watched La Lady's speech . I didn't find it upsetting in the slightest. It just confirmed for me that she has damaged herself so much, and her theories have been so discredited by her ties to the butcher, that all she has left is self serving whines. Another one bites the dust.

She claims to have contacted a man who sent her a nasty letter. She wanted to be nice or some such thing. This is the same woman who pretty much implied that Travis deserved to be slaughtered. If there is a two for one special with good psychiatrist then I suggest she tag along with her friend Arias. Both need help real bad. :scared:
The webpages for her appeal fund keep getting tweaked for more refinement/clarification.

I had been curious about how the trust would be handling contingent beneficiaries:

Irrevocable Gift Trust: Donations are nonrefundable and are made to the JAA APPELLATE FUND. This money will be used strictly for the limited purpose of paying for the legal costs associated with Jodi Arias’s appeals. If for any reason whatsoever appeals are not pursued or if after appeals are completed there are funds remaining, the entire balance will be equally distributed between two nonprofit organizations. One assists disabled children and the other is a no-kill animal sanctuary.

Usually, primary and contingent beneficiaries are specifically identified in the trust document. It looks like no DV organization was willing to have their organization associated with CMJA in any way, shape or form. Wish the aunt would have publicly named the charities for transparency.

ALV is the only DV professional/organization that I know of who has publically advocated for CMJA.

I don't know how much of her allocution can be used against her in a retrial, but there seem to be many claims that she made in a plea for her life that she has not pursued.

No-kill animal sanctuary? Jodi Arias is an animal abuser! The fact that ALV refused to acknowledge that told me all I need to know about her.
where have you been rose? not seen you in here for a while,unless the time zones are making me miss you
where have you been rose? not seen you in here for a while,unless the time zones are making me miss you

Hey Josie! :seeya: Hope you are well.

I'm here quite often although I don't post as often as I used to during trial which was what? Every minute? :) And I don't normally hang out at the sidebar thread.

I believe there is a hearing tomorrow. Let's hope something good comes out of it. :please:
The webpages for her appeal fund keep getting tweaked for more refinement/clarification.

I had been curious about how the trust would be handling contingent beneficiaries:

Irrevocable Gift Trust: Donations are nonrefundable and are made to the JAA APPELLATE FUND. This money will be used strictly for the limited purpose of paying for the legal costs associated with Jodi Arias’s appeals. If for any reason whatsoever appeals are not pursued or if after appeals are completed there are funds remaining, the entire balance will be equally distributed between two nonprofit organizations. One assists disabled children and the other is a no-kill animal sanctuary.

Usually, primary and contingent beneficiaries are specifically identified in the trust document. It looks like no DV organization was willing to have their organization associated with CMJA in any way, shape or form. Wish the aunt would have publicly named the charities for transparency.

ALV is the only DV professional/organization that I know of who has publically advocated for CMJA.

I don't know how much of her allocution can be used against her in a retrial, but there seem to be many claims that she made in a plea for her life that she has not pursued.
Hah! What a joke- "If there are funds remaining", and she dares to give it to a no-kill animal sanctuary- what about Doggy Boy???
Oh, and one more thing (and then I promise I will stop lol).

MK has been blaming Juan for the circus like atmosphere of this trial from day one. How absurd and absolutely ridiculous. How could Juan possibly be to blame? It was not his idea to have cameras in the room. The media asked and the judge allowed it because of sunshine laws. He blames his feisty, attack mode style for creating the circus and for "inciting" people to threaten witnesses and get involved. Everything that happened is Juan's fault. He fails to mention that the defendant herself has given numerous interviews before, DURING (who does that?) and after her trial. She tweets and has generally made every effort to keep herself in the spotlight and has done her own bit of "inciting" as well (tweeting disparaging things about the prosecutor and, in particular, Nancy Grace, which inspired one of her crazy fans to target her). It's like the Kardashians keeping themselves in the spotlight then complaining about not getting any privacy. She wants it. She relishes it. And now she is trying to use this is as a reason she didn't get a fair trial and it's all Juan's fault. And the case didn't really go big until Jodi took the stand and that is because it's such a rare thing for a defendant to do (no doubt she wanted it. NO doubt. Now it's Nurmi's fault she took the stand did so poorly. Oh yeah, and the abusive prosecutor's fault for being mean to her...). So public interest increased because she took the stand and then wouldn't shut her mouth. I will say this: keeping her up there for 18 days was definitely a tactical error that could have and should have been avoided.

So it would seem to me the reason this has become such a "circus" is because of Jodi, first and foremost, and because of people like MK and her family creating drama everywhere in an attempt to get a cold blooded killer off. This is not the first time and it won't be the last that a trial has been publicly held. So what makes this one different? Jodi. And what is it about this girl? First off, I think I can honestly say I have never seen such astronomical levels of narcissism. Never. In any killer I have ever seen. Hers is just off the charts that it clouds every decision she has ever made. And she is so narcissistic and sociopathic she cannot even realize what a mistake she has made. When she does realize, well, clearly it was someone else's fault. Never hers. But what also makes her unique is how dedicated and devoted the people around her are and how eager they are to play games to help her and no matter how slimy and calculating the games they have to play they will do it. Aunt Sue and MK in particular. MK has orchestrated a grand farce from Womack to Brewer to ALV all in an attempt to ruin Juan Martinez and help Jodoi. My God. He complains about the trial then jumps right in feet first and yells louder than any of them and continues to stir things up. Just when things die down he stirs them up again. He gets ALV out there. What a joke. But what a dangerous man he is. How could one journalist single-handedly spin this web like this? It's amazing and sad the ire Martinez has drawn for simply trying to do his job. That's it. That's what Jodi and her family and MK and ALV fail to see. It's not personal to him. He's not trying to get Jodi out of spite. He's not being shady. He is just doing his job and doing it to the best of his abilities. His job was to prosecute her. He's done that. The only person who has gone above and beyond his job is Michael Kiefer. How many times has he posted inaccurate information and flat out lies all in an attempt to hurt Juan? How many times has he used questionable tactics to help Jodi and the DT and hurt the state? His neutrality left a long time ago. He is no longer doing his job he's a defense shill and a dark orchestrator.

Beautifully put, meebee! A dangerous man indeed. MK ignores the fact JA is a brutal convicted murderer in his hatred of and personal vendetta against Juan Martinez. His perspective is lost; he is completely without balance and journalistic scruples. To align himself with the killer in order to destroy the object of his loathing is unconscionable, unethical and frightening.
The webpages for her appeal fund keep getting tweaked for more refinement/clarification.

I had been curious about how the trust would be handling contingent beneficiaries:

Irrevocable Gift Trust: Donations are nonrefundable and are made to the JAA APPELLATE FUND. This money will be used strictly for the limited purpose of paying for the legal costs associated with Jodi Arias’s appeals. If for any reason whatsoever appeals are not pursued or if after appeals are completed there are funds remaining, the entire balance will be equally distributed between two nonprofit organizations. One assists disabled children and the other is a no-kill animal sanctuary.

Usually, primary and contingent beneficiaries are specifically identified in the trust document. It looks like no DV organization was willing to have their organization associated with CMJA in any way, shape or form. Wish the aunt would have publicly named the charities for transparency.

ALV is the only DV professional/organization that I know of who has publically advocated for CMJA.

I don't know how much of her allocution can be used against her in a retrial, but there seem to be many claims that she made in a plea for her life that she has not pursued.

BBM What. No domestic abuse charities. Tsk. Tsk. and Pfttttttt
Maybe they finally believe that there was no abuse in the 2 minute "relationship" :scared: of missy :jail: and Travis???? Fat chance, huh. :floorlaugh:
Hey Josie! :seeya: Hope you are well.

I'm here quite often although I don't post as often as I used to during trial which was what? Every minute? :) And I don't normally hang out at the sidebar thread.

I believe there is a hearing tomorrow. Let's hope something good comes out of it. :please:

I dont post much in here either,Ive been having earlyish nights compared to when trial was on,so I always miss the party

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
I dont post much in here either,Ive been having earlyish nights compared to when trial was on,so I always miss the party

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

O/T This is the last day for that "face". :scared: Yes? :floorlaugh:
Trial Diva Jen now tweeting from court house:

Trial Diva Jen ™ ‏@TrialDivasJ 5m

Nurmi just arrived and people...he lost quite a bit of weight!!! #jodiarias
Trial Diva Jen ™ ‏@TrialDivasJ 1m

Juan has arrived....need I say more #jodiarias
McBee- I hear you about Kiefer. My guess is that JM isn't the slightest bit worried about the likes of such a moral midget. Juan plays in the big leagues. He plays hard ball. He is passionate about truth and getting justice for the silenced murdered and for their loved ones. He's on the side of the angels. I have no doubt that he sleeps soundly after his trials. Given all Kiefer's gnashing of teeth, I doubt the same can be said of him. It takes a lot of energy to hate like Kiefer does, and to do the mental gymnastics he must do to see a convicted butcher as a victim. Like the butcher, he is only capable of harming himself at this point . Let him spew venom and tie his reputation to the fate of the butcher.

That reporter's last name is frighteningly close to my own.

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