Recent content by DeepRedVelvet

  1. D

    New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

    Perhaps drugs are some how related. Maybe this killer isn't really "into" killing for the sheer joy, plotting or salivating at his next kill. Maybe the motive itself is the common denominator, drugs. Even if the girls weren't on them, their boyfriends sold or hung out at dealers homes, etc...
  2. D

    New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

    How he got these women into his vehicle without ANY one noticing a young woman getting into a stopped vehicle. With the last victim, we know she was walking home. Was it dark? I thought it was around 630. He'd have to have pulled up next to her or been parked somewhere already and stopped her...
  3. D

    New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

    Sorry to keep posting. I could have sworn it was around the time of Derrick's arrest, maybe 6 months after...The woman I am thinking of was a runaway or drug user and was found in a canal just north of Jennings. Robert's Cove? Or maybe she was from there. Was that Loretta or is this someone...
  4. D

    New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

    Hey. The Lafayette woman I spoke of was the one found recently. Acadiana Park perhaps? SHe was found by the runner and had a splotchy past and a hothead husband/ex? Regardless, I know Jennings came over there and had a series of meetings about the investigation. No one has formally announced it...
  5. D

    New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

    Don't forget Teresa GIlcrease, Alexandria?? She was found outside, naked..and stabbed. ? She was during the Derrick Todd Lee fiasco. She was actually seen leaving a bar with a guy. Anyone know if that was solved? They tried to pin it on a cop. ? But, charges were dropped.
  6. D

    New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

    Hello all. I am from Youngsville, so maybe someone can help. I vaguely remember a short while after Derrick Todd Lee was captured, that the first Jennings victim was reported found. I thought I remembered she was tied up? I know, partially nude maybe? I wish I had kept that article, because it...
  7. D

    New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

    Very interesting thought process. I was actually thinking along similar lines...only who might have been "in" the area during the times of the murder and who perhaps suddenly is spending more time closer to Jennings. It could go either way. A local who has to travel or someone who hunts or...
  8. D

    New developments in unsolved Jennings murders

    Just curious...since the local media seems to be so hush hush, does anyone know what kind of evidence has been found with these poor womens bodies? dna, items, etc. I read on another crime blog that a cell phone was found, but it didn't belong to the victim and that a couple of hunters spotted...

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