Recent content by DidionFan

  1. DidionFan

    Travis Alexander's Journals and text messages

    Thank you for compiling and posting all if this!! Has anyone else ever wondered if Jodi went to Travis' house with a stupidly weak intent of either acting like she was going to kill herself with the gun, or maybe even truly was going to kill herself with the gun (I know, a stretch, we all know...
  2. DidionFan

    GUILTY SC - Myranda Southern, 31, Simpsonville, 19 Aug 2013

    This is very sad news. I googled his first and last name, and I found what seems to be the suspect on LinkedIn - “owner” of an IT related business. Interesting sidebar of “people who searched for DR also searched for"... one of those people have the last name Ocasio...Likey...
  3. DidionFan

    SIDEBAR #5- Arias/Alexander forum

    Hello WSers and hope alls' evening is well. Can anyone tell me the name of the well-known attorney that Wilmott quoted in her closing, "with imagination and understanding and faith we can look inside our own hearts and find that all life is worth saving and that mercy is the highest...
  4. DidionFan


    I can’t seem to watch the Fox interviews at this hour. I was able to get the entire 1 and 2 parts, not long after airing, but came back later tonight, and they only play up to a certain part (the news anchors and the reporters recap), thn I get bounced back to part 5 :( No 3,4,6, or7 for...
  5. DidionFan

    Verdict Watch 05/06/2013 - part 2

    she just tweeted. again. re nancy grace.
  6. DidionFan

    trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

    Yeah, totally agree Re: DT vs friends trying to stir the pot with a media story, I edited my post right after posting. I definitely meant JA and her friends. Too much reading to catch up, too fast to fully reread/think how I phrased my post :blushing:
  7. DidionFan

    trial day 52: REBUTTAL; #160

    This new info from National Enquirer makes me wonder if Jodi's still trying to stir the pot and see if jurors are watching news/reading the internet...I couldn’t peek at my iphone much at work, mainly listened, but briefly I did see another stare-down by JA in the jury’s direction...
  8. DidionFan

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

    As I sign off, I can’t help but share that I think of this when I’ve been watching Jodi the last few days (no offense to Simon, who is AWESOME): I’m hoping this isn’t violation of WS. If it is, hopefully just a delete post/warning.
  9. DidionFan

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

    Ack. I am up late, 3rd time posting in 2 days, while trying to ween off obsessing over this case. As I’ve mentioned, I've only got this involved on WS with Kyron Horman’s case, and I was active there. I can’t stop watching this case, and am waiting for it to be over in due...
  10. DidionFan

    trial day 49: REBUTTAL; #150

    62 on Schitzoid, too, correct? I keep seeing that pop up when they show these scores! Even if it’s Mr. Dr. Sam’s test which, if I was a juror, I would find shifty at this point, any of these higher scores together are indicators to what we are finding from a more objective evaluation now....
  11. DidionFan

    trial day 47: the defense continues its case in chief #144

    Hi, haven't posted much since Kyron's case a few years back. But....I've been listening to the trial at work and reading everyone's posts for 2 (long) months. I can't help it, try to quit but can't! :Blushing: And I adore everyone's observations and hilarity during this looooooooong process...
  12. DidionFan

    GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #2

    In checking out that FB reference (strawberry margarita picture), it looks like there will be many victims in this if he’s the one on the cover photo....Lots of connectionsand family. This is awful. I think I have to call it a night. My well wishes to you all here, this is horrible news. Please...
  13. DidionFan

    GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #2

    Devastating, Tragic, Senseless. My heart cries for her family, her husband, and for her lost future. I wonder what information will come out about this guy? He appears "clean cut” - it’s scary thinking about who we say hi to or who we are nice to that have hidden demons inside. Hug...
  14. DidionFan

    GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #2

    While we’re waiting, does anyone have the link to the FB page of the person on the Find Whitney Heichel page that said she and her boyfriend saw a girl curled up on a tree? If so, can you please PM me? I have tried to search and either it no longer exists, or is no longer searchable. I...
  15. DidionFan

    GUILTY OR - Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, 16 Oct 2012 #2

    Hi WBers :) I haven’t posted since the early months of the Kyron Horman case, but come on here often. This case is very scary since it is so close to home (Portland), I walk to and from work every day, and Whitney was possibly right outside her door when this happened. Whether this is a...

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