Recent content by GeekyGirl

  1. GeekyGirl

    Why did the jury reach this verdict?

    Listening to one of the alternate jurors on the radio... No motive, no COD and all the lying= not guilty
  2. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    I'm confused, I said I thought it met the standard for premeditated... No need to debate me on something I agree with. It takes time to suffocate a child.
  3. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    I don't think it was intentional but there's a huge discussion in the computer forensics thread that talks about the bug in the parsing code for cacheback... It's not as implausible as you might think.
  4. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    You should read the "Psychopath Test" by Jon Ronson.... Great book. Hare is definitely fascinating.
  5. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    They can, but I don't think Casey would think that far ahead. As I said, I hate it, but I don't really believe Caylee was sedated in any way when she died. MOO
  6. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    Understood. I think there's something to the 84 search discrepancy but I respect your opinion. I hate to say it but I just don't believe she cared enough to knock Caylee out. I don't think it was premeditated for very long. Long enough to count for conviction, but just barely. I think Casey was...
  7. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    freaking A I'm going to be useless tomorrow. Not to be gruesome, but in my experience, yes you could if you gave them an OD. (Not that I would ever do that, but I've treated kids with diphenahydramine OD's)
  8. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    Okay, one more... Why go to the trouble of making chloroform when you can knock a kid out with OTC meds? Just food for thought. I like that you make me think. :)
  9. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    There's another really long post in this thread I wrote about the air sampling and my feelings on it. I'd go through it again, but I have to be up for work in about 4 hours, so I really, really need to get off here and go to bed. Thanks to everyone for the intelligent discussion, I really...
  10. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    I did see that. Again, another reason why the chloroform just makes no sense to me at all. It's excessive and elaborate, and while Casey was elaborate in her lies, she seemed to pretty much take the easy road in every other way. MOO
  11. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    I'm not sure I really understand the logic behind that, but then Casey doesn't really make much sense in the first place. I pretty much still think the chloroform is a red herring, but they've got enough for premeditated with the duct tape and they made a solid case for that in closing.
  12. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    Just to be clear, I'm not advocating in any way shape or form that Casey not be held accountable. She knows right from wrong, and chose herself over the life of her child. There is no excuse for that. I find the reasons for her actions, or lack there of, interesting from an intellectual...
  13. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    ITA with you. As I've stated, I think she's got a personality disorder, but I don't find that to be any excuse for her actions. IMO she knows right from wrong, she just doesn't care. I'm only interested in it from the angle of trying to piece together her actions based on her past behavior...
  14. GeekyGirl

    We the jury find the defendant Casey Anthony...

    That was what I meant :) I should have been more clear. I believe it was unintentional too.
  15. GeekyGirl

    Has the defense created reasonable doubt?

    I think you're right... I can't imagine what it must have been like in that room today. 33 days of absorbing all that information and not being able to discuss it? I'd go nuts.

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