Recent content by cuppy199

  1. cuppy199

    Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #15

    Oh don't give them any idea's :banghead:
  2. cuppy199

    Prosecution of Casey Anthony movie discussion thread

    I just couldn't bring myself to watching it so thank you so much for sharing your comments with us.
  3. cuppy199

    ***SPOILER ALERT*** Imperfect Justice by Jeff Ashton - CONTENT DISCUSSION

    I got my from amazon and it came today. Mine was shipped yesterday I believe. It might have something to do with where you live who knows. But if they dont shipped it by today I would be getting in touch with them asking them why. Off to read some more so far I love how JA is showing his...
  4. cuppy199

    Sidebar Discussion #2

    I guess Im going back to lurking once again. I have not posted in a few months and then when I do its considered debating which was not my intent. Carry on my fine WS family :seeya:
  5. cuppy199

    Sidebar Discussion #2

    IMO no case out ways any other case. I have visit both forums over the years but I have to say that even though the JonBenet is a 15 year old case and still active the Caylee forum has brung alot of people on this forum and has made WS even bigger.I know I would of never found WS if it wasn't...
  6. cuppy199

    TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

    I just had to add that even if there was DNA the defense could of explained it a way by KC being her mother. The cases with strong DNA, eyewitness and fingerprints hence smoking guns dont usually happen in a trial because the defenant usually takes a deal and it never makes it to court.
  7. cuppy199

    Sidebar Discussion

    Yes alot of the public are saying the jury dropped the ball so to speak but this jury had no glue that public would react this way about the verdict. Hence one of the juror implying that their wasnt enough evidence and that the public doesnt know because they weren't there. But the public was...
  8. cuppy199

    TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

    This is the first time sinse the not guilty verdict I broke down in tears. Bless that sweet baby girl our Caylee and Im so sorry justice was so blind for you hunny.Its ok let some make excuses for KC because I have enough faith by myself that someone much stronger from above will be doing the...
  9. cuppy199

    Sidebar Discussion

    I have no idea if that is CA or not but I would bet not. As for the picture that was published in a news paper article in one of Ohio papers. I believe the paper got it from someone who use to goto nursing school with CA.
  10. cuppy199

    George has KC's car destroyed #2

    Even though I agree with alot of what you said I personally have to say Im greatful to the A's for distroying the car. I dont think Caylee would want anyone to have that car. Caylee would want to be remembered for the angel she is not by where she possibly died. I dont agree with the A's most of...
  11. cuppy199

    George has KC's car destroyed #2

    Im happy GA and CA destroyed the car. I even suggested it in the thread about them getting offers on the car. Thank you GA and CA!
  12. cuppy199

    Casey To Serve One Year Probation

    Everything is an emergency accord to this DT and their defendant. Im not to worried though I have a feeling it will be denied.
  13. cuppy199

    Casey To Serve One Year Probation

    Unfortunely IMO Caylee didnt get any justice here on earth. I keep seeing how making her serve her punishment that was given to her by a court of law is putting innocent people in jeopary. What about all the innocent people who are in jeopardy everyday that a murder walks free. And IMO KC isnt...
  14. cuppy199

    Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said

    First its off topic so this is the last time I will comment on this in this thread. KA had alot of fantasy people she made up and IMO took liitle pieces of info from others to make up her own thats how sociopath do it. I do see where this is going and your entitled to your opinion but I for one...
  15. cuppy199

    Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said

    I dont have connect anything the reason Cindy said that was because KA told her that it was Zanny appartment which in fact it was not and even stated so on one of the jail visit. So maybe Im understanding this wrong are you applying that Ricardo has something to do with it? And as far as...

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